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Irish Cat

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Posts posted by Irish Cat

  1. I really don't care one way or the other, except that I kind of enjoy how stupid Kevin Warren looks, especially after trying to bully all of college football into cancelling the season, but why bother making a rule if your not going to enforce it.  What's Matt Jones on KSR always saying?  Something along the line of rules aren't rules without any consequences.  

  2. On 12/3/2020 at 2:40 AM, Walter said:

    And FWIW, UC tried getting a marquee game and called around when their schedule fell apart.. Notre Dame, among others, wasn't interested.

    Were they not interested or not allowed.  If I recall correctly the ACC isn't allowing any OOC games this year and Notre Dame agreed to those terms to compete in the ACC "bubble".  

  3. https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/11/25/938744923/cdc-likely-to-recommend-shortening-coronavirus-quarantine-period


    Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, said she would welcome such a revision.

    "I was really glad to hear CDC is considering this," she told NPR in an email. "Shortening quarantine recommendations to focus on the period of time during which the vast majority of people who are exposed to the virus are likely to become contagious is a smart, pragmatic move that is likely to boost compliance."

    "Right now, contact tracing efforts in the U.S. are severely hindered by deep disincentives for contacts of cases to quarantine," Nuzzo said. "A seven or ten day quarantine recommendation may be easier for people to bear and hopefully may help get more contacts of cases to comply."

    The above is really interesting to me.  So the reduced quarantine time appears to be not based on any type of science or whether or not people remain contagious, but rather that they would be more likely to comply.   It's like their just making stuff up as they go along.  

  4. 5 hours ago, The Professor said:

    I didn’t get to watch the game but I looked at the post game stats and noticed Gatewood didn’t take any snaps today? He started the last game and played most of it. Was he sick today or injured? 

    I'm almost positive that Gatewood played the series after Allen.  

  5. 2 hours ago, swamprat said:

    Numbers can be subjective if context is left out. Sweden has only performed 1.7 million tests (9.2% positive to test ratio) where the US has performed over 155 million tests (6.5% positive to test ratio). From that context, the US is doing better than Sweden. 


    Stats can be whatever you want them to be within the targeted context.  I wish more people understood this.  It should be expected that the US would have way more cases than Sweden or Norway simply based upon population alone.  

  6. 44 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Florida is #3 in cases and #4 in deaths.

    The states with the most cases are California, Texas, Florida and New York.  Those same four states also have the most deaths.  Probably just a coincidence that they are also the four most populated states in the country.  

    It shouldn't be any surprise that Florida is #3 in cases and #4 in deaths.  Stats are useless without any context.  

    Florida is also 8th in cases per million and 11th in deaths per million while at the same time having the 5th oldest population, not to mention that they are one of the most opened up states in the country.  Maybe they're not doing as badly as you think. 




  7. 49 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    Do you believe in euthanasia?


    No.  Of course not.   Not sure why you are asking me that except as a way to insinuate that by believing my grandmother having a right to live life on her terms is somehow leading her to her death.  

    She survived the great depression living in a farm house in rural Illinois without the luxuries of heat or running water.  She left home in her mid teens to go work at a factory in Evansville building tail wings for airplanes during WWII.  She's not scared of Covid whatsoever.  But her quality of life has suffered due to Covid and all the restrictions.  It is a shame that we are forcing the elderly to die alone and in isolation because of this.  What a terrible way to treat people supposedly for their own good.  I bet if you ask them the majority would rather take the risk of catching Covid than being shunned.  

    Elderly people are dying in isolation

    At least the media is starting to acknowledge that lockdowns have led to deaths unrelated to Covid.  


  8. 43 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

     I have similar stories in my family. Congratulations to you and all your family keeping her safe so that you were able to visit her recently. If you continue to keep her safe, I am very confident you will get to spend a lot more time with her in the future.

    She's 94.  Let's not act like her days aren't already numbered.  Why shouldn't she be able to enjoy life on her terms.  But that's not how some are letting it play out.  Visits have to be kept secret, lest you not be vilified for putting her at risk.  

    • Like 1
  9. 11 minutes ago, Voice of Reason said:

    If people want Thanksgiving with family, mask on and get very strict again on social distancing. I worry about all those grandparents and elderly who are about to have COVID walk through their door. 

    On the other hand you also have grandparents such as my 94  year old grandmother who are severely lonely and desperate for someone to come visit them.  I went and saw her for the first time since this started last month and what she told me is that if she knew she would live for another couple of years but had to stay trapped in her home, she'd rather die of Covid right now.  She is miserable. She can't drive, and her children that live locally won't take her anywhere, not even church.   I felt bad that I was only able to visit with her a few  hours.  

  10. As a local I will agree Old Hickory is way better than Moonlite, especially if your just wanting BBQ.  I'm never really that impressed with the meats at Moonlite.  I normally only go with people from out of town and on those instances I find myself filling up on the sides which are normally very good and saving room for desert.  Moonlite has a wonderful buttermilk pie (I'm not aware of anyplace else that serves this) and their coconut cream pie and banana pudding are great as well. 

    • Like 3
  11. 3 minutes ago, swamprat said:

    Well that was a beat down of major proportions. And here I was making a vailed reference to UofL's kicking game last week. On top of the inability to pass or run the ball or stop the run, me thinks Jeff Scott needs to find himself a long snapper who does not snap quite that long. 🙂

    The only thing I found fault with ND was Kyren William's propensity to fumble the ball. He did it twice. Luckily for the Irish an offensive lineman fell on it both times. Ian Book still does not throw the ball downfield well, consistently. 

    I'm pretty sure that the second fumble was by C'Bo Flemister.  However, as an Irish fan I rather enjoyed the Bulls use of the extra long snapper.  Notre Dame really didn't need any breaks but they all went their way this game.  

  12. 18 hours ago, gchs_uk9 said:

    I think the argument is about 20,000+ other students are about to arrive on campus at every school which will eliminate the sort of "quasi bubble" teams have been participating in for the last few weeks.

    True, but unless we forget that these men are still students, than wouldn't they be going to class, etc. and being exposed to these 20,000 other students regardless of whether they have football practices or games?  

    From what I understand the reality of the situation is that these men are treated nothing like the regular students and often don't attend class in favor of tutoring sessions, etc.  How many days of the year are they not even physically present on campus during classes due to travel for games and such.  You could still isolate them just fine if that is the desired outcome.  


  13. Am I wrong in think that most of these players have been on campus all summer already, without any major incidents.  Seems like had quite a few players test positive upon arrival, likely indicating that they were infected at home, but since that initial testing, has anybody heard of any outbreaks among college teams.  Shouldn't that lead to presumption that playing games would not really  be much different?

    • Like 1
  14. 1 minute ago, John Anthony said:

    There’s a study out there that said Justin Fields would be worth 1.3 million if he could make money off his likeness this year.  Lawrence was just below him.

    It's a bit of a two way street though.  Without UGA or Ohio St., how many people would even know who he is?

    Unless schools such as the Power 5 members go their own way, I think schools having to pay players is going to be very bad for the majority of student athletes and might be the death of most college sports.  NIL is a bit of a different issue as the money would not have to come from the schools.  

    I went to the University of Evansville and about half of my fraternity brothers were on the football team and we had several swimmers as well.  Those guys played because they loved the game and were not concerned with the extra demands of going to practice, etc.  In reality most were likely desperate to stay in the game as long as they could.  They played Div II non-scholarship so there was zero reason to participate expect for the love of the game.  Some of those guys went on to be doctors, lawyers, once is a county sheriff, and several are now teaching and coaching at the high school level. 

    They knew that college was the end of the road as far as their playing career.  Their was one exception who manged to get about 4 years with the NFL and a couple more in the CFL, but he was a bit of an exception as he started college playing baseball for a Big 10 school, but left after one year to play football at UE.  He was a two time All American and they transferred to another Big 10 school to play football after which he was a 4th round draft pick.  Unfortunately his profession career was injury plagued.  

    Evansville no longer has a football team as they just couldn't afford to maintain a football program and comply with Title IX.  Given that scenario, they certainly couldn't have been able to pay any of those players.  




  15. 2 hours ago, swamprat said:

    There is not a limit to outdoor seating, is there?

    Down here, where there are ordinances placing 25% limits on indoor seating, many of the restaurants, that did not already have outdoor seating, have built outdoor seating. As long as social distancing guidelines are obeyed, they can have as many have as many outdoor seats as their physical setup allows. 

    I heard Cigar City turned part of their parking lot into an outdoor seating area. The Tampa Bay Brewing Company location in Oldsmar already had an outdoor seating area, but they expanded it into their parking lot. I curbside pickup from there when I am in the mood for some Shepard's Pie and "Last Days of Summer" or Cigar City's "Maduro". 


    I don't think KY has a limit on outdoor seating.  For some restaurants, however, this isn't much of an option.  Many of the restaurants in downtown Owensboro utilized the sidewalks in front of their storefronts for outdoor seating even prior to the lockdown, however, for many this amounts to 3 or 4 tables.  If things continue much longer we are going to get weather that will basically prohibit outdoor seating at all, at which point these small restaurants will really be up against a rock and a hard place.    

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