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Chatty Cat

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Posts posted by Chatty Cat

  1. I'm not a fan, but I let my girls do the cheers/chants. However, they are not allowed to do any cheers/chants that are directed at the other team/pitcher.


    I don't mind the cheers at all. I'm all for cheering your teammates. But I hate when the cheers are directed at opposing players. I haven't seen it much in high school ball; but it was very common in travel ball.

  2. Sorry to see Barbara Martin retire after an outstanding career in education. Should have retired as Ludlow Superintendent but the BOE at the time went in a different direction. A decision that they are still paying the price for in Ludlow. Congratulations Mrs Martin on a job well done.


    Completely agree. I was lucky to have Barb Martin while a student at Ludlow. She was an excellent teacher (one of the best I've had including undergrad and graduate school) and had myself and my classmates more than prepared for college.

  3. Some of us who are wary about vaccines are not necessarily concerned about autism. I posted this in November and will just copy it.......


    I have a vaccine injured child. He was 18 months old, received his MMR shot as scheduled. 14 hours later, he had a seizure and quit breathing. I had to resuscitate him while my spouse called 911. It was a known reaction and reported as such by Cincinnati Children's Hospital At that point, my spouse and I had to look long and hard into vaccines and what we want to give to our children. We also had to find a physician willing to work with us. I totally understand "what is best for society", but holding my non-breathing 18 month old caused me to re-evaluate my stance. We decided to selectively and delay vaccines at that point. My kids were never in daycare, so that wasn't an issue. As they started school, our dr would give them a medical exemption as long as we were proceeding with their shots. At 18 and 14, they are "legal" for school (except that my 18 yr old has a permanent exemption from the MMR). As for other vaccines, we research and make the best decision possible. For example, meningococcal is not required, but I absolutely believe it was necessary to give my 18 yr before he went off to college. I'm still on the fence regarding Gardasil for either of my children.

  4. I was the ony coach on the staff last year hired by Chip, the other assistants/coaches from previous years were asked to stay to help bridge the gap. I know whats going on with the team, even though I don't coach there anymore and can assure you that it has nothing to do with basketball players. The last count was that there is only 2 basketball players going to play with maybe a 3rd one.


    I'm sorry to hear that. My daughter plays for Ludlow. I always thought that both teams played each other well last season. It is definitely hard for small schools to field softball teams. Ludlow struggled last year with numbers, JV wasn't really an option and there were quite a few girls on varsity who had never played before.


    I hope Calvary gets the numbers they need for a team.

  5. My daughter had an out of state school tell her they would match her KEES money if she chose to attend their school.


    My son is attending college in WV. We asked the Financial Aid office if they could match his KEES money when they offered his Financial Aid package. He had a new offer the next week that included that money :-)

  6. Chip Gregg - Holy Cross

    Kelly Schmitz - Newport


    Ludlow has yet to name a coach.


    Ludlow girls had a meeting a few weeks ago to meet their new coach. His name is Butch Hayes. I know very little about him except that he retired from the Kenton County system and is currently in the sub rotation at Ludlow.

  7. As a TMC alum, this whole situation makes me sad...


    From cincinnati.com


    Moss was three-time NCAA Division III player of the year, but her 2015 award will be vacated as well. TMC's only on-court loss in her three seasons was in the 2014 NCAA Tournament, when she injured her knee and left the game early. Her father is former NFL receiver Randy Moss.

    Sydney Moss has known Allen since her middle-school years. He was an AAU coach and later a part-time assistant for TMC from 2013-15 and has since gone back to the high school ranks. Armstrong said she had stayed with Allen's family and traveled with them at various times before she got to Thomas More, and that Hans ensured that Allen had no part in her initial recruitment.

    After injuring her knee in the 2014 NCAA Tournament, Moss elected to stay in Northern Kentucky and rehabilitate rather than go home to her mother in West Virginia. Armstrong said she was unable to work or move around in her apartment, which had stairs.


    "Sydney is a very private person. She does not seek the limelight. She’s the most humble girl on our team," Armstrong said. "Like anyone in that situation, she needed help, and she went to the closest family member – in her words – that was there, and that was the Allen family. She’s stayed with them and traveled with them in the past, and for her it was natural. When we found out about it, we looked at the rules, saw that there was a pre-existing relationship. That’s an exception and you move on. That was our mistake. We should have called the NCAA at that point and got a rubber-stamp on that."

    Armstrong defended Allen as well, saying the school requested a hearing with the COI because it charged Allen with a violation of "unethical conduct," one of the five major violations presented to Thomas More. That charge against Allen was dropped in the final report.

    "We could have easily thrown him under the bus, but that’s not the kind of institution we are," Armstrong said. "We found no evidence of unethical behavior. We’re very satisfied with the COI that they recognized that there was no evidence from our internal investigation or the NCAA's investigation that any intent to deceive or cheat or violate rules had occurred. We misinterpreted a bylaw: That’s on us."

    According to the school officials, the investigation process started with an anonymous tip in February 2015, shortly before the Saints began the postseason in the Presidents' Athletic Conference tournament. The college was not informed of the charges until that summer, and they began their own investigation, holding Moss out for the first five games of the 2015-16 season.


    Moss had done babysitting and other work for the Allen family during that time, reducing the NCAA's extra benefit from $5,000 to $1,600, Armstrong said.

    The school said had it known about the charges earlier, it could have held Moss out of the 2015 postseason, but on Tuesday the officials' focus was on moving forward. Armstrong said he and his staff would focus on educating other Division III schools about these situations.

  8. I understand people do die from it. People die from lots of things they most normally don't. tell me this, does the vaccine 100% assure you won't get the flu?


    The flu shot is traditionally trivalent. Manufacturers are now moving to a quadvalent version. Meaning, 3-4 strains of the flu are included. The flu is a very fast mutating virus, so there is no guarantee that when flu season starts, the strains in the vaccine will be effective. However, it is believed that even if the correct strains are not included in the vaccine, the vaccine may relieve the symptoms. We forgo the flu vaccine in our house and just continue with good hygiene practices. If we worked in healthcare or somewhere where we were exposed to the public; my opinion may change.

  9. I have a vaccine injured child. He was 18 months old, received his MMR shot as scheduled. 14 hours later, he had a seizure and quit breathing. I had to resuscitate him while my spouse called 911. It was a known reaction and reported as such by Cincinnati Children's Hospital At that point, my spouse and I had to look long and hard into vaccines and what we want to give to our children. We also had to find a physician willing to work with us. I totally understand "what is best for society", but holding my non-breathing 18 month old caused me to re-evaluate my stance. We decided to selectively and delay vaccines at that point. My kids were never in daycare, so that wasn't an issue. As they started school, our dr would give them a medical exemption as long as we were proceeding with their shots. At 18 and 14, they are "legal" for school (except that my 18 yr old has a permanent exemption from the MMR). As for other vaccines, we research and make the best decision possible. For example, meningococcal is not required, but I absolutely believe it was necessary to give my 18 yr before he went off to college. I'm still on the fence regarding Gardasil for either of my children.

  10. What do they have returning?


    Panthers lost two seniors last year, one of them being their starting pitcher. They return 4 freshmen who started varsity as 8th graders. As 8th graders, two of those freshmen probably hit close to 0.300 if not above. These two freshmen will most likely be the pitcher and catcher as well (they both have some travel ball experience). Off the top of my head, I think there will be four seniors, one being Jayna Crawford who is a fantastic shortstop and just a great athlete in general.


    The Panthers have the issue in that there is no youth softball offered in Ludlow. If a girl wants to play, she has to play for NKB or NKYA (or another like organization to get started). That requires some parental involvement just to get the girls to practices and games. So most girls who play softball at Ludlow, don't play at all until they are in 7th grade and are on the school team. That definitely adds a wrinkle to coaching.

  11. Congratulations to the Villa varsity soccer team in setting a new school record for consecutive shut-outs, recording their 9th after tonight's 2-0 victory over Ludlow. They also now hold an additional school record for most shut-outs in a season with 11. Currently at 10-3-3, the defense has posted an impressive 0.75 (0.8) cumulative average goals allowed per game.


    The Blue Lightning take on Calvary Friday for their final regular season game, then head to Districts at Dixie next week.


    Last night was a good game. Probably the best Ludlow played all year. I'm not sure Villa was expecting a tight game. Ludlow's goalie is a senior, but a first year soccer player, Hayley Warndorf. She was great yesterday!

  12. Evan Slone from Ludlow is starting on intra-squad scrimmages at Alderson Broaddus in West Virginia. AB won their conference last season and earned a berth to the D2 World Series. They return a solid roster of juniors and seniors from last year's team. AB has some fall games set up against other WV competition later in September and October. In June, Evan tore 3 ligaments in his ankle in a game at Midland and has spent his summer rehabbing. If he can continue to hit the ball, he will definitely see some playing time as a freshman.

  13. Mitchell's family has posted another public update, thought I would share

    "Mitchell has moved from UC ICU to Drake Center long-term acute care for TBI. TBI is: traumatic brain injury. We believe he is in the best place possible. Brain injuries are complex and the therapies he will receive will help improve cognition, movement, speech, balance, and coordination. One of the doctors mentioned that too much stimulation can be aggravating for him, hearing too many voices could confuse him. He still needs time to heal. Mitchell's parents are asking for visitors to remain family members only.

    Right now he is no longer in a coma. He has had a few days where he doesn't respond much. A week ago he was responding to anything you asked: thumbs up, squeeze my hand, smile; very basic things. They say this is normal. The prognosis is still unknown. Everyone heals differently, every brain is different and no one will know what works and doesn't until Mitchell is ready. The consensus is that he is young and strong and has youth on his side."


    This young man has a rough road ahead of him. My thoughts are with Mitch and his family.

  14. Update from today....


    Please keep Mitchell and his family in your thoughts. I have a son not much younger than Mitch and this has to be a parent's nightmare.


    Mitchell is still in ICU. He had an MRI Monday. On Tuesday his parents met with the doctors. They thought the results were better than expected. He still has some bleeds on his brain. He is still on a venilator but breathes on his own for the most part. He has surgery scheduled this afternoon to put a trach in his throat and a feeding tube in his stomach. There is no change in his status, he is still unconscious, in a coma however you want to say it. Mitchell still has a rough road ahead and needs support and prayers.

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