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Everything posted by paNDA

  1. Too close to call, I give this one to the ref. This is a good example of regardless of the call half the gym is going to be angry. Ref's earn their money.
  2. Directly above the cylinder, about to drop through.
  3. What is the definition of offensive goal tending? situation one Holmes player touched the rim with his wrist and had hand over the basket but did not touch the ball. I was in a perfect viewing point. Second one the ball was out of the basket and tipped back in. The ref had a very difficult angle to see that one and had the first goal tending incident not just occured seconds earlier I don't think that one would have been called.
  4. A 9th Region AD has taken care of that, but regardless of the money it is great entertainment.
  5. Well it sure didn't slow him down any, he is fun to watch attack the basket.
  6. I will give you that. Ryle celebrated this win on the court with their fans, rightfully so. It was a big win for Ryle.
  7. Be there on the court as the game ends and usher people in the direction of the exits. This guy just meandered out there. After that the players headed to the other end of the court and confronted other fans as well.
  8. Two offensive goal tending calls on Holmes this game almost back to back possessions. They are the first I've seen this season.
  9. For the record there were at least four uniformed police officers in attendance, two on either end and maybe more upstairs.
  10. Other game photos can be seen here http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=53173&id=100000001760626&l=6e363ffb3d
  11. Other game photos are here after the girls Ryle game pics http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=53173&id=100000001760626&l=6e363ffb3d
  12. The administration should never let a fan wonder onto the court after a game, why wouldn't you call for the police? Both coaches screamed at the refs throughout the game and I am shocked only one T was administered.
  13. And the 9th just gets more and more up in the air!
  14. A great competitor......hard to believe she is a senior.
  15. Other pictures from tonights game http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=53070&id=100000001760626&l=0f6574b05d Moss with 22
  16. Not sure why any coach would want to display all his weapons during a regular season game with Regions right around the corner. I think we might put to much emphasis on this match up.
  17. We should also give just a little bit of the credit to the halftime adjustment the NDA coaches made. It looked like a totally different game.
  18. You have seen this team enough Clyde, who do think that might be?
  19. For the record, I was at the Boone game to see a friends daughter who plays for Brossart, but I don't look good in green....actually I don't look good in any color. And I am picking Ryle in this match up. I like St. Henry but you have brain washed me with all your posts.
  20. You know I am a fan.......I hope to see Ryle real soon and then you can have my opinion. For the record I have been wrong all season long.
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