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Chatty Cat

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Posts posted by Chatty Cat

  1. Conner over St. Pius by about 10 to advance to 7th final vs. Highlands. What the big school and small school matchups in the 6th, 7th, 8th?

    Big school girls games will be 9:00 (6th), 11:30 (7th) and 2:00 (8th) on Saturday (boys games sandwiched in between). Good day of basketball..


    Saturday. I assume we will know seeding and game times Monday.

  2. Sounds like Ludlow is having a great year could possibly surprise a lot of teams if they got the other 3 on the court as well as Woffard and Warndorf contributing like they do!


    I've said it before, but I truly think there are good things in store for Ludlow Girls Basketball. Their middle school program is doing very well in the small school division. The 7th grade team is still undefeated (with two regular season games left) and the 6th and 8th grade teams have only lost a handful of games. 7th grader Adriana Lovell (I think that is how her last name is spelled) is already getting some varsity minutes and should be able to help fill the void that will be left when Wofford graduates. As with most small schools, numbers become an issue. I hope this current group sticks together, with some hard work they have a pretty bright future.

  3. I don't think it is. It may be alright down the lines, but I think center is pretty shallow. I know they play some A and AA knothole there, but I don't think you could play varsity level baseball there.


    During the high school fall league, some varsity games were held at Cordero. I wouldn't park my car near the centerfield fence; there were definitely some long balls in all three games I saw there.

  4. Sounds like the 6th grade Beechwood girls won't have any competition in their division. Too bad they can't play in the large school division. I know Turkeyfoot, Grey, Twenhofel and someone told me Highlands have some pretty good teams.


    Spread on any of the three games. All three Ludlow Middle School teams are having good seasons in the small school division. The 7th grade team is undefeated (and have now faced all schools on their schedule ). Both the 6th and 8th grade teams have lost somewhere around 3 games each (give or take one each way). These girls are putting a lot of work in and getting good results.

  5. Don't blink when it comes to Ludlow.

    Wofford & Warndorf may just lead the Lady Panthers to a Small Schools CHAMPIONSHIP.

    They were trounced by St. Henry opening night but may still prove to be a tough game for Lloyd & Dixie.


    respective small divisions as well. At this point I believe the 6th grade and 8th grade teams have lost 1 game a piece. The 7th grade girls are undefeated (including preseason tournament).


    The girls basketball program at Ludlow is most certainly on the rise!!

  6. I think though, they could transfer to Campbell County (for instance) and not have to sit out since girls varsity basketball has been eliminated




    j) CESSATION OF SCHOOL PROGRAM- The period of ineligibility

    may be waived in the event of a school remaining open but

    discontinuing its participation in an Association sponsored

    sport at all levels of play in which the student had previously

    participated while attending that school.

  7. Also to add to your comment of ludlow playing "a lot of 8th graders" there's some not a lot of them on this team and look at the population numbers for Ludlows schools compare that to most of the teams they play in this middle school league it was approved by the league in order for them to play in the league they have a mixture between the grade levels, and even with having the 8th graders there most if not all the kids Ludlow has played this year has been significantly bigger then most of these kids from ludlow! People keep trying to throw that out there like ludlpw is only winning because of the 8th graders!


    I agree with the "population numbers". My daughter is a 7th grader at Ludlow and her ENTIRE 7th grade class has less than 50 students. She said that her largest class size this year is 14 students; her smallest is 8 students. Last year as 6th graders, there were two classrooms of less than 24 students in each room. I do not believe that the 8th grade class is much larger than the 7th grade class. If Ludlow were not able to combine multiple classes; then they would not be able to field a middle school football team.


    I know nothing about the middle school football team, other than I hear they are having a good year. I asked my kids (junior and 7th grader) about the player (not knowing his name; but describing the vomiting) and they both immediately said, "Oh yeah, he does that." I would hope though that Ludlow kept him cleaned up (there appears to be a disconnect re: his changing of uniform jersey and pants).

  8. My daughter is moving into high school ball, 7th grader should make her school's JV team. She has played baseball and then rec fast pitch for the past five years. She recently just made her first travel squad and is playing fall ball and will be playing travel this summer. She is 12 yrs old, 5'5"-5'6" and about 110 lbs (tall, lanky, thin--kind of resembles a baby deer with her limb movement LOL).


    Are there bat restrictions for high school FP like there are for baseball (-3 drop, BBCOR, etc.)? I've been looking around the KHSAA website and found they use NFHS rules but I could not find an explicit specification for bats other than ASA certified.



  9. those players and I believe another one who went to CovCath had stayed, then Ludlow would have had a really solid team and would compete in 1A with some top teams possibly. So for Ludlow's sake hopefully those players start to stay.


    It would definitely have been to Ludlow's benefit to keep those kids. It is a shame they didn't stay and if I recall correctly; their parents are Ludlow alumni (I could be wrong or not thinking of all the transfers). Ludlow is in it's 5th year of middle school football and are seeing good numbers this year in their football program (31 on this year's Maxpreps roster), hopefully that trend continues and the kids stay through high school. I know there were a couple of games last year where the Panthers had less than 20 kids dressed for varsity (Beechwood was definitely one of those games; I think 17 were dressed). They need to keep their numbers up, keep players healthy and academically eligible.

  10. What all did they do to the stadium?


    I haven't seen it in person yet but from what I understand.....A new concession stand was built, a new fieldhouse for the Panthers, visitor locker rooms were redone, new lights were installed and a new track put in. Very nice improvements. (There were also very nice capital improvements done at the school over the summer too)

  11. I've driven down to Ludlow (I've done this at Bellevue and Dayton, too) a few times when going to Reds games but I've never been to a game there. They are all on my bucket list.


    If you are going to catch a game at Ludlow, go during Homecoming, they go all out. It has such a special, small-town feel to it and the place will be packed. It is just different to have everyone walking to the stadium versus pulling up in a parking lot. The all grass field and being literally on the Ohio River bank makes it pretty special.

  12. Although it was written in the early 90's, read "The Hot Zone" by Richard Preston if you haven't already. I was a biology student interested in virology in the early 90's (AIDS epidemic was in full force). The book is scary as hell, but does a very good job of explaining Ebola, its epidemiology and how outbreaks work. It has been a long time since I've read the book but from what I recall, Ebola isn't really a good virus (for lack of a better term). A good virus would be one like influenza that is easy to pass on and doesn't have the high mortality rate of Ebola. Ebola is more difficult to pass from person to person (especially in first world countries) and it has a tendency to kill it's host (thus making it more difficult to pass to the next host). Having a masters degree in microbiology, I have no concerns with these two patients being treated at Emory. In fact, them being here and in such close contact with the CDC may very well help advance our knowledge of this virus and providing treatment for everyone.

  13. Any update on Slone? I remember reading that he was hit in the head by a line drive while pitching in Columbus last weekend.


    I'll out myself as his parent, it doesn't matter to me..........


    He was pitching and a line drive was ripped right back at him. He got his glove up and deflected the ball somewhat, but still took a big hit to his face. As a parent of a kid who pitches, it was one of my worries. He was taken by ambulance to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus. The next day, we transferred him to Cincinnati Children's.


    Even with all of the injuries listed above---he's okay. His noggin is okay (as okay as it can get for a just-turned-16 yo boy :-)), the stitches have come out, orbital bones are healing, if surgery is necessary it wouldn't be until this fall/winter, he's going to have some nice looking scars, but that is about it. His vision is returning in his right eye (he had major vision loss and double vision immediately following the injury). In fact, he was cleared today by both plastic surgery and ophthalmology at Cincinnati Children's Hospital to start playing baseball again.


    He's a lucky kid. As a parent, I was really touched by the support we received from parts of the NKY baseball community.

  14. The only two home runs at Ludlow this year were hit by Ludlow players; one in the park and one over the fence. Ludlow pitchers gave up no home runs at Ludlow (to be honest I'm not sure they gave any up this season, but I wasn't at every away game so I could very well be wrong). Also fwiw, my son played at Highland Park this weekend in a tourney--I'm not convinced the right field fence is much longer there, maybe 10 feet or so. But, I do have old eyes and again could be wrong :)

  15. It happens in NKY more than you may think. In AAU basketball when I ask how hold a kid is I'm told the grade they are in, not the age. I'll ask again how old and usually get the grade answer again.


    started school on time. He will be 17 when he graduates high school. So, since he started school on time and has a summer bday, every other kid on his travel ball team is a year behind him in school. Three of the players are actually older than him, out of 13 boys on his team, I believe that 5 of them were held back. We were talking to a parent on another ball team this past weekend and talking about age/grade in school/etc. We were point blank asked, "Why are you hurrying him through school?" I was totally taken aback. He started school at the appropriate age, has always made high honors, sporting a very high GPA while taking AP and dual enrollment classes; not sure what we would've gained by holding him back. But, by not being a "red shirt" he is absolutely the anomaly on his travel baseball team. At this point in time, I think an extra year of high school ball would be great for him, but who knows at age 4.75-5.0 years what your kid will have an affinity for?

  16. Just got a text from a friend who is @ WKU watching the games...

    Says about NKY kids in first game...

    Jake Ziegelmeyer had 2 hits, played solid first base and pitched a great inning.

    Evan Slone got an opposite field single on a wicked curve ball and played 3 solid innings at SS.

    Jake Whitford got a nice single and played 4 solid innings at SS.

    Apparently they are all three on the same team too...


    the best pop time of all catchers for the day. Ziegelmeyer had one of the top exit velocities and infield velocities per tweets from PBR

  17. this season. Coach Gray and his staff had a lot to do with this year's turnaround. Many Ludlow baseball parents stuck their necks out last year asking the school administration for changes to the baseball program. The boys had a team meeting sometime in late January and were told they did not have a coach, there was no off season work for most of this team. The new coaching staff did not start until February, they took a team with 5 wins the season before (and no off season work) to a 15-10 season (with some close 1 loss games to very good teams)---on top of all of that, he's a great guy! Again, a very well deserved honor!

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