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Everything posted by CoachJ

  1. I'm waiting for Steven Dubner and his Freakonomics approach to this topic. As they (and any good scientist would) say, "Correlation is not causation."
  2. Yes--we hope to play them tough again. And you're right--we have some good athletes. Unfortunately, ours are getting looked at by good FCS programs while the team we play first has a bunch of guys getting looks from BCS programs!
  3. I edited the above post to exactly what you asked while you were posting apparently. As far as exposure to a large-number and wide-variety of schools as well as chance to get noticed by them, I'd count it the best I've taken kids to. My ONLY criticism is that they fed them dinner (a VERY nice, all-you-can eat meal) at the beginning and only then about 30 minutes before the offense guys ran 40s. I went to the UK night camp the next day and because they had so many more campers, I'd say our kids got about 3x more reps in the 1on1 drills than the kids at UK got (and, due to how they did after about 12 great reps in a row in the 1on1's, had a Jr-to-be Moe Masden and Sr-to-be Bennie Berry get the eye of about 5 different schools; 2 of them FCS schools). In comparison to the 15 reps those guys got at UI, Will Bush at the UK camp got about 5 reps total vs. a DB in their 1on1's (although they DID keep him around after the camp to get him and about 7 or 8 other receivers reps). As I said above, the Northwestern and Ohio State camps have MANY more FCS, D2, D3, and NAIA schools there to see kids perform, but there are just too many kids there for adequate reps and too many campers for someone to stand out unless they're already known about or they have freakish size (and those guys often don't really need a camp like this to catch a college's eye -- they get that based on their height/weight alone). Hope that helps.
  4. Taking guys on these trips is a lot of work and time, but when you get to see first-hand the bonding that takes place, it's really invaluable. If it didn't cost so much, would love to take a whole team. This shot was at 11pm (EDT) at the statue of Red Grange. Not only was it great exposure to over 20 colleges of all levels, but our guys got to learn a little of the rich history of this great game (something you DON'T get playing 'Madden 2013'). For coaches out there looking for a place to recommend to your guys for exposure, I'd put this one up there with any. Northwestern and Ohio State had a lot more college coaches there to evaluate, had them from all levels, but there were maybe 4 times more kids -- had to look like a greek god or Tony Siragusa to stand out. This one had 3 other full-scholarship schools in addition to Illinois (SIU, EIU, and WIU) -- and all of us know we have WAY more players who can play at the FCS level than the FBS level. In addition, there were D2, D3, & NAIA schools from Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin, and Indiana there. Three of my guys who were previously unknown to them got the attention of at least one of the FCS schools there (and Derek Strasser -- played Rush End for us last year, will be a Safety this year -- had all 3 of them asking me about him). One of the strong Missouri NAIA schools asked if he could speak to our whole group about his school and said he'd be starting to come to Ballard to recruit as an annual visit.
  5. Appears pictures I take with my iPhone were too large. Think I fixed it.
  6. We took a group of 19 to the camp at U. of Illinois. VERY well-run camp--all of it right on the game field and in their weight room right off the game field. About 200 kids present. I'm trying and trying to post some pictures, but am obviously doing something wrong. But I'll keep trying. (tried straight from computer--nothing showed up; tried from web hosting--said invalid file...help?)
  7. Now that guy writing that is one well-rounded dude. Renaissance Man if I may say. Thought them thar foozbaw coaches were just a bunch a dummies?
  8. As of right now, he's bball-only. Door is open for him with football--last of the big AAU stuff is end of July.
  9. We've got three kids involved at Columbus today: Will Bush (WR), Derek Strasser (DE/OLB), and Lyndon Rowe (RB). Hope ALL the Kentucky kids represent the state well. There'll be a LOT of talent assembled in one place.
  10. Brought a bunch of kids to the small college prospect camp we held May 22. Almost every kid that came passed the look test--both skill and line guys. And, their kids were respectful and conducted themselves with discipline toward the adults running the camp--you could tell they've been coached to havea healthy respect for the game.
  11. All I know on this is they get VERY upset at me when I time them from when the ball is marked 'ready-for-play' and they let our opponent take 28, 29, 30, 31, etc. seconds and I start counting it out loud. (Actually had one guy -- VERY ANGRILY -- threaten to throw a flag on me for 'illegal use of technology' because I was using my stopwatch...I'm not kidding). I always get the "we're gonna let 'em have a few extra seconds, coach. You'll get the same clock as them." Problem is, we are an UP-TEMPO team that rarely gets to 18-seconds so we don't WANT the extra seconds. I hate this because I think it 'rewards' teams who have to have their qb run to the sideline to get the play rather than the coach having a system to get plays in according to the published rules of the game. Also, if that coach employs an offensive philosophy of 'shortening the game' the officials are assisting them in a way that's inconsistent with the rules of the game we're all supposed to play by.
  12. Great kid...great family. Just the latest of Kentucky-born kids who grew up thinking they'd be basketball stars but decided to give the sport that offers 85 scholarships per team a chance (similar situation with our Cam Lewis last year -- bball his whole life; tried football his Jr. year and now headed to WKU on a full ride to catch balls in Petrino's offense). Will hadn't played a down of organized football in his life til last year -- first play he ever touched the ball in a game was a 99yard TD pass reception (JV).
  13. Really "wonderful" news. :grumpy: This X team is going to be unreal. I'm hearing the OL will average about 6'4, 275.
  14. Good luck also to our Will Bush who got an invite. Is only in his 2nd year playing football, but has clocked a sub-11.0 electronically-timed 100m this spring, and has a football body (6'1, 190). We recommended Kelan Martin (6'5,240 TE/WR) and he was invited as well, but can't go this weekend due to a prior commitment to an AAU Bball tourney in Dallas,TX. Good luck to ALL the local guys at this camp and the many Camps/Combines coming up in May and June.
  15. Played frosh year. Was a huge target and ran VERY well for his size. He is in our advanced PE class (all strength training) so he's remained 'football-strong' the last 2 years. Wants to see where his 'ceiling' is in basketball (got some decent offers at some very nice programs -- ones you hear about in March each year) but would undoubtedly be a BCS-level school Tight End if he chooses that. He'll go to some football camps this June to 'feel the waters' and see what the big-boys say about his potential, then decide this summer.
  16. Don't know a lot of '14 grads other than the ones on that list--Kelan Martin (6'5 TE who is stud bball player) for us will be a high D1 (invited to Jr. Day at LSU) if he decides to come back out for football. Will Bush is a WR for us that's getting interest from UCincinnati and WKU right now -- 2nd-fastest 100m time right now but has only done track & bball til Junior year. I know the city is loaded with potential D1 '15 kids (Central, Eastern, we have a couple, Trinity has some stud LB in that class as well as Brooks at RB).
  17. I'm having a hard time thinking of a Ky. RB with better offers as a Junior. I know Shaun Alexander ended up big-time, but not sure he was recruited to the same extent as Madison Southern kid.
  18. If it's the site I'm thinking of, it's a guy who's an avid UK fan but doesn't live in Ky. Follows recruiting VERY closely from afar...so gets his information on kids from people he knows back in state or from guys mentioned on Rivals, Scout. Since not getting to actually see them play much, I'm sure he relies on who he hears colleges are interested in. He looks very closely at which kids are being mentioned by D1 schools. He does a good job following up with kids (talks to them directly via phone). By this time, if you're going to be a senior and you're not getting serious attention from D1 schools (like offers or handwritten letters) or you didn't go and perform well at one of the big national camps/combines (like Sparq, RivalsCamps, etc.), it's going to be hard to get onto lists like this. As good as DeVante Parker was in high school (had a GREAT Junior year), he didn't get much love from stuff like this. Didn't go to the Sparq camps, didn't return mail from Alabama, USC, etc. after they saw his film -- knew he was going to UofL all along.
  19. Recruitniks care about 1 thing 1st and foremost: MEASURABLES. And specific to college football, HEIGHT.
  20. Orange barrels everywhere as a matter of fact.
  21. St. X with 4 in the top 25...and Percell & Walker probably deserving. A true 'All-Star' team in itself to be sure. Can't see how they're not the odds-on to win it all. Would almost have to try to have anything less than an undefeated season with talent like that. Looks like Trinity hasn't gobbled up ALL the top Jefferson County kids in recent years.
  22. We have an extremely 'bought-in' group of seniors returning (unfortunately, isn't always the case in Jeff. Co. public schools), so I'm more optimistic than in certain previous years when maybe the talent was there, but I knew going in the 'intangibles' weren't. As a coach, you can affect that kind of thing to some extent, but it takes someone better than me to completely overcome it. Now the tough news: we match up with the 'super-district' for the first 3 rounds of the playoffs (which is part of why we tried to schedule all of them in the regular season). They'll all be tough next year and though we've been competitive with them (within 1pt of beating X, within a TD of Trinity a few years ago, an even record w/ Male, winning record vs. Manual), it was with a different group of kids than we currently have. A lot will come down to us convincing our guys we belong with them (we'll see). Even if we get that done, we'd likely have to make it through THREE of them in 3 consecutive rounds. Not saying that can't be done, but we'll have to do a great job as coaches and players to accomplish that. That being said, we REALLY like the group we've got coming back. I can already tell this will be a group we'll enjoy coaching, win or lose.
  23. Davis is already listed at #8. Are you saying the Soph is deserving of top 5 in whole state already? If so...:eek:
  24. My bet is they'll have their kids geeked to prove they can beat a Louisville 6A team (was always great motivation for our kids at Oldham).
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