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Posts posted by HoosierDaddy

  1. This has been already covered in multiple revious threads, but I'll weigh in anyway...


    For the sake of argument, let's assume that either the girl in question IS that good or the program is that bad where a seventh or eight grader will play varsity.

    Point: In a school such as Beechwood or Holmes where the High School extends below 9th grade ( 7th at BW and 8th at HHS), I have no problem with those students who are in that high school playing on Freshmen, JV or Varsity teams. In other schools, where the middle school is offsite or totally separate on another part of the campus (ie Connor or Ryle), I am absolutely against it.


    Here is my reasoning:

    1)Social Ramifications:

    By allowing a student up to 6 years younger than the senior class, who doesn't deal with older kids on the same scale, to spend significant time with older students, you've exposed the younger to things they may not or should not be ready for. We all know that things happen in the high school setting that do not in Jr High.

    Additionally, you're taking time away from the younger's normal social development with friends ther own age. It is hard enought to make it when you spend the normal extra curricular hours with your peers, but when you change that to travel to another team right after school, its a stress these youngsters do not need.

    Finally (on this point) the younger student may (will) face increased resentment from the other Frosh / Soph / Juniors that she will pass up. This will not help with normal social interaction once that child reached high school.


    2) Academic Problems:

    While it is not practice in most schools to give homework breaks for big games, students are expected to have developed the necessary study skills to handle the job. An eight grader at Turkeyfoot may not have the teacher's understanding when Dixie travells to Pendleton County for a game that night. In fact, if the students are travelling together, The younger cannot even work with the traditional athlete as they have differring work. Most middle school teams do not travel as far as high school teams.


    3) Physical Problems:

    Especially with girls, teen athletes' bodies are being taxed too much already. It is a shame to see the number of girls on the floor each night with ankle braces, knee problems and shin splints. Allowing young women to wait another year or two before enduring the more stressful routines will allow their bone and joint structures to catch up with the (typical) weight gain from puberty. It has been written over and over that over involvement at younger ages is leading to these chornic injuries in young women.


    I welcome any other opinions, but this is why I feel the way I do.:thumb:



    I will say that your reasonings are understandable, but I will have to disagree. I have been able to deal with these issues first hand and thus far has not affected any issues with the child. I believe that if the student has the ability to play at a Varsity level, then so be it. The five best players should be gracing the floor. I can't understand how parents can be upset if a seventh or eighth grader play above a junior or senior. If that seventh or eighth grader is better than that junior or senior they should play period. Varsity sports are not to put in your oldest players but your best.

  2. What happened to Muzzilo? Did he graduate last year? Cats Pause had him being the third senior this year?



    I am not sure where he is at this year?! He did play for Dixie last year, and he was a junior. I am not sure if he transfered or if he is just not playing basketball this year. Does anyone know what happened to Muzzilo?

  3. :confused:


    Dixie is a fairly young team. I believe they only have three seniors on the team this year. I'd say they're doing pretty well with what they have.




    I believe Dixie only has two seniors, Boese and Pompillio. Trammel's a sophmore, Smith and Raleigh?(sp) are juniors. This is their starting five. They have a very young team. They have a freshman and seventh grader who come off the bench. I believe they are making strides at becoming a better team. I see great things for them in the next two years.

  4. I was at the game and dissapointed in Dixie's play. Pompillio, one of their key players and driving forces, didn't seem to be a key player in the game tonight. I would have liked to see Chev shake the game up a bit, with bringing in the seventh grader. I have watched him play in some games this year and seems to change the momentum when him and Trammel are in together. He was a big factor in the win for the Scott game. Pike also seems to be an upcoming player that also comes off the bench bringing some intensity to the game. It really seems to me that some of the coaching decisions tonight, caused the loss of this game. I think Chev might want to go to his bench a little more!!! There might be some more wins in Dixie's future.

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