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Everything posted by groinpull

  1. Yes, I believe they won the JV tournament. I'm sure they are proud.
  2. Update on this. The kid who got the red card last Thursday vs. CCH in a varsity game was then given another red card in the JV tournament two days later. I guess he'll have to sit out the first two games of next year's JV tournament and his next two varsity games since he seems to be on both teams.
  3. No, he got a red card Thursday which my understanding is results in a two game suspension. I guess since it's not technically spelled out (as far as I know) they allowed the kid to keep playing, just at the JV level instead of varsity level. One of his teammates got a straight red in the JV tournament for an intentional elbow to the face on Saturday. I heard the kid who was elbowed was nearly unconscious. And that came straight from the ref who did the game.
  4. I'd have to say Boone is a slight favorite entering the post season but the others you can just say take your pick. Of course, Brossart and Scott are in the 10th region, which is very marginal talent-wise. I'd think one of those two easily wins that region. 9th region is going to be very competitive. Any one of 4-5 teams can win that region if they get hot at the right time. I think a lot depends on the regional draw that comes out.
  5. I'd agree with you, this would be a classless move. Unfortunately it was on display all weekend at the JV regional soccer tournament. A kid who got a straight red card for punching someone in a varsity match Thursday night (I believe his second or third red card this season) was down at Town and Country the very next night playing in the JV tournament. Does a school really want to win the JV tournament that badly?
  6. Regarding rules questions, a player receives a red card in a varsity game for punching another player. Is he ineligible for varsity and JV games that follow? Just varsity games?
  7. That was indeed a farce as far as the officiating goes, even by N. Ky. standards. A couple of Scott goals off of free kicks via mystery fouls. Best team still won the game. Treadway had a couple nice finishes but as noted, his flipping and flopping ways have not changed. Hard to watch a game with him in it. Seems to me N. Ky officials could get a handle on the dramatics via a couple yellow cards. Great fight put up by the Colonels after falling behind a couple of times to tie it 3-3 at halftime. Took control in the second half and had much more of the ball and deserved to win. If Treadway stays healthy I think Scott stands a good chance to beat Brossart in regional play. Their kick the ball up the field to Treadway style is effective if he avoids the flopping. Other than him there is not much there.
  8. I'd say that Scott will be a little like Boone County, just not as good. Boone normally goes as well as O'Hara does. With Scott, if Treadway scores 2-3 goals I'd say Scott has a good chance. If not, I think CCH wins. With Schneider out, there is not much in the cupboard for Scott other than Treadway. And a suspect defense too, although they played Boone close so they must have improved. Should be a good game.
  9. I believe Treadway scored twice last night for Scott vs. Boone County so he must be back. I think Schneider is still out.
  10. That is a good win for St. Henry. How many seniors does St. Henry have?
  11. CCH goals by Corey Craig on a free kick and by Bryce Day off a nice cross by Adam Atkinson. Ryle picked up a goal in the last 30 seconds of the game for the final margin. Wasn't really that close and the Colonels were well in control of this game. Ryle was under pressure most of the game. A year makes a big difference as Ryle clearly misses all those senior starters. Overall a good effort by CCH.
  12. End of a tough week of games for the Colonels. Let's hope they can get healthy as the post season gets closer. Well done getting a draw vs. Summit, one of the top teams in D3 in Ohio.
  13. Wow is right. So much for those polls. Trinity is good but still a horse race once we get to post-season. I think half a dozen teams could win it.
  14. Well, not really but you are welcome to your opinion. If saying that Cooper did not have a huge talent pool other than Ross and O'Brien gets you upset there is nothing I can do about that. Certainly not an "insult".
  15. That does sound clunky. Foul in the box..........give the PK. Any team would take that vs given some advantage and try to score. Keep in mind the foul in the CCH/Cooper game was bad enough to warrant a yellow card from the same ref.
  16. I'd agree that .500 is about where most people associated w/ the program figured they'd be given their age and the schedule they face. And Cooper may have been young too but without Ross and O'Brien......there didn't seem to be a huge talent pool. CCH has a good, solid junior class........a huge and talented sophomore class.......and a big talented frosh class that just won the frosh regional tournament. Ryle and St. Henry also field young teams I think. Of course the key is good young talent and not just young talent.
  17. Nobody on the CCH side would argue with your statement that CCH is a middle of the road team this year on a statewide basis. I've said that myself a number of times. Still one of the top 4-5 in N. Ky. even in a very down year for them. Not sure what your point is. They play a tough schedule every year and will be lucky to be .500 overall this year. They are still a handful for any team in N. Ky. and that's a testament to the quality of their program given they have a team that is not very good by their standards.
  18. I'd have to agree with much of what you say here. First off, there are really not that many kids coming out of N. Ky. capable of playing D1 soccer. There really are not that many capable of playing D2 quite frankly. Look at this year. There may be two........maybe one.....possibly none. It's a high bar to get over.
  19. If it's the same announcer that Ryle has had the last few years.........he is the worst. No business calling a soccer game. I'm not familiar w/ the rules (if any) on this.
  20. First of all, that call didn't alter the game as CCH won anyway, even if by just a goal. Not sure there are a lot of fans complaining about it but at the time they were. I do have to say the call was laughable though. Advantage inside the box? Come on.... The CCH player was fouled by the Cooper player preventing him from getting to the ball. The ball then goes out of bounds, the ref then blows the whistle, stops the clock and gives a yellow card to the Cooper player for the foul but awards no PK. No advantage sign was given at the time and no reputable ref would do that anyway. It was a clear PK foul, there was no advantage to allowing play to continue, she didn't make that call at the time but was doing what she could to keep the game close apparently. A yellow card for a foul inside the box that does not result in a PK? You may not see that again if you watch soccer the rest of your life.
  21. You seem to think I'm making excuses for them. I'm not. CCH was far better and should have shown it but they didn't. That's their fault. And I think it's "chess game"..........not "chest game".
  22. CCH has never shied away from a tough schedule and it's one of the reasons they attract quality players. - Boone County tonight - Cincinnati St. X on Thursday - Summit Country Day on Saturday (Summit is #1 in Ohio in Division 3 I think) Yes, they could lose all three, especially this year. I'd still rather play those teams than line up some patsies. St. Henry, Ryle, Boone.......I believe have been playing similar schedules lately.
  23. The fact that this game was close was entirely CCH's fault. It was 2-0 about 5 minutes into the game. Should have been over at halftime but yes, let a bad team hang around long enough and it will bite you eventually. Fine to get everyone some playing time but it was a little too relaxed overall. CCH has a habit of playing to their competition as evidenced by this game and the Connor game. Cooper has a couple good players in O'Brien and Ross. I've never seen a team's fans so happy after a loss, which is an indication of how lopsided it really should have been. This game was a step backwards for CCH.
  24. Brossart is OK.......just like the other top 4 or 5 teams in N. Ky. No great teams in the area this year I don't think. I would say that Brossart has played a pretty weak schedule compared to someone like Boone Co., CCH or Ryle. They have beaten NCC and Boone so obviously they are pretty good but I don't think you can anoint any team in N. Ky. a clear #1.
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