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Posts posted by Juke

  1. TMC couldn't guard Jake Walter or Fredrick! Ruthsatz is also a D-2 player who is more talented than the TMC D-3 players. I say CovCath would win 73-63!


    Plenty of D-3 players could do a decent job guarding Walter. He didn't dominate in high school. Frederick would be a more difficult task but there are some very good athletes in D3 that could do at least as good of a job as in high school. The point guard would be a wash. The rest of the team I would give a slight edge to TMC.

  2. :lol2: :lol2:


    CJ would score 50+ against those women. Jake and his limited skills would score 30+ and grab 15+ rebounds against those women without breaking much of a sweat. I’ve watched Jake use both hands in the paint against guys much taller, much stronger and more athletic than anything Geno’s team could throw at him. Anyone who thinks differently clearly has an agenda to take shots at Jake for some reason.


    No agenda just an opinion based on lunch conversations with a former women's and men's college coach and a current high school boys coach.

  3. I have talked to coaches about the re classification across the board not specifically on Boyle but in general there are a lot of unknown factors from as far as Coaches are Friends with Coaches to we don’t want to play that team that sometimes go in the decision. A lot of folks think Boyle the next 2 years will be the second most talented team in the State behind Trinity and this year will be as good or better than last,so I doubt Smith is avoiding games. I have even heard up here in Louisville that Boyle has tried to get Trinity on the schedule for 2019.


    I think Boyle is very good, but not even close to Trinity and some of the other big dawgs in the state. Boyle is extremely well coached and I know they have some good 2020 kids but I don't think they are close to the 2nd best team in the state. Lets just leave it at current 3A state champs and one of the favorites for this seasons 4A state.

  4. I mean you have to appreciate the humor in Boyle County requesting up to keep playing in the same district as LexCath means they are running from other teams. I mean that is some top notch comedy right there. :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:


    For the record I seriously doubt Boyle is avoiding anyone. That being said, if you are implying that Lex Cath is as good or better than DeSales or Cal you are misinformed. In my opinion the way this is shaking out, 3A is going to be tougher than 4A.

  5. Lexington christian is one of the few teams in the state that is "bigger" than Scott county. Their discipline and ability to deal with pressure and defend is what it takes to stick with Scott County.


    Over the past 2 years LCA has managed to "stick with " Scott County a total of 2 quarters. They have a shot but in my opinion it's not a good match up for them and SC's depth and LCA's lack of depth and guard play will hurt them.

  6. How did Pennington get involved? Anyone know?


    He has led the program at The Lexington School for the past several years. Most kids coming out of the Lexington School make a choice to go to Sayre, Lexington Catholic or to a lesser degree LCA for high school. With LC and LCA having football and Sayre not, for those kids wanting to play football Sayre was quickly ruled out. This will make it a little more of an even playing field when it comes to choosing a high high school.

  7. The Tribe is a locomotive right now. Playing great basketball. Something just tells me that come Monday in London I may see an upset... Just sayin'. May be a lot closer than most might think if Mr. Ramey & Co. have a good night.


    Mad Central is a significantly better team than South Laurel and it's not even that close. South being at home helps but I say Central by 15 and it could be 25.

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