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Everything posted by AM I EVIL?

  1. NCC starters 4 Hall 12 Pangallo 23 McDaniel 24 Jefferson 34 Luken
  2. I'm usually one to side with refs and the job they do. But the 2 for this frosh game here really struggled. Can't wait to see what they do for the JV game. Yes, the same refs for both games.
  3. Not in my opinion. Teams can't sleep on Deer Park. They are undefeated and can put up points. Two previous games they put up 115 back to back. Let's just say that the open enrollment of Cincinnati Public schools has benefited their coach in his 2nd year. Yes Luken was back. Despite 2 quick fouls, ended with 12 and about 10 rbs. Hall was leader again. I don't have team stats.
  4. Makes 2 of us. DP was long and fast. Not super ball handlers but forced NCC turnovers which produced run outs. Someone said DP has 21 layups in 1st half. Then NCC switched defense. Made DP shoot..... which they really couldnt.
  5. Newcath down nearly 20 early claw their way back to force overtime against a very athletic Deer Park team.
  6. As an Elder grad I know that most of one side of lower section is reserved for season ticket holders. Seats are numbered. Cheering section is half of the other side behind bench. Not much left but upper seats.
  7. Not a so called "Big Win", but a necessary win because of how district seedings work. Often these games get lopsided but that's the nature of the beast.
  8. He had 13 pts. 4 dunks. Against a team that barely had a guy playing that was over 6'.
  9. DeSales had plenty of size and some shooters. Not sure of names but #22 was by far their best player. Heard he was a transfer from Trinity. On taller side and a good shooter. Led them in pts. #3 is a good guard that shot the 3 well and had a soft touch on floaters. #33 is their 6'8" 300 lb big. He had around 8 pts and a few boards but seemed slow footed and ended with 4 fouls. They will win their fair share of games.
  10. With 8 seconds on the clock, down 72-71, NCC had to go the length of the floor. DeSales chose to double up on Brennan Hall and leave Braden Posey unguarded. The inbounds went to Posey and he proceeded to dribble hastily across half court with no defender in sight. His decision to penetrate the lane and finish close to the rim in traffic was a good one. Right handed layup off the glass trickled in with 2 seconds left.
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