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Harry Doyle

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Posts posted by Harry Doyle

  1. 10 minutes ago, Jack of all Trades said:

    I have had several people tell me that certain coaches (head or assistant) would not be a good candidate because of how they look in appearance and/or where they are coming from.  Fact or fiction?

    If that’s in fact the case..

    That does even more to make this an even less attractive job to the masses than what it’s already obviously appeared to be (especially that last part about “where they are from”, bc that SCREAMS..’they won’t fit in’)

    • Like 4
  2. 36 minutes ago, Sweeperboy said:

    Yes, why in the world would he ever consider coming to Highlands. I did not realize that Highlands would be such a step down but thx for sharing.


    It is still a good job.  A really good job. 

    But I don’t think, well, I know that it’s not the holy grail of coaching gigs by many on the outside looking in. This whole process has shown that.

     There are reasons for it, then myriad reasons against. It’s not a chink in the armor, but right now? Yeah. It’s a step down all things considered for some. 

    I still believe Highlands will get a good coach. It might not be the name, resume that many expected going into this (then again, they might snag a Nick Saban of HS coaching)..but, the ‘Birds will find their fit.  I have no doubts. 

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  3. 38 minutes ago, barrel said:

    I completely agree. I think he would have success but I don’t think he checks the boxes that at least the fan base appears to want. He is also in a beautiful part of the state with a cheaper cost of living. I believe he is one example of a great coach that wouldn’t even get a sniff. The thing is his offense is the new sexy hotness across the country. Coaches all over the place are looking for Costal Carolina film. 

    It will never happen but I still think McPeak from Douglas checks almost all their boxes. He isn’t going to leave Douglas though. 

    Nope. Nate isn't going anywhere- has it absolutely made at Douglass..

    • Majority of his staff are IN THE BUILDING at FD.
    • They have classes of in school weights.
    • Has a great day job in the building.
    • School is the 'new kid on the block' in Lex (the only weight rooms in the state that are better are UK and Louisville's- I'm not so sure WKU and EKU's are better, all things considered)
    • Fayette County pays better than FTH (teaching and coaching)
    • Cost of living is LOWER in Fayette Co
    • Like 2
  4. 10 minutes ago, barrel said:

    Someone threw a name out that I’m sure would neither apply or be hired but Mark Peach. I believe he has shown what he can do when he has some horses. His offense is fun to watch and tough to play against when he has a few dudes it get it going. 

    Speaking of resumes what about a coach who started out coaching small college like NAIA as an OC. Cached in a national championship or two but never won. Then spent 10+ years as a HS OC. Coached in two state title games and won one. Just finished his third year as a HC but in those three never played in a state title game. Does that resume excite anyone? 

    There are more good coaches than good coaching jobs. There are guys working miracles places that look subpar because obstacles in their way. Some places either can’t or won’t give coaches the things they need to move a program forward. There is a reason you tend to see the same teams in the same position most years. 

    There are reasons guys don’t leave good jobs for other good jobs. They’ve got what they want. They’ve built what they’ve got. In some cases they are appreciated for what they’ve done. If they are competing for titles why leave for another place to compete for a title? Some guys don’t want to coach certain places. They don’t like the area or they have a hard time relating to the players/school/community. 

    Once again this isn’t college. There is no multi year deal. There is no buy out. You pick up your family and something goes south for any reason and you can be done in a year. Stuck with a new house and an uprooted family. You’re not going to be able to bring in your staff. HS football is more critical in some ways than college. People don’t watch college practice much. They don’t sit at the table and talk to their son about what’s going on in practice or talk to groups of parents about it. Most of you I’m sure wouldn’t be surprised for the criticism that goes on about practice. 

    This is it.  This is the one.  Right here.  Alllllllll that. 

    • Like 3
  5. 5 hours ago, barrel said:

    If I get some of this wrong let me know. This is what I’ve purged together varies posts about this job. People appear to want a coach that...

    HC experience 

    Has a high winning percentage 

    Has won at least a championship (big game appears very subjective so I believe it’s code for championship)

    Runs an offensive that is considered modern and prepares players for the next level. 

    Very charismatic/personality a little on the larger side. 

    Possibly prefers a HHS man but not required. 

    Now who currently coaching in KY checks off all those boxes? Doesn’t matter if it’s realistic they would take the job but who even checks most of those boxes? The person would need to check all of those boxes and more than likely coach a full teaching load. 


    ...and, another thing (you and I know this, along w others)..good coaches usually don’t leave premier jobs for other premier jobs, especially if that means they are going to have to teach a full load during the season.

    There are maybe a couple/few who have done that, but I can guarantee you that their teaching loads aren’t anything. Their administration doesn’t have it twisted. Great teachers? Absolutely positive they are.  Hired to be that where they are? Negative.  Why? Those admin KNOW the full time job that being a head football coach is these days.

    Another thing...everybody gets caught up on the W/L record, coached in or won a state title, etc. Easy to do. 

    For every HC that might have left one Cadillac for another, there are also guys like:

    • Kevin Wallace- who was the HC at Warren East for several years before going back to Bowling Green as an assistant and having that job fall in his lap (he will tell you that).  While at Warren East, he NEVER won a playoff game, overall record was some 10-20 games BELOW .500 and I believe NEVER had a winning season.  As I’ve heard him say before, to myself and others, “there is a reason mules don’t run in the Kentucky Derby”.

    • Ty Scroggins- who had a losing record his few years at Doss before getting the Central job and making them the power they were/are.

    • Sam Harp - was FIRED from his first HC job in the early/mid 80’s at Calloway County, then gets the Anderson County job- wins their 1st Region Title and gets the Danville job the following offseason, staying there for the next 24 years and winning 7 state titles.


    • Like 1
  6. 2 minutes ago, TheDeuce said:

    I've always thought it was silly that the HC had to be a teacher to coach. Both jobs are incredibly demanding. 

    They are, especially during a season (obviously). What's comical is how it never fails how in an interview, it's always communicated what the "most important job is"- yet that is NOT the case.

    I can PROMISE you that more coaches are let go for the "less important job" and usually in a much SHORTER time. 

    • Like 3
  7. 1 minute ago, ChiefSmoke said:

    In the south, the setup frequently is that the head football coach is AD and may even be the strength coach. He also will have a secretary and one or two assistant AD's. 

    The head football position at Highlands would merit that structure. 

    The head football coach job demands are booming. It will become more and more difficult to teach and be the head football coach in a program that is serious about being successful. 


    Preach on. 

    • Like 1
  8. 3 minutes ago, TheDeuce said:

    You make a good point. The two programs are currently on very different paths. 

    Present and immediate future it sure seems that way.  Although I will say, and somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but for the "pressure packed job" that Highlands seems to be from the outside (and, I've been guilty of saying that, too)- it seems like I've read from several posters that they don't expect things to happen overnight and that this is going to be a few year process to getting things back to (or close) to what they once were. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Tigerpride94 said:

    Seems odd that coach would expect to be AD. I know there has been some cases of coach also AD but not common. 

    Off the top of my head, just here in KY...guys that are the AD/HFC.

    Casey County - Steve Stonebraker

    Christian County- Steve Lovelace

    Crittenden County- Sean Thompson

    Mayfield- Joe Morris

    Monroe- John Petett

    Bardstown- David Clark

    Spencer County- Mark Marksbury

    Woodford- Dennis Johnson

    Might have missed some others,...

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Tigerpride94 said:

    Seems odd that coach would expect to be AD. I know there has been some cases of coach also AD but not common. 

    All over the place in the South. In GA, TX, AL it's a given the majority of the time. South Carolina, Tennessee and even some schools here in KY it's that way.

  11. 38 minutes ago, El Diablo said:

    Yes, lots of Highlands guys. Weinrich was a Highlands guy too. There are two really good candidates that are Highlands guys. Throughout Highlands history many of the coaching greats have been Highlands guys. 

    The reason the search is going rough is because the really good coaches all want to be AD too. After Dale, Highlands made AD a stand alone position. That’s 75% of the trouble getting someone really good. That problem could be solved easily, but Highlands isn’t quick to terminate a position. 


    At the end of the day, right or wrong, it is what it is:

    Your 8-3 (and beyond) "main job" and the money situation matters. Which (and, this is for another thread) is why you aren't seeing many current head coaches playing leapfrog for other jobs &/or more than anything...seeing MORE getting out of it altogether than are going in.

    The expectations (even at some of your middle of the pack schools) are of one that is a full time job, when the fact of the matter is....you don't have the luxury of treating it as such. 

  12. Here is the deal in a nutshell.

    1. Highlands will be fine. It's still a top 10-15 job in the state. I think 1-5 fluctuate year to year, but the household names are still, and will more than likely FOREVER be that...just like they've been since this game started in KY.
    2. Highlands supporters have every reason to be upset, just as Coach James has every right to follow his heart once the dust settles and he did just that. Could it have been handled differently? Sure.  As @BEChargers said in another post..."A very good man and coach made a poor choice."  I'm not sure about all that are upset (although I have a pretty good idea), but Lord knows that's fit me at times in my life, annnnnnnd probably have more than a fair share left in the tank 😆. (Several other coaches have had a late change of heart before- some state championship winning coaches.)
    3. After reading Coach James announcement that he was coming back to Franklin County, I absolutely and WHOLE HEARTEDLY believe all that he said and I also think the following went through his head as well- although he didn't say just like this verbatim.

    "We also have a chance to be really, really good here at Franklin County next year and for the years to come. We have some absolute DUDES on our varsity roster next year with more and more on the way. We have updated our facilities since being here- turf being one of them. The pay in Franklin County is also great, all while working with some great people in our hometown. All of that factored in- we have just as good of resources right now as Highlands. We have all of that here, with MUCH LESS pressure. After all the dust settled on everything that is 'Highlands'- I realized everything we need is right here in front of us at Franklin County."

    If Franklin County was about to be left for dead- milked that cow for all it's worth- reached it's "pinnacle"? We aren't talking about this right now. 

    • Like 1
  13. 13 minutes ago, barrel said:

    Is there a link to the information? I’m curious to see the different breakdown. I would of guessed the HC stipend to be higher than that. I guess they also don’t give coaches extra/extended days. I know some schools that aren’t that far off from that number and those schools haven’t changed their stipends in almost 20 years. 

    Some even further than that & some of those schools that pay more than Highlands. I’m really surprised that job doesn’t pay more- really shocked. 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Hard Work said:

    Highlands is a top 5 -10 football program in the state! The people in this thread who feel that the expectation at schools like this are too much are the reason Kentucky HS football is behind in many categories. 

    The Trinity’s, Male, Boyle, Highlands, Beechwood, Belfry and few others. Have an expectation and I hope they keep it up! There is a reason Beatty won 15 titles in 21 years and why there are only 3 teams to dethrone him. Honestly if you don’t think that this is happening in any of the major football states of the country you’re wrong. I remember my time in Texas and leaving early for work and seeing middle school practice taking place at 6am showed how serious they are. Maybe one day we can be considered as a serious football state above basketball. 

    I hope highlands finds someone who gets that back and going! Those expectations and that pressure is the same people who provide support and push kids to the next level! 

    Good Luck to all parties involved! 

    Not to hi-Jack, but Kentucky HSFB when compared to states of similar population/demographics is dang good and then some.  

    Kentucky never has been and never will be on a level w Texas, California, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Ohio, etc purely due to those vast population and/or demographic differences.  

    Schools here in KY practice/workout at 6:00am- largely in part due to the summer heat and having to navigate around all that red tape.  Some even continue it throughout the season due to the heat & Id say that’s why it’s done in Texas as well.

    In regards to taking it seriously- Kentucky is a football state on the high school level compared to basketball in the talent/kids going to the next level(s) in comparison with the numbers- probably more so than ever and I see no signs of that ever slowing down.  

    Highlands is a Top 5-10 job. You’re exactly right. 

    Expectations aren’t the issue.  It’s expectations and not being given the resources to meet those expectations- that’s the issue (ie: coaching at most all schools, especially big time programs is a full time job).

    Not lessening and/not allowing the HFC to be in a position to help them AND the program succeed. For example, in school strength and conditioning, coaching pay, extended days during the summer or lack of, assistant coaching pay/teaching positions for them, etc.

    ...not sure how much of that last paragraph is true at Highlands, but those are the cases for most of the state.  I do know Highlands doesn’t have in school strength/conditioning (like Boyle County and Belfry, amongst other powers have).  

    Can completely understand why so many are upset. I wish both parties involved nothing, but the best!

    • Like 3
  15. 5 minutes ago, ATLCat said:

    This is a solid job.

    This is a prime example of a job left better than it was found. The feeder program is blossoming, good recent success, good talent pool.




    Place has ALWAYS had talent. For YEARS has been considered a gold mine (Great place to live, College Town, obviously our capitol) & he did the thing there. 

    I remember the mid-late 90's days of Dale (Wandale's daddy) and Roni Robinson, who, arguably was one of the Top 5 Football/basketball guys of the 90's in our state (Him, Tim Couch, Jared Lorenzen, Derek Smith, Dennis Johnson, etc) & I THINK Roni, with as DOMINANT as he was in football (without looking) was either a finalist and/or won Mr. Basketball in '97.   Dale went to WKU and played QB/WR after Willie Taggart graduated. Roni, unfortunately, didn't make to-through college, but doing well now I believe?


  16. 1 hour ago, Jack of all Trades said:

    Your last question and sentence were the biggest issue to me and have been for several years.  That is also a part of ‘coaching.’  

    Absolutely it is.  No question.  

    I don’t know enough about what kids can do what up there, but just from an ‘outsiders’ view - it seemed like there were a few kids who never needed to come off the field.  

    I will say thought that the little things they do (ie: linemen and their feet, stepping w the right feet, leverage, didn’t see kids out there who looked like they didn’t know what they were doing, maximum effort, etc   Defensively? Their alignment, stance, key, assignment....they still had that “synchronized football” look like I heard a very successful HC back around 07-08 say when seeing them on film...



  17. With that said - best of luck BW and the ‘Birds.  As crazy as it seems sometimes, the old saying usually holds true “everything works out for the best”. I hope that’s the case for both parties.

    I must say, and I’d be remiss if I didn’t say this, but I saw some Highlands film this year, and I didn’t see a poorly coached (nor remotely close to that) football team.  When you watch just all of the little things? FWIW?  I saw a well coached football team.

    Now - as for the two platoon deal and several kids needing to play ways? I’d agree with that.

  18. 4 hours ago, PP1 said:

    If teachers attempt to break their contracts during the school year, they can have their license revoked. I've seen it before when a teacher get mad in November and leaves during Christmas, the school calls the EPSB and has their certificate pulled. 

    Schools probably catch more flack if a football coach does it though.

    I didn’t mean breaking their contracts.  I meant applying for another job within the same school year, to start the following fall...but, before ever teaching a class at new school B, new school C comes in and is an even better opportunity. 

    Example from a football Coach perspective.

    1- Johnny Coach is currently employed in January by school A.

    2- Johnny Coach while employed at school A- applies, interviews and gets teaching/head coach gigs at school B in February (but will finish out the school year at school A.

    3- Come May, Johnny Coach hears of school C looking for a head football coach/teacher that is closer to where he/his wife grew up + as good of a football job, teaching and equal to better Pay as school B.

    4- Johnny Coach, before ever teaching/coaching a game at school B- resigns in the summer to take job at School C.


    Or in simpler matters.  Let’s say Johnny Coach in Late May or June finally has had it- has no motivation to coach anymore (despite the efforts made to feel something different all through the offseason) and resigns from School A.

    Results? Crap show.  Gets all kinds of grief

    Now- let that just be those that teach and/or in SOME cases, Administration.

    • Like 1
  19. 5 hours ago, TheDeuce said:


    So we're assuming Highlands, in an official capacity, reached out to Wolfe? Or we know that to be fact?

    That I don’t know.  I would just assume that if they were the types to reach out, that Wolfe would have been their first call (or at least in their short list).  Then again, maybe they didn’t pick up the phone to him or anybody.  

    • Thanks 1
  20. 19 minutes ago, TheDeuce said:

    Nobody should be above applying for a job. 

    @BigErn , correct me if I’m wrong here. IMO you made some very valid points. I don’t believe you were insinuating that anybody is above applying for the job, instead, when a school makes contact with you - scenarios are just a little bit, well, different.

    1- If a school contacts you, that school is usually a little more accommodating in what they can do/offer.

    2- You don’t have to deal with any potential backlash from your current employers if people are calling about you, instead of you firing away on applications (thus also your current employers being notified automatically bc of automated reference checks being sent as soon as you list them- and these are REQUIRED before able to submit these applications can be deemed officially sent)

    3- You shouldn’t have to worry about any back lash. People in every profession are almost always looking to “better themselves”, especially in education.  If you’re Joe Math Teacher or Jane English Teacher and you look around for other teaching jobs and/or begin your climb into the admin ranks, or even if you’re in admin and apply elsewhere (even out of district) it’s ok. 

    Be a head football coach and looking to make a move? Applying for jobs to see what other opportunities might be a step up? You better watch out (in some districts, some admin. Not all, but more than you’d think).   Stuff can come back to haunt you. 

    It’s a double standard really, and an unfair one at that.  

    Kind of like teachers (who don’t coach anything) or admin and they take a new job late in the spring/summer, or let’s say they decide to resign/retire completely late in the year? No big deal.   Let an admin leave for another job late in the year? No big deal it seems.   Let Jane English teacher leave current job A, for Job B in January...and then, Job C comes around in March that is even BETTER than Job B- before ever teaching a class there? Ehh. Nobody really cares.

    ....now, let a Head Football Coach (you know- the job that’s ‘not as important’ as the others above) do any of that? And a firestorm, crap show erupts. 

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  21. 28 minutes ago, BEChargers said:

    I don't believe that non-teaching jobs HAVE to be posted for a certain number of days that same as Certified Teaching positions do. 

    They don’t.  You’re right.  Coaching jobs are considered “classified”, but with them more times than not being tied to the teaching job (which being certified has to go the 30)..most just usually go the 30 days.

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