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Posts posted by footballfever

  1. “We like to stick with our guys, We don’t just go to other places to find players to fill our voids.”




    And I don't know the answer to this but I wonder who this coach had in mind with those comments?


    Does anyone know if this comment was in newspaper or on radio/tv?

    My question is what question was ask him to get this response?

  2. There would be no incentive to play good teams out of district play but that is why you shouldn't limit to only 2 teams. You brought up the Propfessional sports and I showed you how they do it, now you are backpeddling finding excuses which make no sense. The NFL goes by overall record, you toss them out there and then say you shouldn't use the overall record.


    You want 2 teams per district yet haven't come up with one good reason to limit it to that many teams.


    There are good reasons to keep 4 teams. Some districts tougher than others, tie breakers leaving good teams out, other sports do it, but to say there have been no good reasons to take 2 is not right. No win teams in playoffs, 1 win teams taking 3rd seed. Numerous blowouts in 1st round, unnecessary travel for these blowouts.

    Everyone is not ever going to agree but to belittle someone because their opinion is different than yours is a little unnecessary.

  3. It may promote a more carefree attitude for districts that only have 4 teams, I can understand that point. But for districts that have more than 4 teams then you are punishing them by taking away 2 teams from entering the playoffs. Sure some districts that only have 4 teams could probably care less, but that doesn't mean the ones with more than 4 don't take their district games more serious because I know for a fact they do. district games mean everything to them because they know if they don't win a district game they will be out of the playoffs.


    So maybe that is where the problem lies and you pointed it out to me and makes me understand a little better. I am in a district that doesn't have the luxury of every team making the playoffs and that is why my vision is so different than others. What the state needs to do is combine some districts or something to make each district have at least 5 teams or even 6. that would solve a lot of the problems I believe.


    When there are districts out there that only have 4 teams and other districts that have 6 teams, well that is the problem.


    A solution that wont happen is 5 classes. 1A 40 teams and 5A 40 teams, 5 per district. It would probably cause some travel problems but doable. This would leave about 47 teams for other 3 classes with 5-6 teams per district. Then all districts would have to win a game to get into playoffs.

  4. Well I hope you don't mind me saying this, but that is the stupidest system ever.


    Don't you like playoffs? Don't you want the best chances for the best teams to win?


    There are so many flaws in your system I don't even know where to begin.


    Why even have playoffs in the first place if you don't want great teams in them?


    There were 92 schools that wanted to change from 4 teams in playoffs. 39 voted for 3 and 53 voted for 2. I guess color them stupid with me.

  5. My idea was to also have district championships. I just think only allowing 2 teams per district in is stupid. Why would anyone want to keep some of the best teams in the state out of the playoffs? That is what I had a problem with. Your 2 team idea would not only leave at least 1 of the top 10 teams in the entire state last year out of the p,ayoffs, but also at least one regional champion and at least 1 state championship game team.


    Actually I don't want to implement the system until 2017 season. I don't want to take any hardware away from teams that have already won things. That way teams, coaches, communities would have 4 years to come to the realization that if you can't come in 1st or 2nd in a 4 or 5 team district, you wont be in the playoffs.:wave:

  6. I am actually in favor of 4 teams making playoffs. Always have been. I simple was showing a way to eliminate 1 round of playoffs and then have class champions play each other for a Div championship.


    I would not lose my mind if only 2 teams made playoffs. It would make those 3-4 district games for seeding really important and it would also put pressure on coaches to upgrade schedule so they would get points for beating teams with wins in case of a tie-breaker.

  7. That is a pretty poor answer. Don't you get it, they won more games than any other team in their district, even beating the team that got the #1 seed.


    You want to use that lame answer then let's do away with playoffs all together and simply say every team can play until they lose a game, that starts week 1 of the season, your team losses the first game of the season then they are done, we'll simply continue each week until there are only 2 undefeated teams in each class and they play eachother.


    You don't get it do you? South Oldham beat Conner in the regular season, Conner beat Cooper in the regular season, Cooper beat South Oldham in the regular season. Coopers record in the regular season was 9-1, Conners record in the regular season was 8-2, South Oldhams record in the regular season was 8-2. The district seedings were as follows, So. Oldham #1, Conner #2, Cooper #3, yet your solution is to just not lose, even though Conner and So Oldham had more losses.


    Again your solution would have left out the 2nd best team in the state in that class out of the p,ayoffs.



    If you don't want to come in 3rd then don't lose....that has to be the silliest answer ever.

    I guess lame ? get lame answers. I guess that's why they put a tie-breaker system in, in case of ties. I believe Bourbon Co. won a state title as a 3 seed. Again there are no formats that will please everyone.

    You said my format would not work, that's a lame statement. It would work easily.

  8. Doesn't work with just taking top 2 teams. Too easy to have ties in districts. Just like last year, Cooper had the best record of all teams in its district with a record of 9-1, the next closest was a record of 8-2 yet Cooper was a 3 seed in the playoffs.


    Your way would keep the state runner up out of the playoffs completely.


    It would work. Every system will leave someone out unless you let all in. If you don't want to come in 3rd in a 3 way tie then don't lose.

    There is NO reasonable format that will not work and there is NO format that will not have flaws and please everyone.

  9. I don't necessarily think all the classes need to have the same number of teams, as long as the difference between classes isn't so staggering that it seems unfair to the larger classes. Say for example 4A had 150 teams, and 1A only had 40. Those in 4A would feel at a disadvantage with having so many more teams to compete with for a title.


    I agree. I've always thought it would be fairly easy to have 5 classes. Take bottom 40 1A, 5 teams per district. Top 40 5A, 5 per district. That would leave 45-50 teams for 2A, 3A-4A with 5 -6 teams per district. I understand it would cause a traveling problems for a few district but it would at least make you have to win a game to make playoffs.

  10. If you can throw the ball then you are considered a threat.


    Good write up. Ysidro threw 6 td's last year which is about 1 per 8 attempts and that compares well to anyone in the state.

    I by no means think Whitley will air it out but look for the number of passes to at least double.

    As far as schedule Morristown West, Harlan Co. and Boyle will be games Whitley will be underdog. Clay, Rock, Letcher, Perry will be games Whitley will be SLITE favorite. Bell, Madison Southern, Knox will be toss ups. I think anywhere from 4-8 wins.

  11. This is from a woman who worked two (or was it three?) jobs to put her son through Trinity. Saying that, it can be done and is done often.


    Also, to add a little. Rock Mom mentioned "the off-chance they qualify". Technically that is not chance, it is a very long and complex formula that Trinity has no part in calculating. PSAS (Private School Aid Service) is one of about a half dozen companies approved by the KHSAA to provide financial aid forms to applicants and to calculate the financial need of the applicant. The three main drivers behind the caluclation are 1) Total Household Income, 2) How many people live in that household (a household with 8 kids would need more aid than a household with one kid all other things being equal) and 3) The amount of tuition being paid for the other kids ie if a household had an older sister going to Assumption, an older sibling going to UK and two younger sibling going to Saint So and So, that would be a large amount of tuition being paid and that family would qualify for quite a bit of aid assuming their overall house hold income was not overly high.


    Also, for a long time 1/2 of tuition was the max, I believe Trinity's endowment and overall fundraising has increased enough that it is more than half, not sure how much more.


    Kentucky should just do what Tennessee does. If you receive and aid, scholarship, even academic, then you are not eligible to compete in athletics.

  12. We will have to wait and see who they hire.


    If it is a friend, relative or aquantince of the administration (or a Laurel County tie) your question will be answered. And that individual would think that the firing of Mitchell was a positive.


    Negatives do not factor into the incompetence that is the Knox educational system!


    You are giving way too much credit to the thought processes of these individuals that run our system right now. Power hungry, inexperienced and ill advised would all be in a description if I were to be asked about it all. I love the fact that Knox County felt they had scored a HUGE "get" when they hired Hulett........LOL!

    Laurel County laughed as a whole at our idiocy at that point.

    He promised that Lynn Camp Schools would be #1 in the state academically over two years ago in a meeting at the school in front of parents, teachers, God and everyone else.


    We must be backing up to get a running start at that goal.




    As bad as it has been getting all across the county, the puppet board voted a full endorsement on how he performs his job last year and gave him a LARGE $$$$$$ raise. I am going to guess that if the state comes in and takes over, the board will see fit to raise him to 500k a year.......


    Your a long time Lynn Camp backer. Who do you think should get the job? From what I understand it could be a done deal this week.

  13. Football gate receipts are used on all sports not just football. Even more money when the team goes to playoffs and then state. What other sport comes close to generating that kind of money? Actually, basketball does fair with it's gate receipts. I'm sure if basketball could get to the Sweet Sixteen that would be a pretty nice cash flow. For now however, football gate receipts are certainly helping provide for all other sports.
    I doubt there are 4 schools in the state that can finance their football teams with gate receipts much less other sports. A small 1A school will need probably $40,000-50,000 a year to maintain a football team.
  14. Now we are "grasping for straws". When will this silliness end?????
    Actually he said they have 96% attendance and 90% go to college. SO, I ask what was the free and reduced lunch % because it has alot to do with attendance and going to college. WHY don't people read post before making comments about comments. It's not a trick ? and has NOTHING to do with "KHSAA where are you" but neither do 100 of these other posts!
  15. What in the world does the percentage of free and reduced lunch students have to do with KHSAA playoffs?
    Well nothing really but he had said they had 96% attendance and 90% going to college which has nothing to do with what you said. So I ask what free reduced was because it something to do with attendance and college.
  16. My only argument is let everyone in or make it an award to make the playoffs. Why is it fair everyone in 1a and 6a make it. I guess it doesn't matter to those teams that didn't make the playoffs. Where is the uproar in that. As far as Highlands is concerned, I can name at least 15 tuition paying students who are girls that don't play any sports. It is a much cheaper education than private school and a great education. Highlands has something like a 96% attendance rate and over 90% of graduates attend college.
    What is their % of free and reduced lunch? If you do go to all in playoffs the regular season would have to be cut to 9 games probably because it would add at least 1 more week of playoffs.
  17. I don't know how the exact numbers work out. My calculations assume an even statistical spread of the numbers. What is your rationale for their being (in your scenario) all 40 tuition paying boys playing only varsity? That just doesn't work.
    No rational for any of my numbers, just asking. I would think there would be a little higher % for football just because it is so good.
  18. I heard a figure given once, that about one quarter of the boys at Highlands play football. So, if we assume that 1/2 of those 79 tuition students are boys, that would be about 40. A quarter of that number would be ten playing football. Now spread that ten over the freshman, JV and varsity teams and you've got three, maybe four players paying tuition on our team. Wow! What a huge advantage! :lol:
    What if there is 20 on the varsity then that would be a huge advantage. Is it 20, is it 4, is it 40, is it 0?
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