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Posts posted by Politician

  1. Lets Roll, I believe that his favorites are the ones who bust their tail every day in practice, you should watch one of his practices, they go as fast and as hard as they do in the game. It is wall to wall non stop and makes them work. Some people might say that he plays favorites and some people may not agree with him but he was hired to coach and win, and they did that this year without all the kids that have quit. He I dont believe has ran anyone off, now some may not have liked him and quit or thought they were not getting their share of time and quit but I dont think he has ran anyone off.

    Is there any truth about Anglin quitting the team last year late in the year because of the way he was being treated, if he did quit seems odd that Hicks would let him come back this year if he quit for no reason. People say he was one of the hardest working kids on the floor, but got harsh treatment for the same mistakes that were overlooked if made by one other player. Hmm.

  2. Grant will have a better chance if their bigger kids improve yes but Grant County will have the greatest chance at Rupp IF the main 5 to 7 guys on the TEAM get stronger mentally and learn how to play when the pressure in on!!! Someone other than Carr has to get tough on a consistent basis and pull them to victory when his shots are not falling. Its high school ball in the 32nd and 8th region you only need to SOLID players to get to RUPP
    Grant had 2 very solid players this year in Carr and Anglin but they were 6ft. and maybe 5ft 10, you need some solid size.
  3. I am not from the area, but spent a lot of time watching high school games this year. Not only should have Carr been on the 42, I expect he would have made the team. I have seen all the Louisville players, he can play with any. Schedule hurt, and he plays out of position for Grant...(he's a point, not a 2)....such is life. Good luck to all those that received an invite. I also agree with the assessment this team could be loaded, will see who Feldhaus selects.


    Wow, if you saw all the Louisville guards and saw Grants games with the area they played in you are a traveling man. I wish I either had your money or your energy. Lol

  4. I am not sure so someone correct if I am wrong, but it seems to me Holmes usually has fewer fouls called on them than their opponent. It is the nature of their game and the way they play on both ends of the floor.

    Holmes usually has two of the quickest kids on the floor which makes them harder to guard and more apt to be fouled. Tell me, would you rather guard a quick or slow kid?

  5. Congrats to South Oldham, nice win. Is this the first time South has won the Region? How long has Simpson been the coach at South?
    Not sure on how long he's been there, but he sure has matured. He had some very questionable calls in the first half but he kept his composure and didn't let it affect his decision making, then late in the game when he was trying to hold the ball players took some quick and questionable shots, shook his head in amazement, called timeout and calmly explained in a firm manner score and time without putting unneeded pressure on his players. Great job coach Simpson!
  6. What makes you such an authority on the Coaches or what evidence do you have to support your accusations?

    Sounds like you have an axe to grind with coach Hicks.

    BGCAT you seem quite sensitive about coach Hicks and the fact that a lot of people seem to think he plays favorites, that's the consensus up around the 9th region and the schools he has coached at before, but everyone has a favorite.

  7. If you haven't seen kids play then your comments are irrelevant. Watch the IHIGH archive video of the District 32 championship game Simon Kenton vs Grant Co. on February 22 then see what you think.


    I now have watched the video and it was an awesome performance, but I am pretty sure none of the players from SK were invited to the tryout either, my reference was about the best in the state, not the 32nd district.

  8. Was surprised that Tyler Carr from Grant Co. didn't get a shot. One of the best in the 8th region this year. Helton over Moeves from Walton?

    Congratulations to the kids who get a chance to make the team.


    I've not seen Carr play but you will not get many allstar invites playing Grants schedule. I wonder if the list was out before or after the Oldam game. Helton over Mavis was probably the fact he is 6ft.5. Don't know about Carr, but Mavis probably isn't quick enough to score against the bigger, quicker guards in the state.

  9. Advice! Don't put hard pressure on Mcneil 70 feet from the basket. Once in the front court just contain him and make him beat you from the perimeter, I would think by now most coaches would realize he will beat you from the free throw line. After 28 games I am truly amazed that coaches continue to insist their guards pressure him until he either gets past them for a layup or draws a foul.

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