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Posts posted by Legacy12

  1. I see WAY too many teams and coaches trying to run the spread when it does not fit their players and does not have sufficient answers to situational football such as short yardage, goal line, and 4-minute offense. I have nothing against spreading it out at times, but I am not in favor of doing it exclusively.


    The same could be said for other offenses, I see teams that try to be physical smash mouth type teams with 32 personnel without kids over 170 pounds up front that don't have answers for 3rd and long, 2 minute offense etc.


    My point is you have to have a good mix and a coach that knows how to adapt his offense. Sometimes you're just bad no matter what you run, very rarely does the fastest most physical team lose on the field regardless of what type of offense they run.

  2. What kind of support is there for athletics in Bracken County? Is administration and community on board? Seems like there's a lot of turnover in all their athletic programs over the years. Will this job be good for a young guy or better trying to go the experienced route?


    Would younger guys like Sam Marple or Josh Jaggers move to take on this job? Many more young coaches out there but definitely two that comes to mind.

  3. This is quite a surprise. I thought he would Coach this class of to be seniors and then maybe go back to the Clay County region to accept a Coaching position. Any reasons for the quick move other than the Clay County job came open?


    From all I can figure that's it. Sounds like Bracken will be in good shape, he didn't leave the cupboard bare by any means.

  4. No, you have to practice and freak accidents happen. What would be the point of keeping starters in that long? In the overall goal of your program what would be the accomplishment? If you're 40 better than someone, do you really need to prove you're 70 better if that's the case? I really have no problem with it either way as long as you're not out there trying to show the other team up, but just don't understand what would be the purpose in the grand scheme. A lot more to lose than their is to gain in those situations.

  5. and Paris gave up how many to Bracken? Where was that athleticism on defense? And Brossart gave up how many to Bracken? Probably not the best way on how I would break down a game... Paris may very well win this game - But I wouldn't break it down as indicated.. NOT SO FAST MY FRIEND!


    Bracken also had several starters out against Brossart that played against Paris. It has turned into a pretty competitive district from the sounds of it.

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