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tark the shark

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Posts posted by tark the shark

  1. C'mon brother. No hostility what-so-ever. I really thought it was a good back and forth. I would just like you to provide some numbers to back up your claims. Of course, it looks like CWB is helping you out a bit.


    As for basketball. That's a shame. I'm excited for CCH and cheer for them, so it's not good to see you acting like that towards the Beechwood kids. Not good to gloat dude. My kids don't play basketball nor have any of my nieces or nephews. I go to a few games a year. I'm confident the new Coach will get them to a respectable level very quickly. Kids love him and he has clearly re-energized the program. The girls program on the other hand has experienced a 180 degree turnaround in the first season under the new coach.


    If you want to continue this discussion, then create a new thread for the subject of "why beechwood is down". You can't seem to stop mixing in the Coach part of it. Which is something I haven't even commented on here. I am simply responding to your assertions about what is wrong with the Beechwood Football program.


    My brother, I had a blast with our back and forth. I look forward to future discussions. I'll start a thread when we get closer to football season, heck, I don't even know how to start one yet. The basketball side of things will hopefully work itself out. I know Goetz is a Holy Cross guy that has seem to put together a good staff. Is Mr Maile working with the girls program?


    Lastly, I am not gloating and I am as far from a CCH man as you will find. I love to watch CVH play, I am a huge Bo Schuh fan, he has been a friend/mentor to my son, his younger brother Gunnar will be a very nice player also. He shoots just like his father did (ball on the side) and is a markesman like Mike.


    Be good!

  2. The only thing I have passion for right now is responding to people who throw crap opinion around and try to pretend it is fact.


    Where in my response did I say anything about Noel Rash or criticize him? My response had nothing to do with Noel Rash. I was responding to your assessments and opinions and asking you to provide some evidence. You give incorrect and invalid reasoning for the state of Beechwood and I'm telling you that you that I think you are wrong. I realize this thread is a comparison of coaches, I didn't and still don't want to go there, but I did want to respond to your ignorant assertions.


    You give no evidence. You simply restated your opinions without facts. I understand the effect enrollment has on sports. I think my 2nd grader can understand that. You keep bringing up Boone and Lloyd like anyone here needs you to point that out. That would be a DUH! thing. I'm talkinga bout evidence that this is the case with Beechwood School District. I can assure you that is not Beechwood's problem. Beechwood simply does not have the difference in enrollment numbers like the examples you site or as you suggest. What were the numbers from the 90's? Just give me a guess at what you think they were on average. It wasn't that much over 400, if at all. If you were correct, wouldn't the numbers in the program be down overall? They are not. If anything, I think the number of players has grown. You are trying to draw parallels simply based on Mature Community. Throwing in names of great Ft. Mitchell landmarks such as Saddle Club and Greyhound doesn't prove you know what the hell you are talking about. Stop making assumptions and put up some actual numbers and stop using conjecture.


    Every community that is essentially locked physically like Beechwood/Ft. Mitchell goes through cycles. Older people sell and move away and young families move in. It doesn't take sprawl and growth with new houses. Just because the houses are older and "mature", doesn't mean that there aren't young families living in them. For the most part, Ft. Mitchell has not significantly grown physically since 70's. While your concept may prove correct in most communities, Beechwood draws young families to Ft. Mitchell. More importantly, it keeps many of the people that grrew up here returning with their own families . Thats why you have 2nd and 3rd generation kids playing. Certainly not all, but most families are willing to trade their newer home for an older home for the opportunity to send their kids to Beechwood. Ask any real estate person. It's why a house that would be 150-175K in most communities is $225-250K in Beechwood School District. Why are people willing to do that? The answer is Sports programs and Academics, but you must feed that machine. We have done that in the Acdemics area, but we have not done that recently in the sports.


    You didn't even address your other incorrect point that there are significant numbers of Ft. Mitchell/Beechwood School District boys that choose Cov Cath over Beechwood. While there are certainly out-of-district kids choosing CCH of Beechwood, there just aren't that many (still can't think of more than handful) in-district that choose Cov Cath over Beechwood and those are generally locked in at the First Grade when they choose Catholic Grade school over public. As for the others... As Guru has correctly pointed out many times, the biggest effect on the Beechwood Football program and kids choosing to go to CCH, Dixie or other schools is consistently losing games to them. This is especially the case with drawing the more talented out-of-district kids. Scheduling them is big and very important, but you have to beat them too.


    My brother, you have a lot of hostility built up in there. I believe we are going to agree to disagree on this subject, but that is beauty of this kind of forum. You think there needs to be an upgrade to a program that you care deeply about, that's cool.


    I'm still trying to find may way through this BGP forum, I am sure that I will have my share of mistakes, so bear with me. I started to study your forum views to help me better my "facts and stats". In your previous forums, besides Noel, I noticed you had some venom towards JD and Bob Meyerhoff. Then the light bulb went off, you are not anti-Noel but you are anti-Juggernaut.


    I don't want to go Freud on you, but I think I am onto something here. You have been a part of this program for 50 years plus, you have seen more Beechwood football than the entire staff combined. Now, you look around and the Erlangians have taken over. Your past and present Baseball coaches are Juggernauts, teachers and advisors are Lloyd alum, if Jon Long is still coaching volleyball (idk), Keb just took over the MS program, heck, even your new superintendant is a Jugg. It is bad enough that they come down Dixie Highway to drink your beer and date the women, they also teach your children in the classroom and on the ball field. This may be why it is a touchy subject.


    Being a founding father of Tiger nation, you should worry more about your basketball team rather than the football and baseball squads, there doing fine. Your varsity just hung a 21 spot up for the entire game. That is 5 less than Wardy averaged for you. I would call Noodles Delaney to see if he could fix your mess, unless you need to poach another Juggernaut, then see if Jimmy Foxx or Phil Rice are availble.


    I have a solution to the problem, sell your overpaid real estate to a young couple who has promising future Tiger athletes. I would like to cordially invite you to the fine city of Union. They play 6A ball out here, sometimes it is good and sometimes it is not. The Union mafia will welcome you with open arms. They even produced a successful coup against their coach, it will be a perfect fit. We have clean air, low taxes, and plenty of trophy wives. More importantly, there are 2 beautiful golf courses and both of them actually have back nines!


    I think a change of scenery may do good for you.

  3. Dude, drugs are bad. You should lay off...


    Just give me some kids that would have went to Beechwood if there wasn't a Cov Cath MS program? 98% of those kids were going to Cov Cath anyway. I can't think of more than 3 or 4 Cov Cath guys in the last 10 years that lived in Beechwood School District and played Football at Cov Cath. So kindly give me some of those. I'm sure there are others, but the older Way (OL for CCH -can't remember his name) is the only one I can think of off-hand. He was already at Cov Catch when they moved to Beechwood schol district.


    The issue with the CCH MS program is that its an absolute machine. They have some great coaching and they have plenty of kids. Pure and Simple, a great development program. It hasn't cut Beechwood off at the knees directly, it has simply elevated the Colonel program above that of the Tigers. This is not Rash's fault certainly. While I wasn't a fan, I have been educated about the guy that they have running the MS program. I understand that Keb (Kevin) Bright is a great coach and really has the kids excited about the BW MS program instead of it just being a holding queue until they can play Freshman.


    As far as the "Enrollment and demographics are two main ingredients for a successful program" What are you talking about? How has that changed from the 90's? If anything, because of the Education differences, Beechwood has more of a chance of getting some good student athletes and certainly keeping any who want both great football/sports opportunities and great education. Enrollment is UP since the 90's so I see no way this is factor.


    I doubt I'm wrong on these, but educate me. Contrary to opinion, I can be taught and I'm willing to listen to good evidence.


    Wow! I did not mean touch a nerve with the Saddle Club comment, I am sorry if I hit home on that one.


    Let's start with what we agree on first. The Colonel MS football program is an absolute machine that are well coached and the supply is plenty and growing. I also agree that Keb Bright is an outstanding choice for Beechwood MS program. You will not find a more quality of a person.


    Enrollment and demographics are huge in any program. I gave several great examples, Boone County HS is at 1800 students but the neighborhoods they draw from are older/mature. There only chance is to have the district rezone Pleasant Valley road, where Cooper parents will fight because they do not want to send their kids to Boone. Lloyd has went from 780 plus students to under 400, Why? Maturing neighborhoods and there is no where to build. Simon Kenton enjoys the luxury of Independence growth spurt over the last decade, they are capitalizing to the fullest. Are you going to tell me Jim Daugherty, Mike Leising, and Tim Odom didn't know how to coach football? The deck was stack against them when they were at SK helm. Open enrollment benefits them, but that is another thread.


    We have you beloved Beechwood Tigers, Ft Mitchell is a matured community, I do not have enrollment numbers compared to 90's. They are under 400 students from 9-12, with 90 in their graduating class. We can agree the academic bar has been raised at Beechwood, fantastic ACT scores.


    IMO, the demise of Spartan senior program and the acceleration of CCH has hurt Beechwood. I went to one varsity game this year due to a new work schedule. I stood on the CCH sidelines against Beechwood on the Thursday night Fox game. It looked like David vs. Goliath, the Beechwood kids were small and out numbered. Mike Yeagle or Bill Belechick would not of been able to coach those kids up that night.


    I love it my man, it is only Feb. 10th and you have this much passion. I think your mind set is not changing on Noel, but give me a chance. I am new to BGP and hopefully by October, we can call up Butch at the Greyhound, Noel, you and I, all can go break bread together, drink red tiger kool-aid, and sing Kumbaya!

  4. How many years has the Colonel Middle School program been around? Is the Spartan program a Bw middle school program? I take your last post to mean that Ft Mitchell kids are now playing in the Colonel program rather than the Bw Spartan program and the Colonel program starts in 6th grade while the Spartan program starts in 7th. But what of the kids that land at Bw from outside Ft. Mitchell? I recall several coming over in the last 5 years from out of district, including kids on this past years team. Plus many Bw fans are again proclaiming to have just had their best Frosh class in history. They also made that claim for the class of 2011 that had studs in it like Vocke.


    I believe the Colonel program may be in 6th of existance. The Spartan was NKYFL team that would consist of both future Beechwood and Cov Cath players. I know Cameron Vocke was an Erlanger kid and they currently have a set of twins from outside the district. I did not watch Beechwood's frosh team this year. I know Ryle won the frosh league in this area.


    I do not have a "dog in the hunt" on this topic, you have two top notch programs that both have quality coaching staffs. Unreal expectations from Alumni and parents run rapid through successful programs everywhere. Watch and see what happens if Highlands goes a couple of years without a title. I am supporter of the middle school programs, the object is to get the kids running an abreviated style offense that they will see in high school. My claim is CCH has done a wonderful job with their Colonel program and others are playing catch up.

  5. Noel Rash and his staff have done a remarkable job and put in countless hours into their successful program. I do not believe you will ever see the success in the 90's repeated in Ft. Mitchell. Enrollment and demographics are two main ingredients for a successful program. Boone County and Lloyd Memorial are examples of schools that have declined for these reasons. Simon Kenton is a program that has thrived due to population growth in their community.


    Beechwood is a little different animal because it loses students to CCH who are Ft. Mitchell residents. I believe the success of the Colonel Middle School football and the demise of Spartan senior program has cut Beechwood off at the knees. In the past, they would have a least a "punchers chance" in getting some talent. Now these kids are put into the middle school ball system in the 6th grade and it is highly unlikely they going to switch over.

    It is easy to sit on a bar stool at the Saddle Club and say ''remember when'' and to throw darts at a coaching staff that does things the right way.


    Ft. Mitchell and Beechwood should be thankful for Noel Rash!

  6. Here's a thought as well. If the parents sell a house in the Walton Verona school district and move to another school district (for whatever reason), they can't go to Walton Verona any longer. Doesn't Boone County Board of Ed have closed enrollment? So if the Burns family moves to Alexandria, he is no longer able to attend Walton. The same with McNeil, Moeves and I believe McCubbin that moved to Gallatin County. Maybe this is part of what constitutes a valid change of address. I guess the KHSAA has the authority to deny the request waiving the mandatory 1-year ineligibility and these are looked at on a case by case basis.


    Again, I don't know that this is the case in all of these instances, but selling a house and buying another in a different school system seems to be more easily accepted as a permanent or valid change of address.


    Boone County does have a closed enrollment, however it seems if the parents press for the kids to transfer in the county, it is just a matter of filling out a few forms. It usually goes unnoticed unless the kid is a good athlete (i.e. Sydney Moss). The Boone board of education has 7000 high school students plus in its system. These transfers are not at the top of their list.

  7. For the record, Bob Cowie lived in Ft Thomas from at least his Freshman year on. Daisy Lane product. Can't argue the rest other than Sudtkamp. He lived one house past the City limits. Went to Bellevue his Freshman year and sat out his Soph year becasue of transfer. You forgot about Jeff Kremer, he lived a couple houses outside the City Limits as well. All the others were legit transfers I guess. They all started HHS their Freshman years. Oh yeah, you also forgot about Steve & Barry Beagle. There are plenty more.......


    Great call on the Beagle brothers! One of the famous quotes by the legendary coach Owen Hauck after Steve Beagle picked up a fumble and ran it back for the winning touchdown, "I am not going to get beat by my own players". This caused a 20 year freeze on Boone/Highlands playing every year.

  8. Wow. Short memory. How about adding long-time coaches Ruschell in wrestling, Harden in track. Wiebrink in track and cross country, Bates in tennis, Collins in tennis, Deaton in track and cross country, Thornton in golf, very sadly we lost long-time Coach Bailie in swimming unexpectedly. I may have forgot a coach or two. We have great new coaches in Jackson and McFarland in basketball, who I believe will be at Ryle a long time, Milburn in softball and Engler in football. I love our coaching staff and parents at Ryle.


    Tanner in volleyball

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