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Posts posted by coach14

  1. Interesting that a 6' kid can slow down a strong 6'5 kid in Mcqueary. They should have posted him up or did they. McNeil must be a heckuva defender.


    McQueary is a set shooter, he's not going to create a shot for himself...not taking anything away from McNeil because he is a very talented young man and i saw some great defense from him last night.

  2. In the past I know Boone County didn't allow it. But the Conner 8th grade girls challenged that rule and a bunch of those girls on now playing up on the freshman and JV level. I'm sure if Thad is asked he could go and play.


    I wouldn't say a bunch, i beleive that it is only 2.

  3. -it was kickoff return not punt return. It basically negated the Boone score. In fact, since BW converted the PAT and Boone didn't it extended the lead.


    -Boone ate up a ton of time on the touchdown drive and the drive that ended with the interception at the beginning of the 4th quarter. The only time that Beechwood had the ball in the 3rd quarter was during the kickoff return (approx 15 seconds). I think Boone even used 3-4 minutes for the 30 yd drive that ended on the 1 yd line. I think that only really left 2-3 possessions for Beechwood in the 4th quarter.


    -In the fourth quarter I think Beechwood stayed conservative knowing it would take Boone lots of time to score and being up 14 points they had the luxury of being able to do that.


    -The game was won in the first 15 minutes of the game when Beechwood went after Boone. I think it surprised them.


    -What were the Boone mistakes? Beechwood could have had the fatal error after Boone went 3 and out on their first drive and got hit by the short punt allowing Boone to cross midfield and continue the drive.



    Correct it was a kickoff return. The mistakes were mentioned in my previous post and yes you are correct the first 15 minutes of the game were the deciding factor.

  4. coach14, I can take the Boone side too. And that side is there is no way Boone should have lost to Beechwood, the game was closer than the score indicated but Boone shot themselves in the foot so many times all they had left was two nubs. Beechwood couldn't run the ball on Boone, Boone didn't convert their red zone chances, Beechwood got lucky, the dog ate my homework, etc...



  5. Hats off to Beechwood, they played a great game. Beechwood is well coached and played nearly mistake free football and they beat Boone in all phases of the game. They were really impressive.


    Some of the Beechwood players that caught my eye were: Kyle Fieger, Brett Slusher, Jake Schmidt, Jonathon Stokes, Jackson Mahorney, and Brayden Combs. Nice play guys!


    The future is bright in Fort Mitchell.



    I do not normally post in the football forum but was compelled to on this occasion as I was in attendance. First hats off to Beechwood this was a very good game and a lot closer than the score shows. To say that Beechwood beat Boone in "all phases of the game” in my opinion is not accurate. Boone made mistakes and killed themselves but were really never out of it. Boone ran the ball very well and with much success. They were stopped 3 teams inside the 20 once by interception and twice on the goal line by great defense on Beechwoods part. In the second half I do not think Beechwood made it across the 50 yard line except for on the scoring punt return play. Boone's Defense did its job in the second half the offense just couldn't convert. I do not have the official stats but this game was much closer and more evenly matched than the score shows. I will agree the better coached team won in this case. There were several decisions on the Boone side that left me shaking my head. For example that lack of utilizing the mismatch on occasion in the WR role on the left side. When you have a receiver that is a foot taller than the defender who is pointing that receiver to the outside from the line try to loft one over the top and let them go get it, at least once. Passing on 3rd down from the 2 yard line basically wasting a down when your run game got you there. Now I am not a football coach and do not know what occurs in practice so my observations hopefully are taken as that.

  6. You have some really good points. From what I have heard there was not as much interest in this position as they thought there would be. Coach Sullivan would have been a great hire, and hopefully he still stays on the coaching staff. Only time will tell, but if I were a betting Man I would say the next two seasons will be great ones for the Lady Bearcats. Good Luck to the new coach and Lady Bearcats.


    I think there was interest I personally know of one that didn't even get a call and was qualified!

  7. Walton has a new coach and should be announced in a few days. All I can say is "WOW"! (and it's not Sullivan). Would have thought they could have gotten someone with some experience.


    Your gonna need a bigger word than wow from what I heard.

  8. What's wrong with running a "basic" offense? Well for this team it meant that they "basically" struggled to beat lesser quality opponents. As far as Coach Elkus having a "black mark" on his career, coaches get fired everyday. It's part of the coaching profession. He's a great person and teacher. I don't think he'll lose any sleep over his termination. He'll survive.


    Basic offense? What is a basic offense? Offense is offense right. Execution is the key. I have no clue anything about this guy but I hate it when people state basic offense.

  9. Years ago they were more competitive. They at least made regional appearances from 1999-2008. They made no regional appearances under Elkus from 2009-2011.


    Not sure i know the history prior to 09 but were the expectation higher prior to this? What caused the change when he came in? Not given the guy much time to build.

  10. Negative. I was sitting right there and watched it. The ball ended up pinned under his body on his way down. No dribble.


    Two things here if the ball became pinned under his body then he didn't have control meaning no walk could occur. Right? Secondly, He didn't end up on the floor of his own free will from my point of view it sure did look like a foul. I have no stake in this game as i do not support eithier team. Good game and well officiated, unlike the ladies game!

  11. Not a Downs fan? or just a bigger fan of Stanley? No dog in the fight, just thought this was an interesting post.


    Good questions but really no feelings on eithier side. I don't think Stanley gets enough credit for the role he plays. He plays very solid and rarely turns the ball over (at least in the games i have seen) He also was the second leading scorer last night. No doubt Downs played a great game but Stanley did as well.

  12. Well, I am going to disagree with you and the Dixie fans. That was a great move by Downs IMO and not a walk.


    As to the backcourt play, Stanley was straddling the mid court line so no back court violation.


    As to the officiating, yes they messed up the one foul call and almost messed up the other two. Two of the 3 officials in the Boone/Holmes game were very good. The third official struggled on a few calls but was solid the rest of the night. The 3 officials in the Dixie/Highlands game did an excellent job.


    On the game itself, Boone's guards were tremendous - both Downs and Stanley. It was obvious Holmes' game plan was to not leave Brown on penetration and make Boone's guards beat them, and Boone's guards beat them. Downs almost single handedly defeated the press all night. One other tremendous play Downs brought the ball down court on what I recall was a kick out after a missed shot. But Downs was being pressured up the sideline and Holmes had another defender right there helping with two other defenders hustling along side. Downs went behind the back, split the double team and took it to the basket where he was fouled going up for the layup. It was literally a 1 on 4 move and play. Great ball handling all night. He had a few turnovers but for handling the ball all night against the Holmes pressure all over the court, he was just tremendous. You also have to give credit to Stanley. He helped with the ball handling, hit the open shot and also had two big steals and break away layups. I don't think anyone expected Boone's guards to beat Holmes's guards like they did. If Downs and Stanley can play like this when teams try to take away Boone's inside game, Boone is going to be very tough to beat.


    As a Boone supporter it was a walk! Nice move but a walk.


    Downs had a great night a little shakey early with some early turnovers but he did handle the pressure well. I was more impressed with Stanleys play. He made big shots when they needed them and was steady all night.

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