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2 Humped Camel

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Posts posted by 2 Humped Camel

  1. I went to Chipotle last night 3 people were in line in front of me. 2 girls and a guy. The two girls where college age and must have been ordering for their whole sorority or something. Each girl ordered at least 6 or 7 seperate things while looking through various texts on their phones to get the orders right. I was pretty irritated and should have photo shamed them too. I thought I'd be in and out in 2 minutes but instead it was more like 20. :no:

  2. My pastor is none too keen on Masons...had a brief conversation with him on it. I also have a fellow co-worker who has totally immersed himself in the Mason's and the masonic "teachings" since joining about 5 years ago...he talks to me quite often about it...and let me tell you, a lot of it sounds more than a little weird and he has mentioned some things that I would consider anti-Christian beliefs.


    Well, my Grandfather was a Mason and a deacon at his Baptist Church. My Dad is a Mason and is an elder and treasurer of his Baptist Church. They were/are two of the most Christian men that I know and would never be apart of anything "anti-Christian". There is nothing anit-Christian about it.

  3. I'm a mason, joined to carry on a tradition of the men in my family. I haven't been very active because of the age difference between myself and most active members but my Dad is and knows all of the ceremonies by heart and performs many masonic funeral services in the area. As previously mentioned the secrets aren't really secrets and can be found by watching movies and searching the internet. Basically it's a men's fellowship club that is not based on any particular religion but acknowleges a higher creator. Although my lodge is opened and closed with a very Christian prayer. The fundraising is to provide end of life care for it's members, scholarships and other community needs/charities.


    I do however have a follow up question for the Catholic members especially if you are a Knights of Columbus member. I've been told that part of the KOC oath is that they are to not behave very friendly toward Masons, is there any truth to that?

  4. We stopped buying the k-cups because of how much it was increasing our grocery bill. We loved the Green Mountain Vanilla Carmel Cream but we bought the little insert thing and started buying a dunkin doughnuts brand that is a similar flavor. We figured it up and for less than half the cost of the K cups we get over twice as many cups but it is a little less convenient.

  5. My step daughter was near melt down mode this morning at 6am. She had to leave to catch the school bus, she ran out of hair spray and that one piece of hair wasn't cooperating. Good grief, boys are so much easier. Get up, shower and throw on some shorts and a t-shirt...

  6. Let me start by saying I'm not a auto racing fan, nor do I know the first thing about driving a race car. I don't know who Tony Stewart is or his past problems so when I look at this incident the one that I see being a crazy hot head was the poor guy who got hit. I didn't see any particularly egregious moves out of Stewart that caused the guy to wreck in the first place. The video of the incident as shown I don't see how any conclusion can be drawn other than this was a tragic accident. It appears to me that the car directly in front of Tony Stewart had to swerve hard not to hit the guy and it also appears that Tony Stewart was swerving to go around the guy as well. That being said we get only a second of film to make that decision so I think it is becoming almost a Rorschach test for people to project their feelings onto. I think we need to see more video, more angles, more witnesses, etc before placing blame.

  7. We're always looking for little side trips when traveling. Went to a little place called Gatorland during one of our trips to Orlando and it was well worth the money. Used to go to Marineland when visiting my parents in St. Augustine, and Lion Country Safari when visiting relatives near West Palm beach.


    I went to Gatorland once probably 10 years ago and it was really cool but I had heard it burnt down and was closed. Do you know if it is still open?

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