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Posts posted by PurplesFan

  1. I have a little different take on it than most....

    * Fewer players travel together = less chance of Covid outbreak

    * New Coach; First game. "Bowl Game" feel. Comradery is a big thing in all sports but especially High School football.  Smaller group overnight = more time to mix and mingle with coaching staff and players.

    * I think Highlands not only lost more games on the field than they are accustomed to recently, but also lost some cohesiveness between each other recently as well! 

    * I think its a good move. Its not like they are going to do this every week.  Things are only a big deal if you make them a big deal. This first game for their Coach (players & fans included) is a big deal.


    Just my two cents... 

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  2. The name of the game this year for the Purples is about the exact opposite of what normally is the teams desire.

    Typically, the Purples want their offense on the field. 9 out of 10 seasons the offense will average more than 40 points per game; along with a defense that will dominate field control, giving the offense a short field each possession. 

    This season, the defense is likely to do as in years past (they are really good!) but the potential problem is that if our offense can’t consistently move the ball down the field and has several 3 and outs, the D will get gassed fairly quick. The Purples schedule this year will not allow our defense to take many plays off. 

    The key this year for Purples will be long, sustained drives on offense that produce points and move the clock. First Downs will almost be as important as touchdowns. Control the clock, don’t turn it over, keep our defense fresh. If Purple offense can score 21-28 points a game, with long drives - our defense can seal the deal for a “W”

    Believe me, as a 35 year Purples fan, it’s very rare to admit that the offense has a great chance to sputter this season. Very rare!  

    However, the sky is not falling. Many schools would love to have the athletes that the Purples have. Typically (unless you’re the Vito Tisdale’s of HS football players), the young Purples have to stand in line behind the upper classmen.  Purples coaching staff may need to let the young guns on offense get some substantial PT. 

    Going to be a fun, interesting season for the Purples. Their pre-season ranking is right on the money and may be good locker room material for them!

    • Like 3
  3. Great write up by both men supporting the Purples and the Birds. 

    This upcoming season is going to be another long, crazy path to navigate through. 

    As far as this game, it is important for both squads. Nothing better than high school football. 

    Lots of questions to be answered for Purples offense. It is first time in many seasons that Purples are a bit unsure of their #1 running back. Along with an unproven QB; Will be interesting. 

    Can’t wait! I’ll drink the Purple kool-aide out of the gate and take the Purples 27-6 

    • Like 1
  4. Bowling Green Purples

    Although a huge coaching transition occurred a few years ago that perhaps many fans were not excited about, Coach Mark Spader has stepped up to the plate and delivered. He was able to keep most of the other coaches on the sideline with him which allowed for a good transition and a continued state of comradery with the players. I would think that most on this board would agree that Bowling Green, a public school, has a tremendous amount of pressure to keep a great product on the field. Coach Spader and his staff have not only done this but has built lots of respect with the student-athletes, which is of utmost importance for true success of the athletes on and off the field! 

    Probably the secret sauce for the Purples throughout the years has been their Quarterback Club. Lots of time, energy and $$ has been given to allow the Purples the resources they need to keep the train rolling. Not every school has this resource and the majority of the true Purples fans knows that the QB club hits homeruns for the Purples football program every year. It began with the Beard family and super fan, Monie Beard (R.I.P.) His legendary personality was unmatched and his love for the program was contagious. The Beard family is responsible for much of the success for the Purples football program.

    Anyone remember "PurpleHaze"? Michael, "Bulldog" Drake (R.I.P.) walked as tall as about anyone I knew. The wheelchair he resided in did not define him. If the Purples Football Squad had to point to a passionate friend of the program, it was PurpleHaze.

    Lastly, my great friend Purples88 has been perhaps the best resource for Bluegrass Preps for the region he covers during football season; his love for the Purples ranks way up there! The amount of time he puts in to keep all of us knuckleheads in the loop, is quite remarkable.

    All of the Purples football family is looking forward in enjoying the new stadium this upcoming season. Not sure if we can pull off another state championship this season but it will sure be worth the try.

    BG Purples fanbase is hard to beat for a 5A public school.


    Looking forward to more memories - Let the games begin! 


    • Like 3
  5. Without talking about your favorite teams success ON the field, boast about your Team OFF the field. 

    Talk about who coaches your team:

    Good Coach? Good motivator? Staff?  Father Figure to the kids? Behind the scene hero’s?


    Talk about your fans:

    Passionate? Traditions? Super Fans? QB clubs?


    Lets discuss the sidelines and the stands of your team! I want to hear great, positive opinions on each of your favorite squads, without talking about their success on the field!

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    • Thanks 1
  6. Certainly many other school systems, like Bowling Green City Schools does a great job of supporting their high schools but for you that may not know, Bowling Green City Schools is very blessed to have Gary Fields as their superintendent. He is not just the superintendent but he is a fan of the Purples.  Former coach, teacher, principal and now superintendent. I know he supports all the student athletes in each sport but he is a football guy. I contribute some of the recent success of the football Purples to the comradery from the "Top Down."  This starts with Gary Fields.

    The Purples has been on an incredible run the past 10 years.   

    • Like 1
  7. Outside of the obvious Louisville rivalries, BG/South has quickly turned into a a top 5 rivalry throughout entire state, IMO. Really fun to watch. Air is thick with tension! 

    Even as a Purples fan, it is fairly obvious that South shot themselves in the foot last November with all the turnovers.

    South will (should) have one of their better teams come August. A few studs in skilled positions will allow them opportunity to win majority of their games. 

    What makes this upcoming season games special between South and BG will be the quality of play and players on Purples defense. This upcoming season the Purples could arguably have the best defensive lines they’ve had (big words). Purples corners are experienced, still young but will hold their own vs majority of teams they face. Extremely athletic corners for Purples! 

    Anyone that follows Purples know that they always have running backs that produce! Regardless of which RB graduates - next man up. Purples biggest surprise this year will be RB’s by committee that will keep defenses winded.

    In my opinion, this upcoming season games between these two programs will be the most competitive chess matches they have had. 

    May not be a popular statement with South fans that read this but after this upcoming season the Purples are primed to separate themselves with all local competition. Last years JV, freshman and both middle school teams the Purples looked pretty dominant vs local squads, including South


    If South wants to make a run for State, this upcoming season is probably their best chance. 

    Rivalries, such as this one is what makes High School football so special.

  8. Again, it won’t be many athletes that do this but there will be some! We may be surprised that a few of these athletes that take advantage of this will be kids that were huge contributors to their team last season. 

    According to the official document, it shouldn’t be too much longer until general public/fans learn if any kids will be 5th year seniors. 

    I’m sure if any kids decide to stay (if their school board approves) that we will start seeing threads in this forum mentioning the names of players/schools.

    The “off-season” thread of Bluegrass Preps may be a bit more active with posts this summer!



  9. Thanks for all the responses.

    Again, I do not think it is PROBABLE but it is POSSIBLE that some kids will stick around. Not many but a few.

    I am thinking about 1 athlete in particular. Stud on the baseball diamond. Was getting several decent looks from some strong mid-major schools. March of 2020 rolls around, school dismisses and this kid (along with hundreds of other) misses his junior season of baseball. He panics and signs with a JUCO. Granted he has this upcoming season to play but ….. If he plays lights out this year and has an extra season next year, if he so chooses, he would probably have many more opportunities from some high-octane schools.

    I know it is unlikely, but the decision that has been made by the state will be very interesting to watch unfold with a handful of athletes throughout the Bluegrass in the next 90 days.

    • Like 1
  10. Is it official in state of Kentucky for current seniors to have “the option” to repeat their senior school year this upcoming Fall?

    If so, is it correct that athletes can have extra year of playing eligibility in their sport as long as they do not turn 19 years old by a certain date?

    If all of this is true, do you feel that any current seniors would take advantage of this?

    My take -

    Although it is unlikely, some may choose to do this. With NCAA basically having same rule, recruiting has slowed down for this upcoming season for many athletes. 

    I would think some kids that would like to play at next level that hasn’t been heavily recruited would, at least, consider this possibility. 


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