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2 Humped Camel

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Posts posted by 2 Humped Camel

  1. I think you made the point why he should not have been hired in the first place. At a place like Highlands that is tradition rich and 100 kids plus you need to be tough on them because talent and competition will make them better. However, if you are trying to build a program and get kids to come out and play, the hard core style isn't going to build it, it will have the opposite effect. Football is a demanding sport and a lot of kids don't want to pay the price to become good football players because of the phyiscal and mental committment it takes. I don't think Brossart is in the position to talk about winning state championships, they need to build up numbers and get the school to rally around them. I am not saying that Teegarden is not a good coach, I am sure he is a very good coach, but he was the wrong type of coaching style at a program trying to survive.


    I don't necessarily disagree with you but he interviewed and they selected him knowing his coaching style and philosophy.

  2. Same happened at Ryle during his tenure. Rubbed alot of kids the wrong way..Not all his fault at Ryle though. There was a litany of other issues. But he contributed to the downfall in turnout.


    Down turn in players happened on his watch, which led (partially) to the independent schedule. That move, however happened under current coach Terry Brown.


    I'm sorry but neither of these situations can be blamed on Lee. Lee believes in hard work and accountability two things most teenagers resist feverishly. Neither of these schools had any kind of football tradition and no idea what it takes to win. I'm not talking about the schools per se but more so the kids and parents. Pendelton county did have low numbers under Lee but they also had their best season ever under Lee and won 7 games. Do you win football games by taking it easy on kids, letting them be out of shape and unaccountable so that you can have 40 or 50 kids on your team? Ask Terry Brown about it. Brossart went to Pendleton County this past season with 17 healthy kids who had worked their tails off and were in great shape against a roster of 40 something kids who hadn't and won. Football isn't easy and when kids quit because it's hard what is the coach supposed to do? Sacrafice his principals to get numbers and have your brains beat in or do what every successful program does and work hard, be in shape and disciplined? Kids at places like Highlands put in that work and even do extra because the program has a foundation and expectations, kids at places that lack that foundation and expectations say it's too hard and quit. I can tell you first hand that the kids at Brossart last season didn't put in half of the time or work that kids at Highlands do, heck Lee didn't even asked them to do what we had done work wise in our highschool program. Lee did nothing at Brossart to make kids not want to play that any other coach at successful programs do. I really hope that Brossart turns it around and has success with football and I really hope that those 7 or 8 kids that busted their tails all winter get to have a season. If Paul Wiggins is the guy to bridge the gap I wish him nothing but the best of luck as he is a great guy that comes from a great family but the axe grinders need to find blame elsewhere. Good Luck Mustangs!

  3. I had Fioptics and switched back to TWC about 6 months ago. Their packages are very similar in price once you get out of the "promotional" period. TWC offers more channels on their basic package especially the ESPN family that you had to buy a package to get with Fioptics. The guide and DVR are the same and there was no difference in picture quality most of the time. I did have an issue with Fioptics cutting out or losing audio for a second or two every 30 mins or so. Not a huge deal but got annoying after a while. I think Fioptics does perform better on the internet. I had 10Mb with Fioptics and ran multiple tablets, PS3, laptops, Netflix, etc all at the same time without any noticable difference. When I switched to TWC I have 20MB and when all the activity is at peak times you notice the slow down and picture quality on netflix. If you are a heavy internet using family then Fioptics is probably the way to go but you'll have to pay a little more if you need any of the ESPN channels outside of ESPN 1 or 2. You also don't get the NFL network on the regular package with Fioptics.

  4. Forgot about a really bad one that I had years ago - until I friend poured me one last night (without informing me about what it was). Cave Creek Chili Beer. It's a beer with a whole hot pepper soaking in each bottle.


    I went to a music and beer festival in Snowmass CO with a buddy a few years back. One of the beer samples was a Green Chili beer, which was made with Green Chili Peppers. I couldn't even swallow the sip I got into my mouth. Foulest liquid on earth.

  5. I watched the first episode last night and I thought the show was really good and will plan on watching it as long as it remains that way. The show was difficult to watch at times and as Clyde mentioned is very dark. The first episode at least was not a cookie cutter type cable network show and I'd encourage everyone to give it a try.

  6. Will this be because Ky owns most of the river? Or is there some other reason you feel Kentucky residents will get stuck with the bill? I'm just not following all the apprehension over this, for something so necessary.


    Because many more KY residents commute to OH to work everyday in Cincinnati than vice versa.

  7. 1- Dayton High School has kids that live in Dayton KY. Catholic schools has kids that are from anywhere.


    2- Again, I will go back to the kid from Ohio that played for Holy Cross. What is right about that?


    Hence, different set of rules. Why else would X and Trinity dominate in football? Because they are allowed to get kids from anywhere. Do you not follow HS sports? C'mon man!


    How many kids from Cov Cath Basketball team live in Park Hills?




    This argument has been beaten to death. Any school in KY, public, private, or independent can accept tuition students from anywhere they want. If you don't like the way your school district handles it go complain to them.

  8. If the new country music is so bad, why is the B105 country concert series so incredibly successful year after year?

    Show me another genre of live performances that brings in the crowds all summer long in the Greater Cincy area?


    The last country concert I went to was Robert Earl Keen at the Madison for $25 bucks and it was a great show. Why anyone would pay a small fortune to see some of the acts in the concert series is beyond me.

  9. I think he sneaks in there for helping carry the country music torch during the 80's. The 80's were some tough years for country music - particularly the late 80's. With the Hank Juniors and David Allen Coes of the world working hard on turning country music into redneck music, and the Randy Travises and Kieth Whitleys of the world working hard at stripping away country songwriting and making it a genre of formulaic "pop music wearing a cowboy hat"....country music was struggling. George Strait was one of the only folks trying to still do country music right during that time period.


    That being said, George Strait did eventually turn to the dark side of country music, aligning himself more with the Garth Brooks/Nashville/Pop Country scene in the 90's and his later career.


    I think your assessment of Keith Whitley stripping anything away from country songwriting towards pop is very inaccurate. Keith Whitley was a very talented musician who had toured with major bluegrass acts since his teenage years. His country songs weren't the least bit pop sounding IMO and had he lived would have been one of the greatest country acts of all time.

  10. At my old job I worked on the 2nd floor and there was a retail branch underneath on the 2nd floor. After doing my business in the restroom I flushed only to see that dreaded water coming back at me. It overflowed, no plunger in sight I had to leave it and search. I went downstairs looking only to discover the water was coming through the ceiling into the retail office. Not a good day.

  11. Are we talking as a singer? Are we talking as a songwriter? As a singer/songwriter? Because you could have someone like Kris Kristofferson, who wrote several great songs, listed just once as a songwriter. But, if you talk about the people who actually sung those songs the best, you could be talking about 4 or 5 different people.


    I think Kris is better, Prine's talent is most certainly as a writer. He doesn't sing particularly well but neither does Willie.

  12. What is Coachspeak?


    A. Lies or partial truths to deceive the public for whatever reason

    B. Lies or partial truths to motivate kids

    C. The verbalization of a Coach's long term and potentially grandiose vision for a program

    D. Words a coach will use to hide a gameplan or what is truly going on in his program

    E. A politically correct version of what he really wants to say

    F. All of the above

    G. None of the above



    If you pick G, please provide your definition.






    G: My highschool coach told us to believe nothing that he ever said in the paper. I think it is simply filler that they use because they have to talk to the media. You are never going to get anything close to an accurate quote IMO.

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