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Posts posted by PurplesFan

  1. Final score is about what most people thought. I’m happy for the Purples. 



    As a Purples fan, let me give credit where credits is due. Lofton Howard, Mr Everything for Gators is real deal. Best player on the field tonight. 

    Big Kid


    Forced fumble

    TD pass 

    Got several first downs out of wildcat

    Hurt (legally) a couple of Purples with hard hits. 

    He’s a player. WKU will be glad he’s a Topper. Huge kid!


    Purples need to just run ball next week at Christian County, get up 3 scores and start subbing as quickly as possible. 

    Purples (because of Howard) played extremely sloppy tonight. An ugly win is still a win. Go Purples!

    • Like 1
  2. It’s unfortunate on everyone’s part, mainly the NCAA for allowing this to happen. 

    Not even getting into the NIL discussions (which I also oppose), but who could possibly support the notion to allow a college institution to pluck a kid OUT OF HIGH SCHOOL DURING THE FOOTBALL SEASON?? You can certainly disagree with me but I’ll never understand it. 

    High School passes by soon enough as it is. Take a kid that has been the Alpha since pee wee football, watching him be the leader on the field with his peers all the way up to his senior year and during the beginning of the season IMMEDIATELY remove him from the team is wrong on every level to me. 

    These same coaches in these college institutions if given the chance to speak to pee wee kids would all say the same thing: be a good kid, be a good teammate, enjoy being a kid and prepare yourself to be a great contributor on your high school team. 

    Just as you can’t blame Gavin - because these institutions has been given the green light to do this, you really can’t blame them either. To me, it’s simply a fail on NCAA of allowing this. It’s all about the $$!

    Imagine the teammates left behind when the Alpha disappears, imagine the coaching staff that has their very best player disappear in week 4. To me, it’s a shame. When a stud athlete leaves a high school team during his senior season, it probably isn't going to end well for that team in that season. Ridiculous  

  3. I was at “the swamp” in the downpour rain game in 96. Anyone that knows me knows how big of a Purples fan I am. 

    To this day, I’ve never witnessed a more “miracle” win than what the Purples pulled off during that frog strangler night. 

    Thinking the gold helmets would smell defeat that night, I made my way to the car. When the Purples miraculously came out on top I knew then that it would be many moons before the Gators would win against them. 

    I am a realist, one day the Gators will get a win but I’m not sure it will be Friday night.

    Purples 43

    Gators 13 

    • Like 1
  4. Performance of the night (I would think one of top performances in the state, last night!):

    Huddleston, RB for Purples, rushed for 142 yards, received for 119 yards and had 3 TDs for the Purples. 

    Unless I missed an injury last night, Purples should have Kibawa back in 2 weeks vs Gators and that should put them at full strength in the final stretch of regular season.  Can’t ask for more than that. 

    Great game/atmosphere last night.

    Someone convince me that there is a better, more pure sport than High School football? 

    • Like 4
  5. Fantastic write up and this game is building up (quickly) to be a great rival that all of the bluegrass will enjoy keeping up with.  No love loss between the two schools; which is what makes high school rivalries so entertaining. 

    so many different angles of emphasis can be placed on the game. To me, BGHS must have more rushing yards than South. Easier said than done. Of course, turnovers and kicking game is always huge. 

    With the new playoff alignment, I propose this is the most important head to head regular season game.

    The electric atmosphere will be instantly obvious as soon as you get out of your car.

    Hoping players that are banged up (both schools) can get the green light for Friday night; especially the seniors. 

    gonna be a good en! 


    • Like 1
  6. I believe final was actually 41-14. 

    Purples are making good progress thus far in the first three weeks of play. 

    As advertised, Deuce Bailey, sophomore QB, continues to gain confidence. It does not hurt that so far his offensive line is playing lights out. 

    The Purples have a three headed monster at running back. All three kids (YOUNG KIDS) are really good. 

    We have 4 studs on defense that has really played well. Both linebackers and both DBs are going to be most important players on field for Purples all year. We have 4 or 5 games in regular season that we need them to play lights out. So far, so good. 

    The best kept secret on team is our wideouts. CJ Sweeney (sophomore) and Travey Barber (Frosh). These kids are special- any high school team in these neck of the woods would LOVE to have them. They are going to be a problem for a lot of teams. WR Barlow is most consistent player on team. 

    BG is not anywhere near where we were a few years ago but then again, we’ve never been this young. 

    Future looks bright in Purpleland! 

  7. IMO, Turner solidifies himself for Mr. Basketball tonight as he goes for 30. 

    Only bragging rights for this Friday night game vs Dragons. 

    Real game comes if all the stars align for Purples vs Dragons in regional final. 

    If somehow Purples get to Rupp (very difficult game vs Dragons) Buttry will get the trophy.

    Gonna be a good one! 


  8. 23 hours ago, DragonFire said:

    With Warren East shifting to the 15th District next year, this may well have been the final district matchup ever between these two (or at least for the foreseeable future).  A three-way tie for the top seed and Bowling Green winning the coin toss is likely the only path to another possible meeting.  And I will be very interested to see if Warren East continues the series moving forward.  This was the 56th consecutive win by Bowling Green over Warren East, which is just gets more mind-numbing each time it gets extended.  The Purples have won more in a row over the Raiders than the Raiders have ever beaten Bowling Green period.  And what is crazier, is that East led the series 41-35 when the streak began.

    Purples have one more district game remaining, a road trip to South Warren next Friday.  If they clear that, they'll await the results of the second Greenwood/Warren Central game to find out if they still have a chance at the 1 seed, or if they'll be playing Warren Central on the road in the district semifinals.

    What (if anything) needs to happen for Purples to get #1 seed, solo?

    Coin toss if tie?

  9. 16 minutes ago, CoachHB said:

    Did BG struggle with them? Only 16 to 0 at the half is a surprise to me? 
    also a question as you have seen both Christian & Hoptown play BG if they were currently combined how do you think they would do vs the Purples? 

    This season: It would probably be a 4th quarter game; maybe

    Next 3 seasons: Purples roll, IMO

    BG will probably exit week 2 of playoff this season but next few years BG will win a lot of games. 

    Most skilled position players have 2 and 3 more seasons of playing together. 

    Purples may have another  run of some championship quality teams in near future! 

    • Like 1
  10. First season in a LONG time that the statement, “Purples reload rather than rebuild” is NOT true.

    Typically, reloading has come easy for the Purples but not this season. 

    A couple of reasons for the rough year:

    1. The offensive line has struggled more this season than any other in recent memory. I know some injuries have occurred and has forced them to scramble up the line but they have REALLY STRUGGLED. 

    2. The offense has no identity. Because of the O-line struggle, the offensive play calling really doesn’t matter. RBs getting tackled AS SOON as they touch the ball, QB rarely has time to sit in pocket to throw the ball.

    3. We are down this season on solid Wide Receivers. We have a QB that arguably has the strongest arm in recent history. The ball Deuce throws is beautiful. He has some zip to it and our guys have had quite a few drops so far this season. 

    Although no unit in high-school football is perfect, there’s no real qualms or glaring weakness on defensive side of the ball.

    Purples Special Teams usually grades out as an “A” due to technique and team speed. Realistically they are at a “C” level this season. Hard to admit but true. 

    Ultimately, it comes down to this as Purples fans: We are spoiled! 6 out of 10 years state championship is a run that any team would take! Although this is a rebuild team rather than a reload team, it’s hard for us to accept.

    With that said - the future is very bright! I see dominance coming down the track soon! Just not this year.

    Hang in there Purple Nation. Our days are coming again, just not in the next 3 months!

    PS: Deuce Bailey is going to be a National Recruit!  


    • Like 2
  11. Should be one of the better games this weekend. Purples seem to be playing with a bit more "swag." Although it is asking a lot from a Freshman to go into a place like Boyle County (and facing a 5 year Senior QB) I think Deuce with the correct play calling from the sideline and him using his legs when needed, could perhaps get the job done. I expect it to be a 4th quarter game for sure.

    Games like this is what makes high school football so fun. Safe travels to everyone and good sportsmanship to both teams. Should be a dandy.

    Purples make some head turns across the Bluegrass ….

    Purples 24

    Boyle 17

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  12. Purples not only won on the scoreboard but for the first time this year I feel that the team won on the sidelines and in the locker room as well. Tough decisions on switching up line up were made and thankful that it seems in best interest of the team. Not taking anything away from anybody! 

    Not that it matters but the last touchdown from Kibawa should have actually been recorded as a touchdown pass from Bailey. Correct me if I’m wrong but a jet sweep that the quarterback tosses to the receiver (not direct handoff) should be just as if it were a shuttle pass. 

    Regardless, great win. Next week will be fun! 

    Go Purples! 

  13. It’s not the athletes fault. A lot of families wouldn’t turn down the money. 

    The rule that was passed allowing Universities to do this is the problem. 

    Think about how many 5 and 4 stars across America high schools will only play until they are called up to make $$. What benefits the college campus, crushes high school campuses. Add to that the voices that will speak into these athletes lives trying to get a piece of the pie. What used to happen (illegally) on college campuses, luring athletes has now been made legal to 17 and 18 year old high school athletes. Ridiculous.


    Slice it how you wish but terrible for high school football TEAMS. 

    • Like 2
  14. Hats off to Highlands. 

    Consider this and you will understand my earlier comments concerning how uncertain the Purples offense is (so hard for me to say because BG usually dominates on offense).

    The Final score was 21-18

    Take a way pic 6 and it’s 14-18 Purples

    Even give back the safety points and it’s 14-16 in favor of Purples

    My point….

    BG defense allows Highlands only 14 points and Purples still gets beat. That doesn’t happen in 19 out of 20 seasons. 

    This year for Purples is one of those seasons - If decisions aren’t made on offense to move some personnel around, losing regular season for Purples. 

    Top 5 defense in Purples history and could possibly have losing season - mind boggling. 

    Again, congrats to Highlands. Not taking anything at all away from you - you all deserved the win. 

    I have more to say about my thoughts but I’ll bite my tongue! 


    • Like 3
  15. 9 minutes ago, Purple88 said:

    On to football!  With gameday now just 2 days away, I thought we could steer to some of the Keys of the game for both teams:


    Highlands -

    1. My man @Bird Bath reported one of the strengths of this Highlands club was their offensive line.  That position group with be going up against likely the best position group for BG (their defensive line).  Who wins this battle will likely have a leg up in this game.  For Highlands to win, their offensive line must shine!

    2.  Highlands offensive skill guys - QB Noon; WR  Welch, TE Group; RB Group will have opportunities to make plays in this game.  When that opportunity presents itself, Highlands must make those plays.

    3.  Highlands defense needs to put and keep pressure on the BG offense.  BG's offense is inexperienced.  Highland should blitz, fake blitz, and generally make the BG QB uncomfortable all night.  Look to be aggressive and create turnover opportunities.  


    Bowling Green - 

    1.  The BG defense returns the core of a strong unit that looks to continue being one of the better defenses in the state.  They played well in last Friday's scrimmage with a very good Male offensive unit.  Should BG win the toss, look for them to go on defense first and try to go 3 and out to set the tone for this game!

    2.  Yes, the BG offense is inexperienced as mentioned above, but QB Spencer Newman has played in this Rafferty's Bowl game before back in 2019.  However, it seems fitting to get his feet wet with some easy bubble screen passes, hand offs, etc. to get him in the game before trying more challenging plays.  But after this inoculation period, be creative in your play calling.

    3.  Win the kicking game.  Last week BG surrendered an over the punters head snap that resulted in a Male TD.  Let that be the last poor special teams play of the season.


    X Factor- Turnovers - This is a softball I know, but is really true for an emotional, momentum ebbing and flowing game.

    Predication - While I think Highlands is coming to win this game, I just think BG is in a better position with more known position groups to ultimately get the job done for the Purples:

    BG 24

    Highlands 10

    Perfect write up, 88!  Will be a lot of fun (and very interesting) to see how everything unfolds.  I think there is a Purple or two that the fans yet know about. After Saturday night, these names of players will soon be a lot of topic of conversation! 

    Let the games begin...


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  16. Could be the #1 game in all of the state this weekend.


    All the above mentioned posts about keys to the game is spot on.  Personally, I think Owensboro's biggest question is....

    Can the Red Devils get the St X offense off the field?  I think there are only 2 or 3 teams in the state this year that will achieve this.  Add to the fact that X has their defense in a high gear this season.

    My prediction...

    St X 27

    Owensboro 13

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