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Posts posted by Juke

  1. I have a hard time believing that if Atchley was in fact interested that they wouldn’t have interviewed him? I could be wrong, though.


    I know for a fact he was not interviewed but I have only "heard" he was very interested and applied. If they didn't interview him they didn't do their job IMO.

  2. I've heard that neither LCA's Ethan Atchley nor Estill County's Mike Jones were interviewed....


    This is accurate for Atchley, not sure about Estill coach. FCPS at its finest....unless it's Frederick Douglas University and you have a win at all cost football man as an AD then you will get whoever is the easiest transition and fits the administrations agenda. I expect an announcement very soon but seriously doubt if there will be any surprises, i.e someone that's not from the previous staff.

  3. There is someone out there I think Lex Cath may give a call too. I dont think he would be interested, but, him being a non teacher, the whole teacher retirement thing wont be an issue, so for enough $$$ he might consider it maybe. I could be totally wrong.


    Clear as mud. Thanks for the insight.

  4. Apparently there was a very controversial basket interference call that decided the game late. I'm working on getting video.


    While you're at it see if you can find that Tates Creek v Danville video showing the time out call that Danville allegedly made before the half. I know, wrong forum, wrong thread, etc. but I couldn't help myself.

  5. Big loss for TC. Coach Sims was a great fit for the job and was able to affect lives in a positive way and turn the program around. He did so much for so many behind the scenes and always put the well being of the person before football. Good luck to him in his future endeavors.

    The administration has a tough job ahead. The program has momentum and is a great opportunity for the right Coach. Hire the right coach and they continue trending up, hire the wrong one and it will go south in a hurry.

  6. It didn't have anything to do with an ineligible player. It's because Fayette County has a stupid system where they suspend and then investigate. It probably should be the other way around.


    At least he didn't chase any refs off the field while screaming obscenities, right? Because that would be embarrassing.


    Read what I actually said before you make comments about it.

    Do you really want to go there with your last comment? If so, let's get together and talk about what happened.

    Oh, and by the way, the reason you never posted the video showing the alleged timeout call by Danville was because you made it up and it doesn't exist.

  7. I've just been reading up to this point, but this burns me sir. Brian Landis in one of a kind. No one puts more heart and soul into their craft, their program and their kids than this coach. How do I know this? This man coached me.

    How about the fact that he took his suspension, kept moving forward and lead this team to the playoffs when he could have easily cracked and distracted his very new team from their goal. Shift your paradigm.




    No thanks...I like my paradigm just fine. That's the problem, most are willing to shift values, principles, "paradigm" because of a few wins.

    Scott County by 21.

  8. Apparently an altercation with Dunbar coach/administration and something to do with an ineligible player playing.


    Dude is a hell of a coach and has done a great job at Douglass. He is the main reason they have been better than everyone else in Lexington this year. It all has to do with coaching.


    Got in in an altercation with another coach and played an ineligible player....Yep, heck of a coach an leader/example for young men.

    If the accusations are accurate, and I have no idea if they are, then that's pretty sad that you think "dude is a hell of a coach" just because he won a few games.

    Where there's smoke there's fire.... there's seems to be a whole lot of smoke around this coaching staff.

  9. Has nothing to do with coaching, and actually getting kids to play defense? Or working 100+ hours a week since Feb? Or a team actually playing with discipline? Or a group of kids that have bought all in and have grinded since June 1st on an old grass field behind Crawford all summer because none of the other public high schools would allow them on their turf fields. Keep making excuses the truth of the matter is the best is yet to come. The dominance and 1st chapter is written. That staff and kids will go to work whenever this playoff run is over. Their younger kids have already had an extra spring ball including lifting weights 4 days a week and 15 extra playoff practices. But you keep making excuses and accusations that are so far off base they are laughable. Instead why dont you give those kids some credit. Give Landis some props, hands down Coach of the Year! Stop by a game next fall Im sure someone will buy you a snickers bar to cheer you up.


    Reality is somewhere in the middle of these two points of view. They deserve credit but there is definitely a whole lot of shady going on over there. I believe you will hear more about this in the near future.

  10. Sorry guys, I've just been busy this week. Since we are going to keep this going, I think I might put together a video that shows everything that happened in the game.


    No need for you to take time out of your busy schedule to put all that together. When you have time just post the one video that shows conclusively the time out call.

  11. Didn't find it?


    Still would like to see this video. Also, forgot to mention in earlier posts that Danville's clock operator may need to be evaluated for narcolepsy as he/she apparently fell a sleep for three plays in the fourth quarter comeback. The clock was at 9 minutes and never started for for 3 straight plays. Just part of the fun.

  12. So why not post the video to settle this?


    I to have reviewed the video I have over and over and cannot see any signal or indication of a timeout called. The white cap watches the ball be snapped and the ball be thrown approximately 2 yards behind lateral and incomplete into the ground. He then reaches for his whistle and appears to blow it and half heartedly signals something with his hand. I wish I was more technologically inclined so I could post the video. Again, It does not matter other than maybe piece of mind.

  13. It wasn't the kid with the cast taking the punch anyways. It was a guy half the size of the guy who threw the punch whipping him with a legal block. Anyways the he left the field should make you as a fan very disappointed in your team. His slow strut while taunting across the field shouldn't have been tolerated. If that was my kid I would have ran and the field and drug him off myself. No class which starts with coaching.


    Ok, You are clueless and I am done.

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