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Posts posted by footballfever

  1. My take...Elkins had all ball and the other kid flopped. That is never a foul in that situation. Boyle County got worked by bad officiating.


    It appeared to me there was contact. If you stop video you can also see contact was at .4 seconds, plenty of time for a tip in had he got hand on ball. I have always believed a foul is foul. I don't think the rules should change by situation or time. If so then when, 10 sec, 5 sec, 1 sec. Now officials have to watch game and clock to see what calls are made. The foul count was very even, Boyle had ball with score tied. I think if an official or officials were going to hose, cheat they would make it a 10-20 point game at end. I think Boyle coaches, players, fans keep thinks Whitley would go away but they never did!!!!!

  2. Before Griffith's injury, he was considered a top 10 player and Williamsburg a top 10 team in the region. He and his brother are both really good athletes.


    Before the season, I was told by someone very familiar with the 13th that Griffith would have much more notoriety if he played at one of the bigger schools.


    If you can play they will find you. EX: Brett Bach from tiny Augusta

  3. I used to believe that as well and you can probably find multiple post of mine from the past that say the same thing. However this winter I asked Coach Mueller if he would allow me to come and observe their off season program. He graciously accepted and me and the other gentlemen I was with who has coached in several area programs were blown away. We came away with the belief that yes they do out work everyone and a ton of ideas and drills to use at the school we are coaching at. The level of intensity and movement (no breaks) the entire 3+ hours was mind blowing.


    There you go, What ever team comes from nowhere to win a state championship this year we will know it was because they started using the HHS 3 1/2 hour winter workout program with "no breaks"

  4. I think it is awesome this game is on ESPNU. Any school would love to be in this situation. Both teams were state champs in their divisions last year and Highlands tradition had to to very appealing to ESPN. I wish Highlands the best. I won't be able to watch live but i will record and watch. I guess thats called DVRed now instead of record.

  5. Yeah there are some OH teams missing but for the most part the usual suspects listed and most National polls know who Highlands is and with this yrs team this just might be fitting for now. :thumb:


    Highlands will be very good. But 23 in the Nation, no way. They would probably not be a top 10 team in Ohio and that's not even counting, PA, Fl, Al, Tx, Ga, Pa, Calf, Tn, Sc, La, Ms.

  6. In reference to RCC9 and his daughters situation. I know a girls college basketball assistant, 2 college boys assistants and several college football assistants.

    College coaches really like for their recruits to play other sports. It shows their versatility and athletic ability. Another big factor is if a recruit has focused on 1 sport for 3-4-5 years they worry about burnout.

    I'm not saying shouldn't give one up or should, just a few other things to weigh in. If you know or have access to any college coaches I'm sure any of them would be happy to discuss it with you.

  7. I think most coaches put the time in because other coaches do, so they will not be perceived as not working as hard as others. I believe if there were limitations added most coaches would welcome it.

    I think 1 big misconception about athletics is the guys who win work harder than they guys who don't. I've been around HS athletics for 33 years as coach and fan. For most part the guys who win 0-1-2-3 games work just as hard and put in just as much time as the guys who win 8-9-10-15 games.

    When Steve Spurrier left pro coaching a reporter ask him what he had learned, he said ' I learned some humility and that the coaches and players who don't win work just as hard as the ones that do"

  8. :jump:


    We simply have different views is all, I like you because you stand up to your beliefs, same as me. Doesn't make us bad people, just makes us not push overs.


    I agree:) Since there are so many pages I will kinda keep it going. I think if the vote had been for 2 options, keep 4 and either take 3 or 2 the outcome would have been same but margin would not appear as a land slide. I think that was the KHSAA way of keeping it the way the wanted it without much worry!

  9. Are you this obtuse on purpose or is it genetically unavoidable? Personally, I don't like any comparison to other sports, but his argument is clear. You just won't consider it because it takes away your whole premise that all sports should be the same. When it is clear that football is completely different and should be treated as such. He's demonstrating that they are actually very similar.


    I agree. Football is completely different so I don't see why we need to try and do as they do. The argument that others sports do it so football should, and I will use words Hellbird used about some of my post, is lame and stupid.

  10. EVERY TEAM IN BASKETBALL, BASEBALL and SOFTBALL ADVANCE to the playoffs...how do you not understand this!!! In each of those sports 8 teams make the Regional Tourney. The District Tourney DOES count as Playoffs!!!


    Football has no district playoffs but have an 8 team regional tournament that starts in the first round of the playoffs.


    What is so great about these other sports that make some of you think we should pattern our football system after theirs or we are being short changed if we don't?

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