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2 Humped Camel

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Posts posted by 2 Humped Camel

  1. This list is pretty bad IMO. Of all of the Willie Nelson songs that could have been included, Mama's don't let your babies should not have been in his top 10. No Hank Jr, entertainer of the year for a decade? No Garth Brooks, I'm not a huge fan but he is the biggest selling country artist ever and it's not close. His "Much Too Young" should have made the list. Several of the songs are bluegrass and not country, yes there is a huge difference. No "Hello Darlin"? Glenn Campbell at 16, he represented the worst era of country music besides the one we are experiencing right, now in that light Luke Bryan should have had a song on here....


    Songs I would have included: "Much Too Young", "Hello Darlin", "A Country Boy Can Survive", "Dixie Land Delight", "My Hero's have always been Cowboys", "Smokey Mountain Rain", "Kiss an angel good Morning" and "Chisled in Stone"


    Rolling Stone should stick to rock lol.

  2. AMEN.

    Don't tell me your pooch is harmless. If you want your pup to run free, choose a different place to live.


    When I was in college I worked 2 summers as a community health worker for the Northern Kentucky Independent District Health Department. Part of my job was to view dogs that had bitten people to make sure they were not rabid and then to give their owner a 10 day quarantine notice. Very often I would knock on the door only to hear a dog trying to tear the house down to get at me. Without fail the owner would open the door and inform me that he/she wouldn't bite....I guess I was there for my health. The health inspectors would work about 4 or 5 dog bites a week but in the summer when kids got out of school that would move to 4 or 5 a day with 10 or 15 waiting on Monday morning.

  3. You need to visit Cincinnati a little more often - LOTS of folks go for sauerkraut there. My whole family eats it as a plain old side dish. Love me some kraut.


    A1 sauce...I'm a big fan. Steak, pork chops, chicken. My mom might be the biggest fan of A1 I've ever come across. Sometimes I swear she just cooks meals as a vehicle for having something to put A1 onto.


    As for you and Pepto....that's messed up, dude.


    Also, don't I recall you starting a thread about your love of pickled bologna?


    I dated a girl briefly in college who would pour A1 in a bowl and eat it with a spoon.

  4. A deer attacked my dog in my back yard tonight.


    My dog ran up on the deer and the deer jumped on her a couple times.


    What can I do to keep the deer out of my yard? I live in the city so it's not like I can shoot them.




    I don't know if it is true but I have heard that human hair will keep them away.

  5. From what Chuck Todd from NBC reported yesterday the adminstration was expecting the blowback on releasing 5 top Taliban leaders. But they were expecting military members and Vets to rally around decision to lessen the blow. For some reason they didn't predict military members wouldn't rally around a guy who deserted his post and cost American lives.


    There is a major part of this developing narrative that is sticking and causing a whirlwind on social media that simply doesn't appear to be true. That is the 6 deaths that are being directly related to the search. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/04/world/middleeast/can-gi-be-tied-to-6-lost-lives-facts-are-murky.html?_r=0


    I would agree that this exchange seems fishy but I think everyone needs to tap the breaks for a second, this was not a decision made in a vacum as now we learn it was supported by top intellegence and pentagon officals. I would say it was made for good reason even if we never know what that reason is. I can't imagine the CIA and Top military brass aproving an exchange if they thought more lives would be in danger. It is also rather ironic that some of the folks that supported Bush's torturing program and bashing Diane Feinstein are all of a sudden calling for impeachment and citing Sen. Feinstein. Did Obama violate the law, I'd say he did not based on the fact that it wasn't a "release" but rather an "exchange". Did he violate the spirit of the law, probably so but not the law. The bottom line is, like many other things it is pure politics. Was the exchange worth it, we may never know but they may think Bergdahl could provide valuable intellegence or the military may feel the 5 guys are no longer a threat. I'll choose to trust the fact that the CIA & top Pentagon officials know what they are doing on this one.

  6. Great motor. I really liked him the 2 times that I saw him. He plays hard and is very disruptive. Was a handful for Highlands, but one player can't make a team competitive.


    I disagree that he has a great motor. When he gets the motor started he's unblockable at the highschool level. I think if he'd get in a little better shape to where he could play with a high motor all of the time he'd be a major college level player. Highlands had a very good O-line last year and he made several of them look really bad. I also think his addition to Newport and with the RB they have coming back will make the game with NCC a lot more interesting and give Newport it's first chance at a District in a pretty long time. He's a great talent that is for sure.

  7. On the topic of being registered with the wrong party, in Campbell County a "Republican" candidate for county commissioner went to vote and found out she is registered as a Democrat. She said she has no clue how that happened and that she has been a Republican for over 20 years. She lost the election so no uproar or issues going forward.


    The one scary thing about it, is that it shows that a person running for public office hasn't voted in a primary election in over 20 years...

  8. How does me showing a Wal-Mart clerk an ID going to stop me from shooting someone?


    Depending on the weapon, that ID would be used to run a background check. Your comparison is apples to ammo anyway. I'm not even against having to show an ID, I just don't want it to be cost prohibitive to low income voters from voting.

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