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Posts posted by h.s.footballfan

  1. Yes I did see the statue and it was very scary looking. The next month that I went to Point Peasant, I researched about this mothman and went to all the places that this thing was seen at. I even drove across the bridge to Ohio that collasped and killed a lot of people that this thing got blamed for doing.





    It didnt cause the collapse, im pretty sure it tried to warn the locals about what was going to happen.

  2. ^To exapand on your story, I had just seen a show on the Science Channel called 10 Ways to Meet a Monster and I hadn't heard of the mothman either but it came in at #1 and it told the story of it and how it originated pretty interesting story. Did you see the statue in WV dedicated to the mothman?


    Go rent the movie Mothman Prophecies. Its loosely based on the Mouthman.

  3. Anyone ever seen this movie? Me and my roommate got it from Netflix last night and watched it. It really has become of my favorite movies after I watched it. Just a GREAT movie.


    Classic movie. Part of the jail scenes were filmed at Mansfield Prison in Ohio. The jail has been closed down for years but they still do haunted tours/overnights.

  4. Yeah its easy for me but I go 108-35 on shipment.


    I downloaded the cod 5 multiplayer beta last night. It's now available on the marketplace for free download. I really enjoy it. Its basically COD4 with not as good graphics and set in vieatnam. Guns include BAR,Springfield, Thompson, MP 40, Double barreled shotgun, etc.


    You can also drive tanks, call in artillery, then call in dogs. Also has capture the flag!!!


    I thought it was a WW2 game. Pacific /Germany fronts.....is this not correct?

  5. JW what others thoughts were on this. I keep trying to get someone on here to go eat at a place called Zolas. They have the best burger in the tri-state area for like 3 years in a row. What are some other places?


    He has a place in Newport now called Cityside. Pretty much the same burgers. If you are at the Levee, it's within walking distance.


    id say


    Italian- Pasquale's in Bellevue and Pompilio's in Newport

    Mexican-Rio Grande in Newport

  6. Growing up in my parents house, weird stuff would happen all the time. Things would move, we would hear noises see shadows. We did a little research a few years ago and found out there was a murder/suicide in their house back in the 1930's. ( the guy who murdered his wife was into vodoo and had a room set up in the upstaris closet.)

  7. They have played one decent team thus far. That team beat them pretty easily . Michigan is terrible, Purdue might be worse, and San Diego State is flat out awful. They may be above average, but they haven't beaten anyone that leads me to believe that yet.


    Didnt Michigan just beat #9 ranked Wisconsin last week?

  8. History channel just had a program on that shot down every conspiracy listed in this thread. They had experts/scientists break down the theories and explain why they were wrong. The most sickening one was the cell phone theory(basically saying cell phone technology at the time wasnt advanced enough for them to make calls from the plane and that those poor family members werent really talking to their loved ones )

  9. Just some observations from last night:


    - You can see a difference in the defense. They are definitely more aggressive. However, it seems the middle of the field is still always open, and they still can't tackle.


    - Rivers looked solid, but did have a couple missed tackles.


    - If Shirley can learn to go 100% every play, then he's going to be a good one. One play he'd blow the lineman off the line and push him back into the qb, but then the next play it would look like he'd just stand there.


    - Ahmad Brooks looked lazy too many times. The guy has all the physical attributes to be very good.


    - Brandon Johnson looked like the 59 we're all used to. He was always around the ball when he was in there.


    - Marvin White is a hitter as advertised, but he needs to wrap up too.


    - Utecht is going to be a very nice addition to the offense.


    - It's nice to see Perry out there running like he was. I hope he can stay healthy, because he adds a whole new dimension to the offense.


    - Outside of field goal units, special teams were horrible.


    - Jeff Rowe looked scared out there when running the offense.


    I like a hard hitting safety, if White can work on wrapping up, he will be tough.

  10. Glad to see it worked out well for you and FF!


    My friends and I will be visiting the park next Saturday. I told them about your ordeal, and they still wanted to give it a go, so hopefully they have everything open and operating.


    I was there last saturday all day, all rides were open.


    If you look around you should be able to find coupons, i paid 19.99 for my all day ticket of admission.

  11. As far as PS3's online gaming being free, all I can say to that is you get what you pay for....The online play between the two systems isn't even close....


    I keep hearing this yet havent heard why xboxlive is so much better. (by the way, I have played on both networks)


    As for the Internet Explorer on PS3, the day I use my browser to surf the real internet is the day I'll die. I can't think of anyone that would have the internet that doesn't have a real live computer there as well, and I don't care how easy browsing can be on a console, it's easier on a PC.


    free is still better than 50 dollars. Why is it so much more superior? Everything offered on xboxlive, psn offers.


    My laptop just fried, so instead of going out spending $1000.00 on a new one, I'll just use my ps3 for awhile. You are right it's easier on pc, but not to hard to use on the ps3.

  13. Their online experience is nowhere near the experience of the 360...It's far superior to any other console in that aspect.


    My brother has xbox360 and i wasnt impressed with their online experience after all the hype i had heard about it. Not only does it cost money it wasnt to easy to navigate through. Ps3 easy to use, i've never had a problem with it and the internet explorer is great.

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