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Posts posted by JokersWild24

  1. Bull, these kinds of actions can never be tolerated or encouraged. You'd think there are enough Lawyers in this country that any issue could be heard without violence. Problems is in many cases (maybe not this one) riots aren't because they aren't heard, it's because they don't like what they are told. Basically if we don't get our way we are going to riot, it's the modern age extortion of our society.



    Just playing Devil's Advocate, but there are a TON of suits in Baltimore that the city has paid out where they look guilty as can be on them. Maybe if those were dealt with, the proper heads rolled, etc., then we wouldn't be in this situation either.


    At some point, right or wrong, people get tired of asking nicely and feel powerless when their pleas fall on deaf ears. That's when things really get ugly.


    Not to go all Hobbesian, but look up how many wrongful death, police brutality, what have you cases in Baltimore over the past few years. You will see an alarming number. Sociologically, these kinds of things don't just happen overnight. There is a strong undercurrent that is needed before things take off.

  2. There are plenty of peaceful protest that happen all of the time.




    Also, while not advocating violence, I will say that I can at least understand why someone might think they'd need to resort to other means if they'd ask nicely too long and real problems only fell on deaf ears.

  3. I play on FanDuel and the NBA is addicting. Exposure has a nice prediction page every day.


    Definitely one thing missing on DraftKings. The stats, predictions, and splits pages leave a fair amount of things to be desired. I usually just open ESPN in a separate window and go with theirs.

  4. I have no idea what the video with the officer tripping the students has to do with anything in this thread...


    You are right about the GoFundMe account. If word gets out he needs one, it will be one of the most contributed to GoFundMe accounts ever...and rightfully so.


    Officer alleged racial discrimination in his suit, union's people had to represent him and they probably agreed to reduce the fine as a way of just making it go away. Here, instead of an officer with a frivilous claim that's easier to settle, it's a citizen alleging one.


    I looked up some more on the Darren Wilson stuff, I would imagine that the majority of the claims, given the way that it's worded, are ones where the City will be defending itself against them as well. Looked like they were going for supervision and stuff like that which would ultimately fall back on the city. I really doubt that he's going to need some heavy hitter to defend him, as the City would do the heavy lifting if it went to trial. Most likely is a settlement that admits no wrongdoing on their part and some non-disclosure clauses to keep it out of the news from now on.

  5. Yeah, but this whole situation arose as he was doing his job working for the city so I think the city should back him, especially since he was cleared by the grand jury of any wrong doing. I would think the union would pay his legal fees but since he no longer works for the PD (forced to resign by this whole mess), I wonder if they will still back him.


    It works both ways. Here's a guy with a nice, baseless racial discrimination suit:


    City settles with officer accused of tripping students



    If his union doesn't back him, I'm sure the guy can make a "GoFundMe" account or something like that and he'll more than have his costs covered. If nothing else, there'll probably be a lawyer accept it at a discount so that their name is out there as his lawyer and they hope to get more business from it.

  6. Apparently (and by apparently I mean, according to one of ESPN's mid-day shows) Billy Donovan and Sam Presti (Thunder GM and dude in the organization who is pulling all the strings) have built a fairly strong bond over the years.


    Don't know how it'd work because most of the Thunder players seem to be pretty loyal to Scott Brooks and Ibaka has already spoken out, but he's definitely seeming to be a name that's in play.

  7. Lost back of those and basically now back to even. I was one place out of the top 50% on one, but the Spurs blowout and emptied benches killed me on a night when the Houston/Dallas game was in the 100's and I didn't really have anyone save Demar Derozen from either.

  8. Freddie Gray not the first to come out of Baltimore police van with serious injuries - Baltimore Sun


    This is gonna get UGLY.


    Additionally, there's been a guy left paralyzed by a "rough ride". Assistant Librarian at Johns Hopkins University suing for a "rough ride". Sounds like a pattern of behavior.


    For those of you complaining about "people looking for a settlement", please, before you do, at least know what Johns Hopkins is before commenting. Thanks in advance.

  9. Here are the teams I had last night. Both barely won, but each was a winner. I like the contests where you just have to finish in the top 'x' percentile, and will probably be playing lots of ones where you just have to finish top half. Seems easier to strategize for that and just stay up on the curve.



  10. And in a nut shell that's one of the big problems with our system and why in this instance we should follow England's lead and institute loser pays.


    It is absurd that people can be sued and win only to be wiped out by the legal fees they incurred.


    The only people who benefit from the current system are the attorney's, they're the only one that can't lose.


    How much have people assailed the medical system that has situations where people lose their life savings battling an illness?


    Why is it any less objectionable that they should lose everything battling a lawsuit?


    Agree with all but that. Insurance companies seem to be doing pretty well for themselves too, as are people with frivolous suits who are able to game the system.

  11. LineUps.png



    The thought here is that Patty Mills gets a lot of minutes because Parker is so banged up, and that Duncan has some lower minutes as well (he didn't come off the floor in Wed.'s Game 2). I like the Raptors to make it a game tonight and Derozan is their man to do it. The lineup on the left and in the center are in 50/50 leagues where the top half wins. The lineup on the right is a worst case scenario hedge on the other two lineups that I entered into a bigger pool where only the top 1/3 win, but the payout is higher (and I only risked a dollar).

  12. I won both beginner leagues last night. Was fortunate because I used Ryan Anderson on the chance that the Pellies took out Asik and went small ball because of the way they'd looked in the first two games (too hard to play Asik and Davis together because you are putting Davis out on the floor and away from the rim against a small Warriors team). Anyway, he exploded and everyone really stepped up and played over their expectations, which was enough to make up for Olynynk's game. I won $11 on a risk of $6. I have three lineups tonight that I'll post below.


  13. So he admitted to breaking NCAA rules? Can FSU get penalized for this.


    He did, but doubtful it's more than a secondary violation that is nothing by itself and not something that is going to end up as anything meaningful for FSU. Believe there was a quote from Sandy Bell in the LHL years ago about how people buy UK's player's dinners when they see them out at restaurants, probably something like this, not really schemes.


    They'd be in trouble if it was something they knew about, but sounds like it was a fan who worked in the store and wanted to impress them, at least if Jameis is telling the truth. Someone in the store gave them to him though if I'm guessing. I don't think Jameis went and snuck behind the counter and jacked them. Honestly my first thought when I heard about it was that some crazy Florida fan set him up like they did to Gurley.

  14. I just hope the city has to pay for Wilson's legal fees defending the charges. He has been totally screwed on this deal...had to quit his job and fear for his physically well being...and now have to defend himself against this ridiculous lawsuit.


    Wouldn't his Union do that? Either that or if he didn't want the attorney they were offering, he could get one on his own.


    I know it's unfortunate for Wilson, but there are also plenty of people who are falsely accused of things that eventually/inevitably have to pay for their own attorney-- they're called citizens.

  15. Played Ryan Anderson and Avery Bradley in a lineup with Anthony Davis and Jimmy Butler as my high priced guys and MCW as a mid-tier tonight. Hoping they do enough to offset the dumpster fire that was Olynynk's game.

  16. I'm not a lawyer but I played on on TV...HEHEHEHEHE


    I thought that government entities were covered under sovereign immunity and as such were immune from civil lawsuits unless it was determined that there was unlawful activity performed by the government entity.


    Michael Brown was not indicted by a grand jury and even the Department of Justice who was quick to assume something untoward had occurred found no cause to bring charges against Wilson.


    Despite the critical findings of that report concerning the Ferguson PD since there was no direct wrongdoing in the Brown case why do they have any standing in a law suit?




    Probably should have studied harder for that role because I'm not positive that you are grasping sovereign immunity if I'm reading what you are saying correctly.


    Not that I think Brown's family has a great suit or whatever, just that I'm not really sure sovereign immunity works like you are thinking.


    Federal Tort Claims Act means no immunity for assault, battery, false imprisonment, false arrest, and some other things like those. Don't know about Missouri, but most States and even municipalities have something similar.

  17. What is the recourse legally for the city of Ferguson? Are their legal costs elevated or is there legal counsel already on payroll and their costs won't go up? And even so, is there a legal financial recourse for the city vs. the family if the suit is in favor of the city?


    Costs are elevated. It's possible that there's recourse, kind of unlikely, but yes, possible.

  18. I wound up signing up and putting a very small amount in. Basically, you have a budget and draft a lineup each day. There are variety of ways you can play, but the ones that appealed to me most were the $1-$3 ones that were "50/50" contests. In a 50/50, you'll have, say, 30 people and the top 15 are paid out, with a $3 entry getting $5.40 in return, I haven't looked, but I'd imagine that the ratios are pretty similar across.


    For NBA games, you pick an 8 player roster with a PG, SG, SF, PF, and C, plus a G, F, and UTIL slot.


    For MLB games, you pick two pitchers and then each position player.

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