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Posts posted by TheLastDon

  1. I'm not sure what you mean by everyone getting a trophy. What trophy did Fulton County get by driving five hours to get spanked by Holy Cross? None.


    Do you know what they got? Some money for their athletic program. Let's face it, most schools rely on the football gate to not only fund football but other sports at their schools. An extra week of playoff games is an extra week to put money in the coffers of schools. And who doesn't need a little extra dough for sports?


    I see the argument both ways. From a competition standpoint, very few four seeds beat a #1 and the scores are usually lopsided.


    From an athletic survival standpoint, if the first round playoff game has 1500 fans there at $5 a pop, that's $7,500 to split before expenses. Just for getting thumped.


    I'd rather four teams get in right now and assure that no good team gets left behind rather than a good team from a loaded district get left behind because only two teams advance.


    I was using the imagery of a trophy to prove my point, yet you kind of did it in your own post.. These teams may not have gotten a trophy for going and getting spanked, but they did get rewarded by making money that they shouldn't have.. I know, I know you are going to say something about that comment not being fair and what about the kids and the program and blah blah blah.. But in the end we are ultimately rewarding in some way, shape or form these teams for losing and not being competitive. IMO each school is solely responsible for it's athletic survival, not the KHSAA by putting them in the playoffs to make some extra cash.. Go out and raise money if you need things, have the players volunteer somewhere and have the company or whatever pay the athletic program.. Have a lift-a-thon, so many ways to increase cash and I would be embarrassed if I were a team who went to the playoffs with 0,1,2 even maybe 3 wins just to make some extra money and have my players/team get obliterated.. Talk about exploitation.... Interesting to see as well if these 3 win teams that made it through the first round advance any farther...

  2. So I was correct, 5 out of 42.. for a grand total of a 12.5% chance of winning a game... so maybe we allow teams with three wins in considering those were the only ones who won... and tsyoung your talking complete hypotheticals, these results posted before your comment are proof for this argument to not allow these teams in.. come on put on big boy pants and stop treating high school like pee-wee football where everybody gets a trophy...

  3. Natural coaching progressions, you win at the smaller level and the next level wants you.. When those bigger jobs come calling as a coach you get packing.. Unless you are a homer who wants to stay at one school for a career.. Not too many coaches do that, they want to rise up the ranks just like in any job.. Dayton is not a top tier coaching job so it's not surprising that coaches who were successful there eventually left.. More than likely for bigger schools or more lucrative opportunities.. High schools nowadays are lucky to keep an up and coming coach for more than 2-3 years..

  4. Dayton is just another one of them places that, don't get it in the community, school, home, administration, all the way up and down, expect these coaches to overcome crazy odds, crazy parents, crazy hours, for peanut pay. Take out 20-25 schools in the state the rest are all dumps. I just hope if and when I got kids football as I knew it is still around.


    Sounds to me like you didnt go to one of those 20-25 schools.. THEM PLACES? GOT KIDS? Those places, and have kids.. Come on bro, dont hate on schools if you sound like you didnt graduate from one.. Not a single coach (except NFL) coaches for the money... Dayton obviously "gets it" b/c they have been successful in the past, 1A schools are always going to have ups and downs (very high ups and very low downs) depends on the talent they are lucky enough to keep.. Minus three or four schools in 1A, this is the every year struggle...

  5. Enrollment controls the class system, best way to do it... Atleast probably the most fair way.. Unless you form some type of GCL'ish conference for parochial, independent, or private schools... Which will still have its critics.. KHSAA doesnt make any money on games until the State championship as schools host the games up until that point.. So money can't be a motivating factor for allowing this many bad teams into the playoffs.. It's simply the whininess of some school boards that the same teams win every year and the little guy never gets a shot.. BOO-HOO.. Win and your in, simple as that.. Anybody can build a competitive football team if they try hard enough and bring in good people..

  6. I have never met Coach Deaton, but did have the opportunity to coach against his brother (atleast I am pretty sure thats who he was). Was very appreciative that I scheduled a game against him even though thier MS team wasn't in our league. Seemed like a really nice guy and from what I have seen over the years apples dont fall far from trees. Which would leave me to believe Deaton is probably an okay guy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.. Some coaches have a tough time not only dealing with losing but dealing with overwhelming adversity. Thats what this sounds like, pressure from administration to win, pressure from the community, and pressure especially from the players who seem to have a chip on thier shoulder and think they are better than 0-10... No team is better than they really are (THEY ARE WHO WE THOUGHT THEY WERE)... I posted before that Dayton is a fledgling program right now and if they dont continue thier own MS program it will continue to spiral downwards.. I recently read an article on Pete Carroll and one of things he said is it makes a coaching job impossible when the players won't buy into what your selling. (Carroll after following Parcells at NE).. It sounds to me like the players werent buying what Deaton was selling, which is okay, but you cant completely blame the coach.. Any great coach will always take the blame for a loss, but great players rally around thier coach and play twice as hard so their leader doesn't have to deal with that. I always hate to see a coach leave in dire circumstances such as this but thats the profession and if you cant bounce back from it then you dont need to be in it.. Hopefully Dayton will right this ship and put some stock into thier next head coach and help sell him to the kids because it sounds like they are some TOUGH customers...

  7. You can thank the wonderful taxpayers who fork out 16% property taxes for the school.. LOTS of money especially with the $250-500,000/house neighborhoods being built in Verona... Smart move by the powers that be to produce revenue for the school... But don't forget that McMillen & Co. worked tirelessly to drum up excitement and interest when the program first started, and from what I hear it continues to grow within the student body.. Especially in light of thier recent success.. Smart move for WV to add football and do it the right way instead of lining a cow pasture and buying footballs.. Will continue to grow and eventually be a player at the state level year after year...

  8. I believe every team deserves a shot at the playoffs, but we know tht is not realsitic haha but whether your team won 1, 2, 3 games, etc, if you won enough games to earn a playoff spot then i say congrats, ive seen teams go like 3-7 or 4-6 and end 8-7 or 9-6, some teams have the ability to turn it around and basicly start a new season, given that is not every team, but im all for giving every kid a shot to extend their high school career and play one more game, because that one more game means much more to a player then a fan can realize, so sure it might water it down but its giving more to the kids and im all for it


    Then why play a regular season? just start with everybody in the brackets in every class and play a round a week....(JK).. However, if the kids didnt deserve it (by having a winning or atleast .500 record) then why are we rewarding them? I thought we were supposed to prepare these young men for the future not only in sports but in life as well.. This teaches them they can be sub-par and still be rewarded.. Not how it works in college or life.. If I were sub-par at my job in sales, I would have been let go a loooong time ago... Same thing in collegiate sports, like a poster said previously you have to atleast win 6 games to be bowl eligible.. KHSAA needs to rethink their playoff brackets and instead of having these non-existent first round games, install more byes for the top teams in districts and make it top three of district get in instead of four.. Then you would atleast have to win a district game to get in...

  9. Here they are:



    Fulton Co. (1-8)

    Gallatin (2-8)

    Bracken (2-8)

    Berea (2-8)

    Lynn Camp (3-7)

    Jenkins (0-10) *

    Paintsville (3-7)



    Fort Knox (3-7) *

    Metcalfe Co. (1-9) *

    Bardstown (3-7)

    Lloyd (2-8) *

    Owen (3-7) *

    Knott Co. Central (0-10) *

    Bath (2-8) *

    Shelby Valley (3-7)

    Leslie Co. (3-7)



    Butler Co. (2-8)

    Webster Co. (3-7)

    McClean Co. (0-10) *

    Spencer Co. (0-10) *

    Moore (3-7)

    Shawnee (2-7) *

    E-town (3-7)

    Western Hills (3-7)

    Fleming Co. (2-8)



    Warren East (2-8)

    Calloway Co. (2-8) *

    Hopkins Co. Central (3-7)

    Breckinridge (2-8)

    Boyd (1-9)

    Madison Sou. (1-9)



    Barren Co. (2-8) *

    Ohio Co. (2-8)

    Waggener (1-9)

    Woodford Co. (1-9) *

    Scott (2-8) *

    Mercer Co. (3-7)



    Fern Creek (3-7)

    Apollo (2-8)

    Southern (2-8) *

    Paul Laurence Dunbar (1-9) *

    Bryan Station (1-9)

    Madison Central (1-9) *



    Winless in District has * by record....

  10. Look, haterade is not a strong or ugly word. If I wanted to be ugly or mean I would have sat on here and ripped up and down on this team. However, I didnt and for good reason, b/c with a young program its good for the kids to see what success is like. Same thing with Brossart, they win a few games and now look at them. I simply stated that I think people may overlook the fact that this district is hugely soft this year and that WV had a great year to make a playoff push. I may not be a fan of the staff in place (which is my god-given right) and that I am sure they are getting more kudos than they deserve, but that still doesnt mean I dont want to see this team succeed. I have made that very clear. If I were commenting on CovCath's staff or another team that people love to hate, there would be tons of people right there sayin the same thing, but since WV is a young program that makes it not okay to say something like that? WRONG. In my second post I mentioned the fact that WV had been winless the year before when Dayton had a better team, Bellevue had that Buckler kid, Brossart was coming on strong but not sure how they lost to Ludlow last year.. Ludlow is a fledgling program like Dayton right now.. I do believe those two teams are on the upswing eventually by starting thier own middle school programs.. If I am correct tonight would be senior night in Walton and this is the first graduating class that would have played all four years of football at Walton. Should be an exciting night for those young men and I wish them all the luck to get a W going into the playoffs.

  11. Nobody is discounting their wins, was merely stating that the district this year was quite soft and played well into WV favor for making the playoffs.. in the same district the previous year I do believe they were winless.. low football iq? Nice personal attack try... I also believe I picked wv to win this week and have in previous posts... except beechwood.. and any team with less than three wins in a year should not be in the playoffs (bracken and probably others)... just sayin, nice to se adults not being able to conversate without personal attacks on posters....

  12. Eminence should still be playing 8-man if it existed. What an easy schedule for the bearcats this year... Gonna drink some haterade and say it couldnt have been any easier for them to make the playoffs this year and then to possibly draw Bracken in the first round? That team (Bracken) should never be allowed to play in a state playoff, what do they have 3 wins in their program history? Me thinks people are overlooking that and giving to much credit to this staff for their record this year.. Dayton, Ludlow, Gallatin, Eminence, Berea, even Bellevue this year are all sub-par teams in general.. The young men must be stoked though to make the playoffs and I wish the players the best of luck in the coming weeks... Seem like a good group of young men and sounds like they have finally meshed as a team and not individuals playing for the same team. Amazing what maturity can do for a team.. BEARCATS big vs. Eminence....

  13. Shouldn't be an issue for WV this week.. Dayton is down big time as are alot of the schools in this district and will struggle mightily to keep WV out of the endzone... Dayton hasnt played a legit opponent close all year, and as far as this district is concerned, Walton would be a legit opponent for Dayton. Nice to see WV in the playoffs for the first time, hope those young men savor the experience set forth for them by two classes of young men who fought, scratched, and clawed essentially just to play football and not able to compete in any playoff at all... To the WV players, I say this-- Never forget where you came from and why you are where you are... A lot of sacrifices have been made by a lot of people to bring WV into the football arena, make those people proud and dedicate that first playoff win to your original proprietor (McMillen)... WV- 41 Dayton- 14...

  14. From what I hear Collins' QB is a stud and should throw all over SC defense... I will also be cheering for Coach Lucas to top his longtime coaching buddy Shipley in Collins' first year. Heard there was a mass exodus of football players wanting to play for Lucas instead of Shipley.. SC seems to be building hopefully for the future, starting a decent amount of under-classmen... I would like to be in the stands for this game, but cant make the trip back to S-ville on a friday night (work).. I personally will be rooting for Collins, I really like Jerry Lucas and think he is one heck of a football coach. Collins- 35 SC- 13.

  15. Walton Verona beat CovCath's 7th grade 19-18 on a last second touchdown. The Colonels coach should take 100% of the responsibility for the loss. The calls made in the last two minutes were the opposite of what a coach trying to win a game should call. The Colonels had the ball first and ten around the Walton 25 with Two minutes to go, up by 5. The first play, they had an eight yard run making it 2nd and two. So On second and two, the Colonels come out lined up like the new York Jets and try to pass?!?! The QB ended up getting sacked 11 yards back because they only had 5 man protection and Walton brought atleast 7. So the next play, they run a pass which was incomplete which brought up 4th and about 15. Instead of trying to pin them deep with a punt, we ran a rinky dink fake punt and lost two yards. Turn over on downs with about 1 minute left and Walton goes down the feild on two long passes with no timeouts and get down to the Colonels two yard line. Now, at this point the clock was running down and Walton was able to spike it with two seconds on the clock. At this point both coaching staffs made huge mistakes. Walton was unorganized and had to have been within milli seconds of getting a delay of game. CovCath's coaches decided to bail them out and call a timeout? See what I don't understand is why they wouldn't have called a timeout right when they spiked it. Anyways, give the RB for walton credit, he smashed his way in for the touchdown with time running out to give the young bearcats the win. Another thing, I don't like switching in and out Offensive linemen like CovCath's coach did. You need to stick with the BEST five and sick with them. I thought #56 looked like the only one with any real killer instinct and he was taken in and out throughout the whole game. It throws off chemistry. Anyways thats just my two cents, i'll go home now.


    Must be nice for Walton to make it to the playoffs without the coach that put in ALOT of the work for the first 7 weeks of the season. Was told Walton let him go after 3 years in the program including helping start the high school team for no particular reason. Mainly b/c he was young and kinda arrogant.. Isnt that what you want from a coach? Headstrong and ready to win?!? This was the coach some of the people in the Bellevue vs. Walton HS thread were talking about when they discussed the JV team beating Bellevue three times in the same season, he was calling the offense for the JV that year and went 7-1 sweeping the 1A district (minus Beechwood). Not sure why you wouldnt want to keep a young guy like this in the program... Anyway, congrats to Walton on getting to play a home playoff game this year, which I also found out was the previous coaches doing over the offseason.. Look at the record- first year in NKYMSFL walton goes to playoffs over teams who had been playing football a lot longer than they were (newport,holy cross) also beating teams they should have in brossart & sharp, this year loses back to back games against the two best teams in the small school division (NCC & Newport) and all of the sudden they let him go? Seems like a sham to me.... I hope he gets back on his feet and continues to coach, seemed like a really nice guy who is very knowledgeable about football... Should be some good games this upcoming weekend, look forward to seeing the results from round 1... Sounds to me like NCC could very possibly repeat this year after winning it all last year... ENJOY THE WONDERFUL COLD FALL WEATHER!!! ITS FINALLY HERE!!!

  16. Assuming the 20 (or atleast 14) came during garbage time... With what Walton has in place it could be another 10 years before they are competitive with the likes of Beechwood... Right place, right time for Walton this year.... Almost smooth sailing for Walton here on out (except a tight one vs. Brossart) the rest should have nothing but dust in thier faces and a few more W's for the bearcats... Will be interesting to see what happens next year at WV...

  17. Beechwood as usual here folks... reference my last post in the bellevue v walton thread... after beechwood this is a soft district.. good years for both walton and brossart to get some success... talent seems to be pulling away from the river schools.. whole different ball game for walton if they go 2A...

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