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2 Humped Camel

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Posts posted by 2 Humped Camel

  1. I am still really excited! If those guys on wall street hate BHO then he must be doing something right, they did more than thier fair share in creating this mess. Time table to get out of the war, no more torture, a plan albeit imperfect to try and turn the economy around other than less regulation and less taxes on the wealthy. Whats not to be excited about??

  2. KRS 527.020 - "A deadly weapon shall not be deemed concealed on or about the person if it is located in a glove compartment, regularly installed in a motor vehicle by its manufacturer regardless of whether said compartment is locked, unlocked, or does not have a locking mechanism."


    Thanks, for those of you in Northern Kentucky who would you recomend for providing concealed carry training? I have purchased a glock 27 recently and would like to get the training because I am fairly inexperienced with firearms and to stay legal.

  3. #1 Because it my right.



    My gun goes and stays in whatever car I am driving, hardly ever have I carried it on me.


    If it is in your glove compartment it is not considered concealed under KY state law is my understanding. Is this correct?

  4. You can't sell it, if it isn't grown. Tobacco farmers have already been punished enough with the elimination of the government price support system. I'm glad I live in a dry county. I wish prohibition had worked, but since it didn't (due to corruption and a weak president who gave up too soon) let's punish the alcohol industry all we can for all the ills it causes in society: addiction, broken lives, broken homes, death on the highways........


    My guess is that you are very pro 2nd Amendment despite of all the terrible "gun" deaths in this country......All counties should be wet and the same holier than thou people pushing this type of tax are the same ones blocking all the tax revenue and job creation that legalizing casino gambling would bring to our fine state. Sorry I know I got a little off topic.

  5. 2HC, the Bush adminstration was NOT conservative: they spent money like drunken Democrats.


    Not just the administration but the Republican controlled Congress too. Conservatives aren't conservative at least fiscally anymore, but they sure act like it come election time and have about this stimulus bill. So if being excited and hopeful about someone who says they will try to change things is cult like, then what is continuing to support people who say they stand for something and then do the opposite??:confused:

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