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Posts posted by HoopsLady

  1. I have read several articles stating that we are nearing a critical shortage of welders, pipe fitters, plumbers, etc. No one wants to do these jobs anymore. You can make more money with a master welder or master plumber license than you ever will with most liberal arts degrees and be able to find a job.


    And this is where the Obama proposal for publicly funded community college education ties in. That is where you can learn the trade skills that have relevance in the marketplace.


    Most 4 year College curriculums are taught with english challenged foreign graduate students who are paid next to nothing, while students are accumulating 5 and even 6 figure debt. You have to be very selective regarding what school you attend and what you choose as a major. 4 year college is not fr everybody , either.

  2. It's our money and the idea that it is not is a basic cause of a lot of our problems.


    It is our money, but the Supreme Court has spoken and requires it to spent on the mass incarceration of individuals with minor offenses where they receive free taxpayer funded health care, food, lodging and education. Most get free legal representation also. We always here the conservative talking points on "welfare", but we never seem to hear objections to MASSIVE spending on the legal, judicial and penal costs associated with the prosecution of crimes that are relatively minor.

  3. Being subject to KY HB-1 for a prescription had led me to be able to directly relate to this.


    The action is an unconstitutional search.

    It is hindrance to freedom through it unwarrented restriction of a legal purchase.

    And it has a basis in presumption of guilt - also unconstitutional.


    If politicians want to blanket drug test a group it should on themselves. Once a year - line in the capital hallway - with cup in hand.


    Can we monitor their extramarital activity as well?

  4. So, say we pull the plug on welfare. Then what? Do you really believe these people, many of whom are unwed mothers, are going to instantly become productive citizens? These people will become desperate, and ultimately turn to illegal activities to support themselves. Then they are arrested, tried and convicted of crimes where they are subsequently incarcerated. While incarcerated , they receive taxpayer provided housing, meals, health care and education. I read one study that asserted that the costs of incarceration are close to an Ivy League education. Welfare is a good investment.

  5. I thought this too...but someone told me (I'm not purporting this is 100% true) that Kentucky is unlike almost all other states around us in that it DOES cost them the same to take an out-of-stater as an in-stater.


    We had a kid I was sure was going to be offered by Southern Illinois a couple years back and one UT-Martin wanted. I was called by a coach the day before signing day in both instances and was told they had an in-state kid who they evaluated evenly with our guy and said they had to always go with the in-state kid since it costs them less.


    BTW--kid SIU was recruiting decided to be a preferred walk-on at UofL and lettered last year as a Soph. I'm sure he'd have been a contributor at either of our in-state FCS schools. Was a 3.2 gpa kid with a high ACT score too.


    We had a similiar experience with UT Martin. Murray was interested and offered an official visit, before the coaching change. After, no interest. So TN schools require out of state tuition for KY kids, but KY schools require no additional cost for TN kids. This needs to be brought to the attention of the legislators.

  6. One big issue we have in Ky. is that our scholarship-level FCS schools have--purposely or not--concentrated all or almost all their recruiting on out of state kids. I'm sure they'd say a lot of that is due to not seeing Ky. kids in person at their camps.


    Only camps to get eyeballs of D1 (FCS & FBS) coaches on you is at an on-campus camp. Those levels are not allowed at combines. (D2, D3, & NAIA don't have same restrictions--which is the only reason we hold the camp we do..it's got 15-20 coaches of schools at those levels directly evaluating kids in action).


    EKU signed exactly ZERO Ky. HS players this year (signed 19--all out-of-staters). I don't know how many they offered. For our kids to get offers, I have to get them out to ON-CAMPUS CAMPS--I expect them to be able to get to the in-state schools themselves.


    To increase their exposure, this June (as we do every year), I will take our Seniors and a few Juniors to a series of FBS school camps over 4 days that are known to have FCS coaches present: UIllinois then UMissouri then SE Missouri St. If I can get a few more Louisville kids offered at their competition, maybe our in-state FCS schools will start offering?


    Kudos to WKU -- had commitments from double-digit Ky. HS players. Perhaps EKU & Murray assumed they took all the talent? I know the guys at EKU & Murray would probably say they don't offer kids they don't see in person.


    The thing I do not understand from this behaviour by EKU and Murray is that signing out of state kids is actually MORE EXPENSIVE because the athletic department is paying for out of state tuition. We need to remember this behaviour the next time EKU or Murray goes to the state legislature for public money!

  7. Why should Cooper even have been built? There was no need for another high school in Boone County. They could have saved a lot of money, expanded some of the other schools, and upgraded their current facilities.


    I believe both Boone and Conner are pretty land locked? Ryle seems to be the only campus with room for expansion. I wish Boone had looking into buying the former SOAS facility. It could of had additional classrooms and an indoor practice facility that could have been shared with the other schools.

  8. Yes. And Al-Qaeda thinks that ISIS is too extreme. I see us somehow stirring the pot between ISIS and the Taliban, but how can we support one or the other? We can't support one like we did with the Iran/Iraq war and let them kill each other off.


    Don't support either. Kill one, implicate the other!

  9. My understanding is that ISIS and the Taliban are bitter rivals and that it would not take much to promote open warfare between the two groups. I hope we have learned from the Iraq experience to facilitate the conflict between our enemies instead of killing one so the other can dominate!

  10. The McViddie at at Moe has exactly zero HS starts heading into his senior year. If ever proof was needed that HS football is becoming irrelevant in the recruiting process here it is. Camps get it done.


    1) Which HS program you participate in makes a HUGE difference. Same kid in KY might never be noticed.


    2) Assuming the goal is to be recruited and signed at FBS/FCS level, don't bother playing football in HS. Train to hit your measurables.

  11. I believe the jihadists correctly interpret the Quran. Islam is both Religion and Government meant for a population that is homogeneously Islam. Non Islam authority is to be rejected. The alternative to conversion to Islam is death. These beliefs and teachings are in direct conflict for living in a free heterogenous society.

  12. 80:42 Those are the disbelievers, the wicked.


    76:4 Surely We have prepared for the disbelievers chains and shackles and a burning Fire.



    33:48 And obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites, and disregard their annoying talk, and rely on Allah. And Allah is enough as having charge (of affairs).


    25:52 So obey not the disbelievers, and strive against them a mighty striving with it.

  13. 5:51 O you who believe, take not the Jews and the Christians for friends. They are friends of each other. And whoever amongst you takes them for friends he is indeed one of them. Surely Allah guides not the unjust people.


    9:30 And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. These are the words of their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before. Allah’s curse be on them! How they are turned away!


    7:182 And those who reject Our messages — We lead them (to destruction) step by step from whence they know not.


    17:16 And when We wish to destroy a town, We send commandments to its people who lead easy lives, but they transgress therein; thus the word proves true against it, so We destroy it with utter destruction.


    2:191 And kill them wherever you find them, and drive them out from where they drove you out, and persecution is worse than slaughter. And fight not with them at the Sacred Mosque until they fight with you in it; so if they fight you (in it), slay them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

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