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Posts posted by HoopsLady

  1. This article raises issues that apply to most youth sports today. Capitalists seeking to make money off of youth erect financial barriers that leave out many talented kids who do not get the opportunity for exposure. Take a hard look at who wins High School championships, even in this state, and you will find that it is often the best financially support kids/teams coming home with the trophies.

  2. Cov Cath wins its 17th straight regional championship beating out second place Dixie by more than 400 points. Bad news for other local teams, the results in the next couple years will probably be similar to this. Notre Dame wins on the girls side by more than 200 points. Notre Dame has now won 35 of the last 37 regional championships. Extremely impressive by the Pandas.


    Does Cov Cath have a shot at St. X this year? #AlwaysABiggerFish

  3. If you were expecting us, why didn't you show up in case we were there? We are both pretty personable people and would have loved to have met you. :wave:


    My sons were competing in Region 4 swim championships. At the time I said I would be at the game, I was not aware there was a conflict between the two events. Swim conflicts are why I don't make all the girl's games.

  4. Saw this article on Facebook from a friend. Very interesting.


    High school football combines, recruiting gurus are full of bunk



    100% correct. NUC, Best of The Midwest, etc add no value to the recruiting effort what so ever. They just post numbers that nobody making recruiting decisions looks at. Stick to the college camps and don't over due it. Don't let pride prevent you from looking at lower levels of football.

  5. I was there and thought it was a well called game by the officials. I did not notice either coach complain about the call's. I thought the difference in the game was Simon Kenton used 11 players and gave rest to the starters. Campbell County used 7 maybe 8 players and appeared to me they were fatigued at the last minutes of the game. Schwarber looked really fatigued at the end before fouling out.


    I have no complaints with the 2nd game officiating, only the first.

  6. To clarify, I was referring to you: You spent all kinds of time hammering the officials and SK doesn't hand check, then, after the fact, you tell on yourself and say you weren't at the game…that's the ZERO CREDIBILITY piece.


    Last time I checked box scores don't list # of hand checks in the stats lines….


    Maybe if you folks clued in some, you would have read that I have access to game tapes. You assume that just because I'm not there live, I don't see the game. I get to look at officiating errors and omissions in great detail! And , oh by the way, I see 0 hand checks today. Good day!

  7. I was! I watched a Highlands team win a championship! But I had to leave and come back either way. And it wasn't about admission. I had a pass remember...the one YOU weren't going to allow me to use! :no:

    Congrats on the Championship and your daughters selection to All Tourney Team!!! AWESOME!!!!!......:ylsuper:So why didn't you come back???? If your pass was good????:eyeonyou:

  8. For someone that wasn't at either game you sure had a lot to say about the refs and to RCC9 about not seeing SK play. Hmmmmm..... Now I get it....... You live on a one way street. :D


    No not a one way street .. I do get the paper and read online to get stats... Just because Independance is out in the BOONIES for others doesn't mean the news can't be found:walk:

  9. What??? You weren't there??? Darn it! You lied! I didn't go because I didn't think you were going to let me in! And dinner plans got cancelled and I was going to try the pork bbq! You just cost your school money and me a chance to pick up a thing or two from the SK coaching staff! Oh well, at least I'll get to watch them Thursday.


    Remember YOU were already in the SK Gym yesterday...

    .. They do not charge for reentry!!! :laugh:

  10. You saw our "F" game last night and we lose by 6. We saw your "D" game and we won by 7. By your famous scoring comparison with SK/Collins/Highlands. Claiming SK is better than Highlands football, that makes lady Camels the better team.


    Since I wasn't at either game .I am still awaiting your grade out of CC and SK

    in each game you mention only one teams grade out ?????? Game 1 sk-"D" / cc(???) game 2 SK(???)/ CC-"F" Can you fill in the (???)?

  11. Lets get a few things straight....


    I am not a coach, teacher, administration or staff at any school. Not even a janitor, bus driver or employee of a board of education. Many people on here know who I am. I own a business, and am a

    bi-vocational pastor. The video I am referring to is NOT any school or team video. As a hobby, I make highlight videos, documentaries, senior videos, college recruiting videos, promo videos...etc. (If you want to see a sample, let me know, there are some on you tube) Because I was getting footage for a video project, I filmed a majority of the first SK vs Walton Verona game at Walton. This is why when Coach Clink got tossed in that game from his technical, I had my film of it from a unique and different angle where I usually film along the baseline and sideline. I just happen to be filming that game, and because of that I just happened to catch about everything that went on, including the technical, one "extra physical" incident and sorry, the random SK defenders hands on players hips and backs. (just like any other team will do randomly)


    Now to where we are now. Once again, you have gone just a little overboard! What I posted was not a threat as you have seem to respond back with. No, I would never post anything from my video with intent to "tear down", "strike back", cause harm to any person, MUCH LESS high school students. No, I have zero intention of threatening anyone or any school with anything. In fact, I would never go outside of the authority of Walton's coaching staff and do anything with any video I had, other than use it to make the senior video, and season documentary videos that I was asked to do. My only intention was to "back up" my comments that your SK team is not the perfect, non fouling little angels, that you said they were, by telling you that my video shows otherwise. Yes, it shows MORE than hand checks that you said they did not do. In other words, if I posted it, it would prove you wrong several times over. And for your benefit in this threads argument, you would not want it public on here for all of us to see just how silly your comment was.


    I know that you are using the word "we" in your post, and others on here have posted that you are a coach, but honestly, I do not believe that. A coach, coaches with class like SK has, would never ever post a threat of this sort on a public forum. Athletic directors would discuss it privately, just like they did last year about the incident you are referring to.



    You wanted to make a point about hand checking without offering evidence. I called you on it, but you declined. Stop taking up with RC by taking shots at our program and you will be fine. The coaching staff is limited in what they cay say, but I am not. You, like RC, need to know when to stay on the sidelines.


    Again, post recent video of SK hand checking, or APOLOGIZE and withdraw your statement! I really tire of the mudslinging!

  12. Didn't realize I was taking credit for developing anyone. Someone asked how I knew so much. I said I know, have coached, have trained or have seen all of your players many times. Some all the way down to your middle school kids! So you can ask around and do your own leg work.


    Please don't fabricate things I didn't say.


    More smoke and mirrors for "I've no connection to the development of any player in SK's program." Please don't insult us by equating "daddy ball" coaching with the coaching of those who played and coached for many years at higher levels.

  13. Why do you ask? But I'll answer your question. I have coached and trained several of the kids at SK. I have also seen almost all of them play in AAU a ton of times. Now as far as other things about SK, some of it just their style of play that I have watched. As LA said, I get around!


    Since you have been out of aau bball for several years and SK has only 2 seniors and 1 junior on the team, who specifically would you like to take credit for developing?

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