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Posts posted by Justafan2

  1. My boss just told me UK has rules before a player's jersey is retired. He said they have to have their degree, be elected to the UK Hall of Fame, and be 5 years removed from the college. That was just off the top of his head, so I have no idea if it's true or if it's written somewhere.

  2. Once a colonel always a colonel? I used to be one but have not gotten anything from them lately? Am I still a colonel?


    Yes, once you have been awarded the certificate from the Governor commissioning you as a Kentucky Colonel, you are always a Colonel. There are many people that are Colonels, but the true distinction are from the people that participate in their Good Works program and being members of the Honorable Order. If you have not received anything from them in a while, contact them. I found this on their website.


    I was commissioned as a Kentucky Colonel and I never receive anything in the mail like other people do?

    Please contact: Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels Headquarters, 1717 Alliant Ave., Ste. 14, Louisville, KY 40299. We'll make every effort to correct this oversight. You may also email members@kycolonels.org.

  3. I know most people don't like him, but I agree with the article. Mr. Brown has certainly done some good things lately. Good drafts, getting rid of disgruntled/me-first players, spent over $200,000 to fill the stadium, and lowered season ticket prices. Most will say he has alterior motives, and they may be correct. However, all I know is the Bengals are in the playoffs and my season tickets are cheaper next year. Hopefully he will continue to make solid decisions like the last couple of years and not revert back to the 90s ways.

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