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Posts posted by TheLastDon

  1. This is always an interesting argument.. Somebody had brought up that the officials should help the WR to make the formation legal, etc. No way he should do that, now he should tell them to scoot up or back, etc. beyond that, it's up to the coaching and the player to know whats going on. I always love to give the officials I know a hard time about what they do, but it's a hard job and they take a lotta heat. Not just in football, but can you imagine basketball officials who have fans RIGHT in their ears?!? I hate going to small gyms during bball games and hear the fans SCREAMING at an official, they don't do it for the money but for the love of the game and to help young athletes get better.. I was always told by friends that every high school kid should have to wait tables to see how to treat people, but maybe we should have them referee pee-wee games and put up with daddy no-name who thinks he is Bobby Knight so they know how not to act towards officials... Mr. Official is a lost term in todays sport...

  2. Hello he was saying Chad was FROM Bellevue and has taken the Dayton job. If this is true first thing to do is go clean house get rid of everyone and start over with all new asst coachs. At Daytin it reminds me of the Reds just get rid of one head coach and keep the rest of the old staff and see what happens. Clean house and then go down to the youth program and clean house there too. If not it will be the same old thing every year. JMO


    My bad, was reading that on my phone and must have mixed up the message.. I would relatively agree with cleaning house in this case, sounds to me like nobody was that happy with anything that was going on in Dayton. Might not be a bad idea for the admin. to sell a whole new group of people to the students and their parents. Hope this Montgomery guy is ready for a challenge, Dayton needs some major work to become competitive again..

  3. Out of the previous list I would venture to say Joe Morris from Mayfield. Even though Beechwood hasn't had a "dominant" team in a few years, Mayfield got the better of them. I think the winner of an award like this should always go to the best coached team and not too many teams can say they were even competitive with Beechwood, let alone beat them soundly.. People have said year after year after year that Beechwood is a measuring stick for 1A football.. Mayfield has pulled out the yard stick...

  4. Does the fact he was the coach in 2009 diminish the job that staff has done in turning things around? For a team playing in its 2nd varsity district play ever, I think they have excelled.


    I am pretty sure your original post insinuates that he came in and turned a 2-8 team to what it was this year. He was in charge in 2009, just making sure facts are straight Watusi. You of all people should understand that. Nobody said they didn't have a good year but their schedule was soft (don't care how long they have been playing).. You all put waaaay too much stock in the fact that the program is young, there have always been decent athletes in Walton and it was about time they added football. Wouldn't have mattered who the head coach was out there, they would have been successful with the talent that was coming up.

  5. My son's friends from Bellevue said that the word on the street is Chad Montgomery has accepted the job. Not very familiar with Chad other than he has been up there for a few years and played at Bellevue. If this is indeed the case, is this a good hire?


    ???? Thought the Russ guy was still the coach out there... Never saw anything on that situation, so its interesting to hear that comment.. These small schools are stirring some pretty good stories lately.. I agree with what somebody said earlier, tough job to take and get ready for a healthy dose of 5-5 in a good year..

  6. A lot of the top names will get mentioned, but one that comes to mind for me who has done a heck of a good job is Walton Verona's Jeff Barth.


    Coach Barth turned the WV program around from 2-8 in 2009 to 8-4 in 2010 in just the 3rd year of football for the school.


    They had several nice victories and were one of the most improved teams in Class 1A.


    He was the coach when they went 2-8.. Good season @ WV, but not coach of the year.. Soft district and St. Mary's School for the Blind could beat Bracken Co. Had they beat Frankfort, maybe a different story.. They are better off in 2A I think, district is again quite easy and should be in the playoffs every year..

  7. That is illeagal. You can't record or tape a game without written permission from both schools or KHSAA. I know a few teams that got in trouble for that a few years back.


    If you my friend can learn the same amount of info from watching a game live that you can on tape you have a gift and should apply for all HC jobs avaliable now!!!!


    I could have taken notes at the ryle /campbell game last week and told you anything u needed to know... its always nice to have tape as well tho.. I will be applying for HC jobs in due time my friend.. and if its legal to exchange tape why is it illegal to tape the urself? Strange rule...

  8. Emperor,

    First off, maybe u have reading problems b/c I do believe the coach said he would be meeting with the powers that be soon.. then the thread was closed, no questions answered.. is he going to still be the coach? Nobody knows, so before you make blank accusations check your own info... and to coach shearer, good luck, coaching in a small school is nearly impossible these days.. too many parents who have too much of the admin's ear...

  9. Emperor,

    First off, maybe u have reading problems b/c I do believe the coach said he would be meeting with the powers that be soon.. then the thread was closed, no questions answered.. is he going to still be the coach? Nobody knows, so before you make blank accusations check your own info... and to coach shearer, good luck, coaching in a small school is nearly impossible these days.. too many parents who have too much of the admin's ear...

  10. What happened to good ol scouting?? Always found it hilarious that coaches exchanged game tapes.. I think its sad that a team has to allow another team to watch tape on them previous to their matchup.. you wanna know what i run and how I run it, send a scout to tape it or watch and take notes... laziness is what I call it...

  11. Relatively surprising that it was this lopsided sounds like Walton couldn't keep up with the speed everyone was talking about all week. 2A next year for Walton, interesting to see how they handle the upgrade.. Congrats to Walton's seniors on making the schools first playoff appearance, good group of young men...

  12. People forget that the NCAA is essentially using indentured servants to make thier money.. You can come play and we will make millions on you, but you can't even go to dinner with a buddy who used to play for your team and him pay for it.. Europe has a totally different outlook on college.. College is only for learning and not athletics, club teams are the only opportunity for a lot of these athletes to play at a higher level.. NBA needs to repeal it's 1 year rule and you wouldn't see this happen.. The only rule for college ineligibility should be wether or not you have signed with a pro-agent and enter the draft.. If you enter the draft period, you should be ineligible.. Other than that, lets watch these KIDS play some b-ball...

  13. 6A cut from 31 or 32 teams in what is now the first round bracket, to a 16 team first round bracket. That eliminates a round. There will still be blowout games in that 16 team first round. We just see it differently. I'll never see it your way and you will never see it mine, but it gives us something to talk discuss every fall.


    I don't think you would see BLOWOUT wins.. Might be sound wins like 28-14 or 35-21 but not 61-0... But those games would be much more fun to watch and a lot more competitive.. I also agree to disagree AMERICA IS BEAUTIFUL!!!! Enjoy round 2...

  14. By the way those are not The sarges boys. If they were still his boys they wouldn't be in the second round of the playoffs. U don't get there by running the bear formation and calling the defense the way it was called in varsity level play. Thank god barth showed up.


    kg, your buddy Barth isn't anything special either... I believe they simply run a Wing-T-esque formation (been around for a while) and showed up in the right place at the right time... With a good group of upper classmen who already knew what it took to win ball games.. Not discounting the progress of the program, just saying that it's not like he had to revive a fledgling program by any means.. I.E. the next Dayton coach..

  15. WOW, kg came into BGPreps with some hard words... Sometimes you have to go with what you have and like sarge said, it was relatively effective.. Not a fan of the formation in HS either, but you gotta do what you gotta do to move the ball... And when 75% of your players have only played for a year or so, you have to start from somewhere..

  16. Again wasn't comparing high school and college, was merely using a reference point so you could see what the first round of the playoffs is like. And of course the number of football players has increased, the number of teams has increased. Still doesn't mean we should let them into the playoffs just because they field a team and are high schoolers who may not get to play again. If they work hard enough, there are PLENTY of avenues for them to keep in the sport. Plus I heard on the radio last night that there are more small school programs now than there ever has been (NAIA, DIVII, DIVIII) This is the problem with our youth of today, not enough management. They get what they want without having to work for it, I see it on a daily basis.. It's time to stop treating these young men like kids. Not saying I am that old, but when I was a young man in hs I didnt get to go to the playoffs until my Senior year and it was because we didn't finish in the top four of a haaaaard district (Lou Trinity, Ballard, Oldham, So. Oldham, Shelby Co, Lou. Eastern, Fern Creek).. You had to win 3 games in your district! In the offseason between Jr. and Sr. our players made the decision we wanted to go to the playoffs and we worked our behinds off and accomplished our goal.. Nobody PUT us in the playoffs, we MADE the playoffs.. Thats what KY HS football needs again... Teams making the playoffs not just getting to go...

  17. I guess I'm missing something. Isn't sports suppose to be for our students and fans. I don't believe if you polled the seniors of these so called "deserving" teams. They would vote to give up a couple of games just because they were against a weak team. As well, those seniors for the weaker teams. I'm sure have given their all as well, knowing they are going to have their hats handed to them. What lesson does it really teach a junior or senior in high school that they haven't already learned just by getting to that point. I don't think everyone deserves a ribbon, and everyone doesn't get one. I don't think much pride is gained by a 50 point loss in the first round of the playoffs and as well should give creed to the need to improve as much as sitting home does. They're kids let'em play. Making the high school playoffs or not making the playoffs doesn't make them the person they are or who the will become. It's a team sport, life lessons from a team sport should be learned by now. Not just by making the playoffs this year.


    If these teams know they are going to get handled and EMBARRASSED, I think you would come to find in your "poll" of these student-athletes that they would prefer not to play that game in particular. SITTING HOME should be enough creed for the need to improve.. How do you think all of the college teams that dont become bowl eligible feel when they are sitting at home watching all of the games over the holidays?? They get mad and try to get better next year, they don't have thier own bowl games between the BCS games and play the schools playing in the BCS games.. That is essentially what you are seeing predominately in the first round.. Like Oregon vs. Portland State 2 weeks before BCS championship game... would never happen...

  18. Not a hs bball kinda guy, appreciate the effort the kids give in playing it just not my cup of tea.. however disttict tourneys in hs bball are much closer I would think than two opposite districts playing in hs football.. and somebody posted in the first page that I was saying all losing teams don't have good people in charge.. not "good" as in like nice and law abiding, etc but football wise "good".. and yes most bad teams have sub-par coaching doubled with sub-par talent overall.. not their fault, but really hard to get coaching talent into those programs, and for good reason...

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