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Everything posted by THE SHERIFF

  1. I would not be carrying my Semiautomatic rifle in public, I would be carrying 45cal. and/or 9mm high capacity handguns. In the event that an attack occurs and the shooter escapes the scene, as thought to be the case in San Bernardino, I would retrieve my semiautomatic rifle for protection. Following the Paris attacks many French citizens were locked in their homes with nothing to defend themselves but hope! As far as my ability to fight back in the event that I'm attacked, all I can do is make sure that my weapons are clean and functional and practice with them on a regular basis.
  2. Spent time in some dry counties when I was younger, might have visited that same guy in the holler! Lol
  3. If I ever start piling on you for voicing your opinion it would be wrong, I understand your point and I would say if it's too hard to get a gun legally, they'll get them illegally! And you are correct if a criminal decides to attack it is nearly impossible to stop them until they commit the crime!
  4. I'm guessing this means that the Democratic Party and Hillary would abolish all firearms and you would allow any boy between the ages of 8-12 to own a Red Ryder BB gun. Just kidding man, honestly I think there's still hope for you!
  5. In case I need to defend myself against people like Sayed Farook! In his address to the nation the POTUS said that the terror threat has moved to a new stage, I am ready to fight back if needed. If people choose to not fight back I understand, some people are not cut out to do that, but to deny me that ability is not what our country was built on.
  6. I am a new member to this site and am very surprised that a poster could accuse another member of owning a bomb! This is silly rhetoric, and the problem I have with his posts.
  7. Better ban those 3D machines before they start killing people.
  8. Critics of the lax gun laws had better improve their presentations or they will never be taken seriously.
  9. I apologize to the other visitors to this thread for using such childish language, you deserve better than that.
  10. In case I want to rat-a-tat-tat a bad guy who's trying to rat-a-tat-tat me!
  11. Groups of Radical Islamic terrorists have begun a holy war on nonbelievers throughout the world. They have verbalized their intentions and followed through on these warnings. If I hear of any groups of Christians behaving this way, then we'll discuss the teachings of the Bible, until then your post is meaningless.
  12. You bring up an interesting point, how bout we start enforcing the gun laws that are already in place?
  13. I couldn't agree with you more, and the responsible Americans that I know would not privately sell a firearm to an individual who they suspect of mental illness or a threat to society. So many times in these threads we always end up beating a dead horse. I have no hidden agenda, just trying to point out an inconsistency in our laws!
  14. Law abiding,hard working people will always be the ones who bear the load, I don't pretend to have all the answers, I do know that when it comes to background checks, the laws are inconsistent! Do you think that background checks should be eliminated for buyers in a gun store? If so then I understand your position.
  15. The gun show loophole that I am referring to is the fact that a seller not holding a Federal Firearms License can sell to an individual without any paperwork or background check on the buyer! This I believe should be changed as it is not consistent with retail laws.
  16. Seriously, if the president would present his case for closing the gun show loophole he would have it passed very quickly and I would support it 100%, I don't see any other proposals that would seriously affect mass killings!
  17. The legislation man, you know the common sense law! The meaningful gun safety law, the stop gun violence law! Any law, they just want to pass some law! It doesn't have to mean anything as long as they get credit for passing a gun law! Please let them pass a law so they'll stop!
  18. If your instincts are currently telling you to be suspicious of people that fit the Christian profile then go with your Instincts, I wouldn't blame you one bit!
  19. If Farooks own family couldn't differentiate a mainstream Muslim from an extremist how would you expect me to!
  20. The ATF Firearm Transaction Record or form 4473, which is used in background checks lists firearm types as Handgun(which would include pistols and revolvers) Long Guns (which would include rifles and shotguns). Personally I call mine Sweetie!
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