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Everything posted by TheOwenFive

  1. oh, I forgot YOU are the coach and in charge of getting players now...you don't even know Karly. She is a really nice kid and a nice pitcher. Good luck to her with her new team. Get over it already and support the team you are supposedly associatied with now.
  2. Hmmm...we had games monday, wednesday and yesterday. Where were you? Isnt that the point of sports, to play other competition? Its time for you to come out of the closet. Oh...go ahead and go to that connor game...geesh. SMH.....
  3. After a bit of a delay, the Lady Camels won the first and loss the second in a great evening of softball. I think this is a great group of eighth and ninth graders that show great promise in the next few years...all you camel bashers...watch out! The entire group of girls,( freshman, JV and Varsity) has improved and continues to improve, and most importantly, they are smiling out there and really coming together as a team.
  4. After a bit of a delay, the Lady Camels won the first and loss the second in a great evening of softball. I think this is a great group of eighth and ninth graders that show great promise in the next few years...all you camel bashers...watch out! The entire group of girls,( freshman, JV and Varsity) has improved and continues to improve, and most importantly, they are smiling out there and really coming together as a team. Sorry, don't have the scores, I was busy visiting and taking pictures.
  5. When camelbump actually shows up at a game that her daughter suppossedly plays, i will be able to see what gender he or she really is... i have a feeling its not who you think:)
  6. Hmmmm. The varsity gave up one run and the JV run ruled them in like three innings...what's there to complain about that? Camel bump....your humor is far from funny...your miscarriage comment sounds like something a man would say. Please stop,calling them "your" Lady Camels...you are not a part of the team.
  7. Varsity and jv camels both won easily...I was there...camel bump still remains to be seen...I think she's a figment of her own imagination....
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