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Posts posted by 85_Rebel

  1. Here's what I see going on.


    it's not that coaches aren't "helping" kids get athletic scholarships.


    it's that coaches are "enabling" situations that hurt a kid's chances of getting eligible. I won't mention names. But you guys know where I'm from. There is a coach down here that produces very good teams with very good players but virtually NONE of them qualify for college. The two school across town continually produces d-1 players. One public, one private.


    The coach i'm talking about is rumored to make sure his kids can get in classes where their eligibility is never in question. Yet when it comes time to make it through the ncaa clearinghouse, they don't make it...


    I think what you are talking about as far as academic eligibility does not fall on the coach as much as it falls on the school admin (aka guidance counselor). Coaches certainly should hold his players accountable for making good grades but counselors are the one who know what the core requirements are to get kids academically eligible for college. So if you are taking underwater basket weaving and not the required English classes....that is not the coaches fault, but the player and schools administrators.

  2. I will say from personal experience with my son, he would not haven't gotten the offers he received had it not been for his football coaching staff.


    Once he received his first from Marshall, the coaching staff utilized their coaching network to reach out to every contact they had to take a look at my sons Hudl Hilight tape.


    From that point on, the phone never stopped ringing. 14 offers later my son made his pick.


    But the thing about it is, almost all of those offers had ties back to our coaching staff and relationships they had built over the years.


    Take all of that away, we as a family joined a recruiting agency (NCSA). Even without the coaching network, this is a great way to get your name out there. Now I will say you won't get many look from D1 this way, but if your kids aspires to play at the college level, there is a place out there for you to do it. It just may not be a school you have ever heard of.


    Just for fun I checked my NCSA email account and currently have 112 unopened emails from schools reaching out to us. NCSA is not cheap.....but it will provide a pathway to play at the next level.

  3. Danville absolutely buzz sawed Garrard. I was very surprised by the score.


    I'm guessing the thought of being a 4 seed brought the Ads to their senses.


    So now that the district matchup are set, how hard do Danville/Lincoln go at this Friday? Basically, this game determines what color jersey you wear for your tourney matchup.

  4. Probably the best complete game Boyle has played since the holidays. Boyle looked good on both sides of the ball, especially on defense, extending beyond the arc to eliminate 3pt looks for Southwest.


    Offensively, Boyle stayed patient and got some really nice looks via back door cuts and strong drives to the basket. Of course it always helps when Slone knocks down his first three 3 pointers.


    Reese Smith is an absolutely outstanding basketball player.

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