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Everything posted by 2legit

  1. Coach Nevels I think will have the program going back in the right direction... He was on the d coordinator on Steve Lickert staff through all of his success at Holmes...I honestly think the discipline and the issues with the team is always challenging but you can win with this school... Just have to believe.... Kids can always leave the Holmes program and go up the hill to Scott but that doesn't make them any better!....
  2. I heard he stayed... Who knows but I so believe he is unstoppable
  3. What are some of the needs for the bulldogs going into the 2013 season? Be constructive
  4. Good maybe Holmes middle won't get screwed now state wide format!
  5. Lavar was a jr playing outside linebacker and kick returner
  6. That was his junior season when he tore his ACL... He came back his senior with a state semi final appearance and over 2k in rushing yards as well!
  7. Preston Herron never moved it was Scott gardina
  8. I would have to disagree those who play more than just one sport are usually head and heels above some of the other players athletically... Over the past three years I have noticed the state champion teams have more more than three who play a multiple sport... If you are trying to win state championships in both sports you can't just be a one sport school.
  9. Holmes had three football players on the basketball team...
  10. I have seen that all the teams who make it to the state semifinals in basketball usually have about 6-8 players who play football... When you get to the state sweet sixteen in basketball. You need to be physical... Hint look at Madison central... Trinity
  11. Is it ok to tell basketball players not to play football?
  12. Who do you think was the most overlooked players at Boone county?
  13. Shaun Alexander George Rudd Preston Herron Kory Farris The best boone county team was the 1995 team... 15-1
  14. Those two coaches I know will make any young man better at what he does
  15. You cannot put someone with bad character in the same sentence as Shaun Alexander...one thing I do know about him is he worked hard in and out of the classroom.
  16. But to run because you can't do what you want and you can't get away with something... As a coach I will tell you if you do something you have to take the punishment handed Down... Not run because things are tough!
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