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Posts posted by LSURock


    BTW - Played T close in 02 too in the second round (held them to a lot less than X that's for sure)


    No dog in your family feud but lets stick to the facts. Trinity scored 31 points on Dixie in 02'. Sorry to say the Rocks didn't come anywhere near that number against X that year.

  2. The technical definition is "(n.) The manner characteristic of a child".


    Sorry... I didn't think it was too big a big word. :thumb:

    As a matter of fact, according to Webster it isn't even a word let alone too big a word. Even if it is a word (and not listed in Websters, it could happen) the definition you give hardly makes it appropriate in the sentence. But thats niether here nor there. I have a real problem with how you are treating our friends at X. You gladly take their money but relegate them to second class status in this case. I'm sure they will make you pay in the best way possible by thumping the Crimsons out of the playoffs. They have earned the right to be the home team, in their home away from home. Yet Manual wants to pull rank on X in the only way they can. The class thing to do would be to defer to the district champs, but I guess that would be expecting too much.

  3. Every time, huh? I didn't graduate oh so long ago, and in the space of my senior season to now, we've beaten Male AND Trinity. How many teams have beaten both of those schools in that time? Just St. X and Manual. So thanks but no thanks.

    If you are comparing Manual's success with that of X, you are living in a dream world. X wins district, X wins region and they win state some years. Manual has done none of that. Lets not forget that the year Manual defeated Trinity in September, the Crimsons watched as the Rocks defeated the Tigers for the state title in December. Quite frankly, I'm getting pretty tired of the thought that Manual is on the same level as the Big Three in any way. Check the record book, I bet Manual is more on the level of Ballard than Trinity, X or Male.

  4. Nobody had a problem with the game being moved to neutral site. X chose this. And yeah, I'll be childish, because I'm not going to be sitting on the visiters side of Manual Stadium... I'd imagine you wouldn't want Male to take your home side if they rented out Trinitys stadium and happened to be in the same situation. Plus, it's been that way forever, even if X is the home team, Manual sits on the home side. But X will soon have their own stadium and won't have to put up with such childness, so why bother starting something at this point?


  5. Think again, I believe this is a non travel year for the Higher Seed Nky team. Highlands pretty much put themselves in the driver seat winning last Sat in Park Hills. Providing Highlands takes care of business the next two weeks, Bob Sphire will finally get his chance to coach at storied David Cecil Memorial :thumb:

    It doesn't say on the KHSAA site, just that they host the semi-state. I'm guessing that LexCath will host rounds one and two and travel to Highlands for round three as you say. Providing of course that they both get that far. Of course if LexCath gets past Highlands they would host the semi-state which is a big plus for them.

  6. Thank you for showing your bias.


    Oh, one last question since you did not answer it, how will the private schools manage manifestation hearings vs. expulsions? I would like to hear YOU answer the question.


    You continue to "not get it". The private schools would operate as they currently do. The introduction of a voucher wouldn't require the schools to accept anyone that they wouldn't already admit. Vouchers would allow some families that can't otherwise send their kids to a private school, do so if they felt the need.They would still need to apply to the school and be admitted. The students would have to obey the rules of the school. The money is generated by the taxpayers for the taxpayers, so why not give them some options in how to spent it. What are you so afraid of ?

  7. Hmmm, I seem to remember a guy named Tony Branch that coached basketball at Seneca and he was widely thought to have hand picked (recruited) a number of players and shepparded them into Seneca. A number of JCPS coaches accused him of recruiting students (athletes) to Seneca by using his minor celebrity as a former Card. The guy couldn't win as a coach in Kentucky and I'm sure he is lying the groundwork to explain why he can't win in Indiana.

  8. Thanks for totally not answering and avoiding. That is exactly why you are dead wrong on vouchers.

    How did I not answer it? Vouchers are not intended to allow the private schools to totally replace public schools. They are a choice, not a requirement.So the premise of your post is faulty. And I am right on vouchers, they are coming and you can't stop it. FYI, I read in the CJ this morning about the fudging of graduation rates. It appears that you guys are doing even worse than we thought. I suggest that you guys admit you need help, support vouchers and give folks a choice.

  9. And how would you house all the new students? And how would you hire all the needed teachers? And how would you get all the teachers and schools to be in compliance with the law? And how would you accept the management of manifestation hearings vs. expulsions? And how would you accept transportation obligations, day care obligations? It could go on and on. What you are really asking is give you the money without any accountability. That will never happen. AND, if you accept vouchers are you going to suggest the private school will unconditionally accept the student regardless of any issues? Yeah, right. :lol:


    Also, for vouchers to even be considered, the law has to change and that will not happen.

    Don't you worry your little head about any of that. There are competent people in charge that would work out those issues. People that have a track record of success. I have faith in their ability. We would be able to continue on as we always have because vouchers would allow the option to attend a private school not require it. What laws (I repeat, laws) don't private schools obey at the present time? If you are aware of any law breaking by private schools please contact the proper law enforcement agency. :lol:

    FYI, vouchers are coming so you better get used to the idea.

  10. First, consider the source. Cox is is about two decades past being relevant. He gets it wrong far more often than he gets it right. I'm sure somebody made the statement he quoted, but I'm sure they aren't in a position to back it up.


    I can't believe he didn't take Glaser to task for his remarks. The only answer at this stage for a private school coach is... well I hope the split doesn't happen, but if it does we will deal with it at that time. Glaser painted a pretty rosy picture of a situation that would be anything but. Right now X travels out of state pretty infrequently, yet Glaser makes it out to be no big deal. Well it will be a huge deal to travel every week. I speak with private school coaches in Nashville and they would say that it is a tremendous hardship for them to be in Memphis one Friday and in Knoxville the next. Please Coach, think before you speak. Lets all work to work this out.


    The funny thing is that The Voice announced in this issue that they were moving to the bank building right across the street from Marshall Stadium. Now Earl will have a birds eye view of the team he loves to hate. :lol:

  11. So, you really do not want a voucher program or not? Or is this simply a case of having your cake and eating it to? Which is it.


    So far you have argued to close the private schools to prove some "point", then you said to keep such schools open and let them have "vouchers", now you claim education would improve if private schools got "half" of the funds.


    To your last point, at least in NorKY the tuition charged by private schools is way more than half of what most of the public schools receive. More along the lines of 75% to 80% and that is without providing many programs. So are you now saying the private schools are currently overcharging? And if all the public schools quit how would the private schools build all these new classrooms and hire all these new teachers. Please, show us the way. :sssh:


    The fact is I haven't advocated closing private schools. I was making a point. I think you knew that.

    Secondly, why don't we try the vouchers and see if they work? Lets just see if anyone would use them. You guys claim that it costs around 8K to educate a student. Offer 4K in the form of a voucher and the county would save 4K for every student that accepts them. If the numbers in the publics drops the way I think it would, we could close some schools and consolidate thus saving even more money by reducing overhead. If no one accepts them as you predict, what have you lost? And no, the private schools aren't overcharging. The cost of the education actually exceeds the tuition and the difference is made up by private contributions. But sometimes that 4K would be more than enough to get certain families over the hump and able to afford private school for their child. Sounds like a WIN/WIN.

  12. Don't take this wrong LSU Rock, but I got a good laugh out of this one. What on earth would possess you to make such a statement?


    This is a debate about private versus public educations - not a discussion of facism versus socialism. Surely we can all agree that an educated electorate is better than an uneducated populace. What we are discussing is "does one have an inherent advantage over the other?" I understand your view of public education... - but socialism? That would be hyperbole.


    At any rate, I don't think that history will look back and regard publicly funded education in America as some sort of "Dark Ages" from which the world had to recover.



    Don't worry Aunt Bea, history is a term that has many degrees. When my garbage disposal acted up last year the plumber ask me if it had a "history" of doing so. I didn't respond "why no, nothing as drastic and as monumental as a history, but it has done the same thing over a period of time". :lol: FYI, my discussion with SS moved on some time ago into public vs. private education and then on to taxes etc.

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