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Posts posted by LSURock

  1. LSU Rock once again shows us his intelligence with cold hard facts. Anyway, the coaches at Manual have very little to do with which students actually get accepted to the school. The students must ALL go through the application process. Not every prospective football player gets accepted. When the final numbers come in for a freshman class, you may have 400 total students. Take a possible (?) 50% to figure a number of 200 males. Now even if that figure of 200 males all football propects in nature, that would be a good number. As we now should know, you need to take into account that a large percentage of those 200 males are also YPAS students or there for academics only. Your 25% figure to go on would still only amount to @ 50 young men to try football. Believe me that there are some that come out year to year that have NEVER played with a football much less participated in an organized form of the sport. I know that is no ones's fault but just shedding some light on a situation that some seem to think they know about. So, if this formula (that seems to work for LSU Rock and his favorite program) were applied to Manual, then we would theoretically have 50 freshmen football players. Reality check ! We have 35-40 players sign up to play but generally get an average of 30 per year. Of the senior class of 2005 (last years class) only 19 stayed all four years. Looking at this year's senior class, 32 of an original 35 have stayed to play their senior season. Once again, LSU Rock takes a jab at the staff at Manual with a comment about retaining players and fielding a team of 100 players. This year as in the past, Manual does not make a habit of dressing freshmen on the varsity team, only a select few have in the past five years. Manual still had @ 72 dress varsity on average this season. Do we want or need 100? Not particularly if the 70 that we have are not going to see significant time anyway. I am sure the teams that do have 100+ on varsity face the pitfalls that go along with trying to keep those players active. But hey, different strokes for different folks. I am also certain that if those 50 (?) would just work harder and get better quality coaching, we would not be having this discussion or many other discussions on this board. HAHAHAH!


    And of course we all know that every student that ever attended Trinity or X did so with the exclusive intent to play football. If you read between your own lines you will realize that you are making my point that a big part of the problem is participation not just raw numbers. I never said a thing about "just work harder" or "better quality coaching", those are your words, not mine.

  2. To all Ram brothers... The sky is blue, I await your rebuttal...


    I'm posting the numbers right out of the JCPS publication, you guys simply respond by saying that you don't believe its true and link the KHSAA site numbers. Thats laughable. I think I've already proven that I've got pages and pages of detail to support my claim. Your response, "I don't think so". Final offer, PM me your address and I will send you a copy of the ,and I repeat, official document from the JCPS not the sports governing body. :lol:

  3. Sorry guys but I'll stick with the official JCPS publication. No typo, just the facts. Did you know that your CATs index is one of only two in the county in triple digits, Manual is at 101.8 while Male edges you out at 102.1. However both of those schools declined since last year, Manual by 2.2% and Male by 1.6%. Pretty technical stuff huh? I've got pages of it. So as you can see I'm not making this stuff up and I'm not basing it on anyone's recollection. Just the cold hard facts in black and white. BTW, Male has a capacity of 1,634 and an enrollment of 1,683. As far as enrollment goes in JCPS high schools, only Eastern at 1,924 and PRP at 1,956 are larger than Manual. Sorry if this info doesn't square with your perception, but I assure you it is factual. You could look it up. Or you could call and have JCPS send you one like I did.

  4. Your numbers are wrong, for several reasons.


    For one thing, Manual's enrollment is about 1,500. If evenly split, that's 750 boys. In reality, there's probably 650 boys and 850 girls (and I'm erring on the side of caution here! It really was a wonderful place... :D ) That comes out to 162 boys per class. Go ahead and drop about 50 of them for YPAS, cause they really don't come out for football, and we're sitting at about 115 boys per class. If 1/3 of all the nerds came out for football, we'd get about 40 freshmen players. Which is about what you get.

    Sorry to burst your bubble but you are wrong. I got the numbers from JCPS. They list Manual as having a capacity of 1,800 and an enrollment of 1,894. Do you really think I would come on this board without the facts? I can tell you their average CAT scores, their Student/Teacher ratio, etc. Manual has a chance to work harder, get kids out and increase your numbers if you think that is the answer. Trust me, Manual doesn't have a monopoly on so called "nerds". Are YPAS students not allowed to play sports?

  5. GRC, as lost one player, of five players that will be leaving because of playing time, Willaim Odham, will be transfeing to Dunbar because of lack of playing time and problems with the coaching staff of GRC, I hate this because he was a key lineman /FB that had great feet and good speed, one of the best of the best on the GRC, team, Wil, son, I hate to see you go, you would have helped out alot on the line, and as afull back, good luck at Dunbar.

    Won't the player have to sit out a year if he transfers just to play football somewhere else?

  6. Maybe it's time for a Public/Private school split. Trinity and X are just too strong. How do they get all those good players anyway??? 120 per freshman team each year!!!

    Can't speak for X, but Trinity doesn't ever have 120 on the freshman team. A couple of years ago the freshman team got up over 100 but the past few years its been around the 85 range (and this years team was in the 70s). Latest stats shows Manual's enrollment at 1894, so lets say 947 boys. That should give us around 237 freshman boys. Trinity has 1,400 boys. That gives us 350 freshman boys. That means that 25% of Trinity's freshman go out for football to create the squad of 85. If 25% of Manual's freshman boys went out for football they would have a freshman squad of 60. Do they? It didn't look like 60 when we played back in september. Heck, if Manual's staff did as good a job of retaining players as Coach Glaser does, they would have a varsity squad of 90 to 100. When was the last time that happened? Maybe the playing field isn't as uneven as you think.

  7. 3, and prior to the State Championships starting we were the top rated team in the state many times.

    The KHSAA has you guys with two, 1959 and 1966.

    Meanwhile, Male has won six (60, 63, 64, 93, 98 and 00). X has won eleven (62, 69, 74, 75, 78, 86, 92, 95, 97, 99 and 04). Trinity has fifteen (modesty prevents me from listing them all). :lol:

  8. Hey Rock. Why the hatred for the Rams? You guys have won 2 of the 3 times you all have played. No reason to dislike them as far as I can tell. Far superior teams and your fans are better than everyone's elses so why can't you just live in your utopia and call it a season. Or could it be that you actually feel the Rams are not far from actually being able to pay with you all year in and year out and you have hatred from FEAR.

    Wow, you're pretty deep for a guy with a whopping 16 posts. Let me set you straight, I don't have any hatred or fear of the Manual Crimsons. I don't even dislike them. In fact, I hope they win Friday. One bit of advice, take it easy on the sarcasm.

  9. Hey LSURock, how about the winning of the Manual Trinity soccer game decides who gets home field at next years Manual Trinity game. We won so your boys have to change in the gym, we will use the Trinity fieldhouse and take the Trinity Sidelines. You work that out for us. K?

    I'd be embarrassed to bring up Trinity/Manual in Soccer if I were you. You guys had home field for the playoffs and couldn't even get that right. The game had to be played on a practice field over on Male's campus. I did notice while watching Male beat you guys in football on TV that the field at Manual was lined for Soccer, but not used. Wonder why?

    We had to put up with two straight years of playing that historic venue of yours, so lets at least play the final chapter under the lights at Marshall Stadium.

  10. Upon further review Trinity wasn't even opened till Manual had 50+ years of big time wins so who cares about your random sample that includes the Crimsons worst era ever. :rolleyes:

    Sadly, even with that headstart, Manual doesn't have as many titles as the so called "newcomer".

  11. You know what's more embarrassing than early playoff losses? Early playoff losses on your home field to an also-ran that didn't even make it past Boone County. :eek: :lol:


    Since the Rocks got mercilessly hammered 48-16 by 5th and 6th string Tigers on the big stage, I doubt they'd finish higher than 3rd in The Best District in the State. But this isn't about just the opening round opponent. It's about a team's playoff path. If the Rocks and the Rams traded places right now, the T players would be the ones preparing their wills and getting their affairs in order. Have another cream puff.


    First, if you are comparing Manual's post season experiences with that of the Rocks, you don't need my ridicule you need professional help. Trinity's loss to Dixie last year was a once in a long while occurance, while Manual's loss was business as usual. I hardly believe that the Crimsons would have fared any better than the rest of your vaunted district in the Finals against the victor of the East over the past few years.


    It looks like the Rocks will get their chance to avenge that loss to the Tigers later on this season while you and your Ram friends are preparing for basketball. You never can tell, it just might turn out differently this time, stranger things have happened. Rumor has it that there will be some redistricting as soon as all this public/private issue is put to rest. I would suggest that either Male or Manual be shifted into Trinity's district. That would create a more level playing field for you poor down trodden victims of the murderous western bracket. Then Manual/Male would be a non-conference rivalry game like T/X, who knows maybe you guys could schedule the game at a time when it would draw a larger crowd. So after the season why don't Male and Manual flip a coin and the winner gets escape the west into creampuff city with the Rocks. X shouldn't be the only one that gets to beat you guys more than once a year. :lol:

  12. The Rams would be playing the first Friday in December if they had Trinity's cream puff playoff schedule! Here is a visual reference for you:



    :lol: :lol: :p :bunny:

    Why don't you enlighten us as to why they didn't even advance past 6-4 Nelson "Cream puff" County last season? I guess you were too busy serving up North "Cream puff" Hardin to our friends over at X. Please make a valid point about how the one seed in the west had such a tougher opponent week one with Central Hardin as opposed to Simon Kenton. If the Dogs and Rams want easy opening opponents I suggest winning your district.

  13. I know alot about 4A, and I'm glad to inform you about it anytime you want.


    BTW Played Elder down to the wire in 02 at the "Pit" 21-14,


    Oh really? I seem to remember Elder sqeaking by Dixie 42-7 in 02'. :lol:

  14. Because we all know that football was invented in the spring of '89... :lol:


    And can we be faulted that we play in the district AND semistate which is known to be much more difficult than Ballard's?


    When was the last time Ballard beat Male? When was the last time Ballard beat Trinity?

    No, thats just as far back as I could quickly find on the KHSAA site. However it does present a pretty good picture of the modern football scene in Jefferson County. At first I limited my scope to just the past five years or so (Nichols tenure I thought) but then looked deeper to see if it painted a different picture. Manual's record just got worse. Sorry.

  15. My bad, Male scored 56 not X in the championship game. Defensively we held you to less points than Male did, it was a good game too, in doubt till the end. If a view breaks go our way, it may have been even closer. Not trying to discount T at all. If anything....... well you know where I stand concerning them. :D

    No offense, but the game was over early in the third quarter. I think you guys may hve turned the ball over going into score, Rocks scored quickly after that. Dixie deflated soon after. I believe your QB got a dinged up around that time while playing defense, that hurt also. I will give you this, that team was actually better (IMO) than the one that Trinity lost to last year. I hope the Rocks advance this week and if you guys are still standing, I welcome you down to Marshall for round three (both in the playoffs and our rivalry).

  16. How is it a deal ?????????Go play their non-conference schedule and see if you think it is a deal. :rolleyes:

    That is my point. The highlands faithful point to the tough out of district schedule as a positive in preparing for the playoffs. Meanwhile your playoff opponent may have prepared with a bunch of district cupcakes. Fewer district games is an andvantage. Being allowed to schedule more games of your choice is a plus.

  17. Upon further review... I find that I was slighting the Ballard Bruins. Going back to 1990, Ballard is 119-69 as opposed to Manual's 81-90. Since 2000 Ballard is 45-23 with 3 playoff wins while Manual is 41-24 with 2 playoff victories. Pretty close with the Bruins edging out the Crimsons.

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