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Posts posted by TheLastDon

  1. Proud of these Bearcats , great game from the line to the skill positions . Glad to see the coach opening up the play book and using all his weapons. Remember that this bearcat group beat Bellevue as a J V squad 2 years ago three weeks in a row at Bellevue . These kids are starting to get it.


    Was waiting for someone to bring this up. The group of seniors and juniors at Walton had a great start when they were freshman and sophomores playing against future district foes. Lest we forget that JV team went undefeated and hammered Ludlow, Brossart, and Dayton while beating Bellevue 3 times. I believe that team was run by some young guy I didn't know, still on staff? Which was why some of us were so surprised last year when Walton didnt win a single district game. Also notice that the level of talent in this district is leaving the river and heading elsewhere. Ludlow, Dayton, and Bellevue are nowhere near as talented as they have been in the past. This district is a one man show in Beechwood. It will be interesting to see how this 1A district outside of Beechwood will fare in the playoffs. Look for more wins down the road for Walton this year, they picked a heckuva year for some success--everybody would tell you this district is soft....(minus Beechwood for all you Fort whatevers)... Dayton hasn't played a close game against an average opponent all year, Ludlow has struggled against anybody not named Bracken, and Brossart's schedule looks like 8 man football from the 90's, Bellevue harder to figure out since they do play a decent pre-district schedule (holy cross, holmes, scott, newport).. Good thing Walton won this Friday, might take a little sting away from that B.O.E guy who lied through his teeth... Anybody notice that McMillen is the middle school coach now?!? Interesting...... "Congrats to Walton on a huge win, I have always been kind of a fan of Walton since they started because of Coach McMillen. I think he did a great job getting the program going, and the guy now is doing a great job keeping it going in the right direction."--futurecoach....

  2. I completely agree.. Being mainly a bourbon drinker, I could care less what vodka is used, top, middle, or rot-gut..... Now had I ordered my usual Maker's on the rocks, then I could see 8 bucks for the drink... It would have been relatively worth it for me, because I call my bourbon when I order it at a restaraunt.. but not vodka, gimme whatever the barkeep has under his shelf not on it or above it... Case closed on my situation, even though there still was no offer to comp anything except giving back my 39 bucks I shouldnt have been charged for to begin with... I had to initiate getting a discount for next time I order food... It's in the management folder (whatever that means) which in regular speak means, go take a walk dude...

  3. Here is a good one.... My wife nd I went to Smokey Bones in Florence this past Saturday for dinner. Everything was great until the end when it went up in smoke like a 3-alarm blaze.... At the end of dinner, the waitress dropped off our check which we both thought seemed a little low for what we had ordered, but I handed her my card and went on with our convo... A few minutes later the waitress dropped off my signature coy and the bill I was charged for was 25 bucks more than the one she had originally dropped off... Made more sense, but you DON'T DO THAT!!! Atleast apologize and explain that you dropped off the wrong check before you run the customers card for payment.. When I asked to see the actual print-out of the bill I was charged for I realize that I was charged for a top shelf mixed drink when I had simply ordered a VODKA martini and not an ABSOLUT vodka martini, only a couple of bucks, but again no COURTESY and not what I had ordered. Then this morning I am going over my bank account and notice that not only did I get charged for the 55 dollar bill, but the 35 dollar one she had orginally dropped off!!! WILL DEF BE ON THE PHONE WITH THIER MANAGEMENT WHEN THEY OPEN TODAY!!! This is sad and ridiculous, shows the absolute lack of professionalism of thier management. I hate this, because I actually like Smokey Bones, but will probably not eat there again for a while...

  4. Can Ludlow compete with the likes of newcath, covcath, walton, and I believe brossart who were all in the playoffs last year? Have their kids even played together before? What about tichenor? I don't really see ludlow being a force in the small school division this year... newcath will probably be at the top w/ covcath and I would say walton (from what I saw last year) would be the top three.. brossart close to walton...

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