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Posts posted by justsayin

  1. Serious question....does Vegas book bets on Academy Awards? I've heard it was at least two minutes before the correction occurred.


    I could easily see a bettor standing at a window in Vegas and putting their ticket on the counter as soon as the "winner" was announced, collecting their cash. And I could also see a bettor tearing up a "losing" ticket.

  2. Brannen sure better be being considered for the conference COY.


    Definitely deserved.


    Not to get way out over my skis, but a COY award, 20+ win season, possible postseason tournament, all speed up the inevitable "where coach goes next" talk. I would really love to see him stay through the duration of this freshmen class.

  3. Having the PA guy who runs the games get the crowd pumped up and the music are very nice changes!!


    They have taken the total game experience to a different level. The player intros (I still find the "Summon the Norse" horn a little corny), in-game giveaways, DJ music during timeouts, halftime entertainment has all been really good. And the arena is fantastic.


    The planets orbit a dwarf star named Trappist-1, about 40 light-years, or 235 trillion miles, from Earth. That is quite close in cosmic terms, and by happy accident, the orientation of the orbits of the seven planets allows them to be studied in great detail.



    I love that phrase; it really underscores just how big the universe is.


    With today's technology, it would take hundreds of thousands of years (if not millions) to reach that destination. Fascinating!

  5. I think if something Racial was said, Rick would have called the guy out for that.


    Totally agree. And if it was a racial slur, there would be a lot more evidence (i.e. people talking/pointing fingers) than what is out there.


    I rule in favor of the plaintiff.

  6. Totally agree on the premise of the thread. The "signings" are an opportunity to pat oneself on the back.


    What really frosts me, is the valedictorian sits down the hall, with full-ride offers from a handful of prestigious universities, and only gets an asterisk by their name in the graduation program.

  7. Big win for the Norse.


    Murray showed off a portion of his game I hadn't seen before with a few nice takes to the rim.


    Garnett had a few huge triples.


    McDonald was his typical self.


    You live with the good and bad from Holland because he's an insane athlete and a high talent, but he makes more unforced turnovers than anyone I've seen. Oh well, he typically makes up for it and he did tonight.


    The Horizon league has to have the worst officiating crews in the history of college basketball. Two of the three clowns tonight were absolutely horrendous.


    I thought you were also a UK fan? You must have been in the restroom each time Briscoe has made one of his 11,284 unforced turnovers. :)

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