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Posts posted by Bluebird

  1. Dale Mueller was an outstanding coach and is an outstanding man; what he brought to the program places him on a plane with Homer Rice as the pinnacle of coaches at Highlands.


    Let's not sell Brian Weinrich short; give him some time to put his stamp on the program as the head guy. We tend to forget he was the assistant head coach during the latter part of Dale's tenure.


    It is all about the kids and their dedication and motivation. I have been watching Highlands play for 60 years and from what I saw at St. X on Friday night they will show up to play on Friday night.

  2. I don't take it personally; I have watched him for a number of years and some of what you say is correct. Some is not. His happy feet as you refer to his foot movement has caused a lot of comment from the experts and some is justified. What is not is the play calling that consistently put UK in third and long. Let's see. Run on 1st, run on 2nd and then throw. Pretty much over and over again. The let's throw and hit the receiver in the hands and oops it is dropped. Over and over again. Then, on the few occasions it is caught bring it back for offensive holding. Then there is the confidence building press conferences from Coach Stoops and the OC's. Back to basics; when Patrick chose to run he showed good mobility. His passing accuracy was definitely improved but the consistent drops skewered the statistics. Yes sports fans I watched every game AND HE COULD HAVE BEEN BETTER. PATRICK WAS NOT THE PROBLEM WITH THIS UK TEAM; UNFORTUNATELY HE WASN'T THE SOLUTION EITHER.

  3. To those of you who fail to see the talent this young man has I wish for you better judgement. It is disappointing to see this coaching staff treat this young man as they have for several years. I hope they don't do the same to Drew Barker who has demonstrated some ability but far less maturity. I have been a UK football fan for almost 60 years and I was truly hopeful when Stoops was the hire to replace Joker. That hope is gone after I have seen the way he has handled the program. Yes, we have a major league facility and the recruiting has been better but the overall program administration has been a disaster including the inability to game plan and to make in game adjustments.

  4. It was a good win. Liked the grit Highlands showed and the fact that Hergott was put in a position to succeed. I saw the earlier matchup predictions but not sure they will be as posted. If Montgomery beats Anderson they end up on the top side of the bracket and play Grant Co with the winner getting the Highlands-Woodford winner. We will see Friday. Nice thing this year is if Highlands keeps winning they keep playing in Fort Thomas right through until Bowling Green. Go Birds. (Hey coach, how about working on a screen play for Pulsfort? The kid has good wheels!)

  5. Highlands 59-61 Teams were quarterbacked by Roger Walz and he was flat out amazing all three years. The running backs in that same period were both Burt's, Jim and John who were both all time candidates. Wide receivers Jim Biltz and Bill Bradley who both played at lonesome end as sophomores in 61 should also garner some votes. Homer Rice laid the groundwork for all of the success since the mid 50's.

  6. Pat Towles is a winner and a leader. With improved depth in protection I look for an opportunity for him to excel this year. It will be interesting to see how Reese comes back from his injury. The few plays he got in last year really were hard to watch.

  7. I have attended a lot of football games over the last sixty years; i am really looking forward to September 25th! How many times can one say that going up an opponent that has an all time record against you of 1-25? That is a testimony to the way SK has improved; I am curious as to how much.

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