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Posts posted by HoopsLady

  1. The news out of Richmond and all the recent decommission and kiddies in recruiting have me wondering if Stoops days at UK are numbered.


    Please show me a program in a BCS conference that does not have at least a dozen thugs, criminals, drug dealers and sexual violators on it? UK was recruiting nobody before Stoops got there. That being said, would I send my kid to UK to play football? HELL NO!

  2. So are you selling them short again just because they're females??


    Exactly. Why is it too excessive for girls but not for boys? Either you are in shape and conditioned or you aren't; no matter what sex you are.


    I don't follow the boys game. Do the boys have players that play both JV and significant Varsity roles? Do they cross levels like they do in the girl's game? Girls programs don't seem as deep to me. Am I mistaken?

  3. After watching girl's bb for about 5 years now, I'm beginning to wonder if a 30 game schedule is excessive. Given the participation crossover between JV and Varsity, I see a lot of players that on the tail end of back to back games, just do not have it in the gas tank. Big kids especially. Granted, at the state tournament, you are playing back to back, but that is only varsity.


    Also,if you are playing a game as the tail end of a back to back, you are at an extreme disadvantage if your opponent is not.

  4. About 5 years ago I asked a lot of questions similar to the title of this thread. I could not believe that HHS could have so much success with home grown players only. My feelings were cemented when I took a look at a lot of their kids and found that they were not for the most part the athletic specimens you would see on a Trinity or Male.


    Public forums like this make it nearly impossible for the transfer or relocation of a talented player into the district of a particular school a secret. I have not heard of one in 5 years on here.

  5. I'm unsure if you're being completely serious or a bit facetious, so I'll say that I think you have some fair points, but let's be real: regulation weights are 12.5-13.5 pounds per square inch. To be 2 pounds below the 12.5 PSI threshold, that's around 15-16% of the total weight, and that's being generous enough to say that they would have otherwise been inflated to exactly 12.5 PSI.


    If the elements alone are causing balls to lose 15-16% of their total weight (again, at the very minimum), then you'd have to think that the NFL is going to find a new supplier who can develop a ball that stays inflated. You don't hear about this being an issue in Lambeau, Buffalo, New York, Minnesota, etc., so why is it suddenly such a big deal? There's no way that someone makes a straight faced argument that the NFL can't find a supplier to manufacture a ball that can stay inflated.


    I'd say its more likely the Patriots did some manipulation within the rules. If you inflate the balls with 200 degree air to the minimum pressure, they would pass the pre game inspection, then quickly lose pressure.


    The NFL has never investigated this issue before and does not have a baseline. What they need to do is measure a large sample of balls before and after the game(s) to determine if this is a common occurrence, which I believe it is.

  6. I'd imagine that them just being in the elements is probably going to be hard for the NFL to police, but not really sure that they'd make such a noticeable difference. Plenty of teams play in the cold, and you really don't hear about this happening. If it's happening to yours, it should probably be happening to the other team's as well.


    Policy-wise, the NFL probably doesn't want teams messing with the balls, so I'd imagine re-inflating them often, even if you were doing it within the guidelines according to PSI/weight, or any similar actions would be looked down upon because it'd be too hard for the officials to enforce. There's probably an explicit rule against tampering with the balls PSI/weight once approved.


    They are weighed before the game to ensure you are at a regulation weight and are probably designed/engineered well enough that they don't really see a significant loss of pressure. Given that, I'd think the league's competition committee won't take kindly to someone playing the "ok, it's the right weight now, so lets go do all we can to change it" game, at least to the degree New England did it.


    I'd imagine that there was probably a significant difference in the feel of the balls at proper weight vs two pounds too light, otherwise, why go through all the trouble? I really doubt Belichick is dumb enough to let anyone see that the balls are corrected, meaning someone noticed, then try the exact thing again immediately afterward.


    Just a guess, but since 11 of the 12 were underweight, meaning one was the proper weight, then I'm inclined to think that they purposefully left one as is for a reason. If there was an issue where they were called on it and they throw in the one proper one, then it's much more likely that someone thinks it's just one ball and things don't seem as awry as they would if they found out 10 of the remaining 11 were the same.


    First of all, weight is irrelevant , since the ball itself can absorb moisture and gain or lose weight depending upon moisture accumulation. Second, the relevant measurement is inflated air pressure. Balls can start the game at a higher pressure and then lose pressure simply by reducing the temperature by exposure to ambient conditions. I guess nobody here remembers the ideal gas law??? Fourth, have you noticed any of those Gronk spikes? Think you could lose a little air pressure there? I think so.


    The NFL will find that the balls lose pressure by exposure to ambient conditions and through use. This will all boil over and all the Patriot haters will be red faced.

  7. I will 100% respectfully disagree. You can ask any recruiter out there if they want specialization and they will tell you absolutely not. We have become a society of if I train in one sport year round I have a better chance. That is false and it is proved over again and again at the college level. But high school coaches think that you have to have them 24/7/365 and that is just not the case. I wish more and more people in this state would understand this.


    We will have to agree to disagree. Ask any recruiter and they will tell you if they don't have the measureables, they could play 6 sports , and it would not matter.


    I also believe that unless you are a track athlete, taking the spring off to participate in spring football helps you get prepared for camp season. IMO, wrestling and track are the only sports that helps football athletes prepare for evaluation.


    Like I said in my original post, if you have all the measurables, then go right ahead and play multiple sports. If you don't have the measureables, then playing multiple sports is not going to further your football career aspirations.

  8. I'll bet you that it doesnt.


    Specialization sucks. I hate it.


    Matter of fact, ask around at our state NAIA schools. I played at one..and, I don't know that a single one of our starters (especially my three years when I did) was a single sport kid in HS. Hell, we had a hand full that doubled up football/baseball or football/basket ball at the collegiate level.


    ...now, with thst said..they might have been their junior or senior year, which I'm ok with (a little more ok), but not before.


    Athletic standards for playing football beyond D3 have exploded. Times have changed. You can play 3 sports, but if you don't have the measurables, you don't get on the field.

  9. The kids that Urban gets are natural athletes that are blessed with profound athletic gifts. They already have the measurables needed to be recruited and signed at that level. Most have to make themselves into athletes. The only way to do that is through structured training, specific goals and a plan to get there. That commitment simply does not leave time for another sport. I bet the chart at a MAC school , or an FCS school would look a lot different.

  10. 8/14 Bryan station home (scrimmage)

    8/21 CCH away

    8/28 St X (Lou). Lchs

    9/4 Boone. Home

    9/11 Highlands. Away

    9/18 Campbell County home

    9/25 Open

    10/2 Clark co. Home

    10/9 Cooper. Away

    10/16 Conner home

    10/23 SK. Away

    10/30 Dixie. Away


    OMG, me and RC are going to agree on something! That is a nice schedule. Not to soft and not to brutal. I thought the Colerains and LaSalles were just too much!

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