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Posts posted by recpark

  1. I played football and baseball at GC and at McKell in junior high. You cannot combine one sport and not the others. It will only divide things further. I am not being selfish in this matter, my kids go to Raceland. The problem with combining football is the it will further divide each end of the county. Mark my words. Go back to 2 or 3 high schools and everyone play 1A sports and you'll finally have peace, until then, it will be what it is.


    This is why we are stuck in the rut we are in, we have got to start changing our attitude about this folks, for the good of the community.

  2. So, if I may ask, where are the people who oppose this actually from? I can't imagine you are from Greenup County. If you were, the only reason to oppose this would be for selfish reasons and not for the kids that are involed as a team. Why in the world would you not want your kids to play together for 6 years instead of only 4? The thing to remember is, that the logistic thing has no validity. One central location means easier commutes, less driving for the parents. Sure it will be difficult to change, but change is never easy. If I were the new coach coming in, this would be a no brainer. Why wouldn't I want to see all the up and coming kids on a daily basis and have input to how they are being prepared for the next level? As to who would the coach be, It could be the 2 middle school coaches and their staffs working together(the more coaches the better). This will give the coaches more one on one and more specialized coaching opportunities.(defensive coach coaching only defense and so on)


    We have got to start mending the fences somewhere and I believe this is a good start.

  3. It is a bad idea! Not just with logistics, but the county can't get along. Why would combining the football players in 7th grade be any different than it is now? I played when there was only one team, McKell, and there weren't many that made the trip to play up there. Then the next argument will be the coach, playing site, too many starters from one end or the other, blah blah blah. As you said earlier in a different thread, spindoc, this argument is tired.


    I think its a great idea myself, got to start mending the fences somewhere.

  4. Mr. Hughes has told me this exact quote, "(my name), George is not a school employee. He is volunteering his time to help get a good conditioning program started. I talked to George yesterday and he has already started working with some of the high school kids. He has helped procure bids on new state of the art conditioning equipment. As soon as Matt lets him know where he wants to set up the conditioning center, George will get the equipment in. We want to establish a location where the equipment can be utilized by all students, not just football. George will be able to help students and coaches learn correct conditioning techniques, address proper muscle groups and prevent over stimulation of the wrong muscles that lead to student injury."


    I think this is an excellent program for all our students and I am 100% in support of this program, it will help all our athletes.


    I was also told that the football team this past week has started lifting during the last class period but half the class Mike teaches they are doing aerobics(which is good for them cardio) but most of the football players have asked Mike if they can lift for the entire class period of which I think needs to happen, at this time it hasn't happened yet.


    I really believe that this is where we need supervision and leadership for our football program and I have suggested to the admin that we start this because as we all know, East, Lawrence, Rowan and Boyd plus every other football team that is not playing this weekend is already in the weight room and in order for us to be competitive we need to get back in the weight room in an organized fashion and hit them very hard.


    Please give our admin a call and ask them to get this done for us, they need to be hitting the weights hard.

  5. I can understand that, but if surrounds himself with some younger talented position coaches I think it can work. Conley could set the foundation for the program and have his successor on board who could step in to countinue the forthcoming success. I've seen this work other places and I would hope this could work at GC.


    Great point!

  6. Absolutely a solid choice for the next GC coach if they can snag a stellar coach like Conley on top of all of this he is a great person. Conley would instantly give the program a ton of class and would earn GC some much needed respect from fellow coaches, players, and programs as a whole.


    We are getting excited about all the folks that are becoming interested in the position. Coach Conley would be and excellent choice, the application pool is going to be a good one for our admin to select from I do believe.

  7. I know in a previous thread it was mentioned about getting the boys rides to and from practce is this going to be done by the school like pick up and drop off points or is this being done by indivual people? I believe if there was some sort of transportation then alot more of the boys would have the chance to play.


    Myself and a couple of other parents have offered to pick up kids and drop them off for practices to the administration and this could happen if we can work around the legalities of the deal, liability is key.


    Mike Hampton will play with us getting him to and from practice and I would be willing to bet there are 10 more just like him, Dustin told me tonight he was 90% sure he was going to play, I really think it depends on the coach we get who plays and who doesn't, however, whoever it is they can count on my support in doing whatever needs to be done and I don't care at all to go before the BOE and lobby for whatever is needed...

  8. Another thing to keep in mind is the economic opportunities in the Greenup area. I have spoken to both Jerry and Roy Lucas and even IF either was interested, they have working wives that cannot make the money or have the same opportunity (job) in this area. So, even though they may have an interest in the job, the answer is no. There is not a lot to offer advanced degree spouses to entice their husbands to transfer here to coach at GC.


    I have a couple of positions open here doc...

  9. Are you guys sure you should be discussing whether Coach Maynard is or is not taking this job? Has he officially been offered the job? Can the school offer a job before all applicants have been accepted or given the chance to apply? Just check this stuff out before causing issues in the hiring process. Even if it were true, if he were to deny it, you may be pushing away other possible applicants.


    They are talking to a lot of folks Doc, he just happens to be one of them and nothing has been officially promised to anyone. We would like, as you state in this quote and I have during this thread, if a coach is reading this and they think they can make a difference, accept a challenge in turning a program around and develop good athletes into great athletes (GCHS has a ton of talent and a lot walking the halls) then he needs to apply for this position and take this job and turn the doubters into believers, he already has a lot of believers waiting on him.

  10. TJ wouldn't be lowering his morals but it is a big decision for him no doubt, I have all the respect in the world for TJ and will support his decision either way, he or whoever gets this position will not be treated unfairly this time, Dr. Hughes will not let that happen...




    I am sorry but no matter how you looks at it he would be lowering his standards. If I was in his shoes I would tell the Greenup admin to take a hike and remind them what they had done in the past. I am sorry but Greenup is Greenup and will always have the division in the county and a terrible admin. The ONLY team they care about now is baseball.


    That will change.

  11. I would hope TJ would not lower his morals after the way he was treated the first go round to go back to Greenup. I hope he makes the right choice and not the i wanna be a head coach again choice. What is out there to show that GC will not revert back to the way they have done it in the past.

    TJ wouldn't be lowering his morals but it is a big decision for him no doubt, I have all the respect in the world for TJ and will support his decision either way, he or whoever gets this position will not be treated unfairly this time, Dr. Hughes will not let that happen...


    I hope whoever they select that the person will start soon! The boys are still not lifting in weightlifting class. The work put in now, or not put in, as the case may be, impacts next season.


    The job is posted and it takes time folks to get these things done, state playoffs are not over with yet, when they are over we will get our coach and get to work, in the mean time I am going to check on the strength and fitness person that is supposed to be starting in January, maybe we can get him started early, I will check on that ASAP.:thumb:


    Coaches that are reading this, apply for this job, you can and will make a difference if you are the right person and you will have folks in the community that will do whatever you need done to get the program to where it needs to be and the support of the BOE and administration 110%, our new superintendent, Dr Hughes will see that happens, the time is right for GCHS...

    Great athletes need a great coach!

  12. As someone who has known and coached Dustin, I know what kind of football player he is. He was a great fit at WR with the sophomore group when they were 7th and 8th graders.

    I spoke to Mike's foster father and told him I would give him a ride to and from practice and he said that was a deal, I have also got Dustin saying he is going to play and Coach Fraley is right beside me telling them both to play so, there you go, I will pick Hampton up and Dustin is going to play..

  13. I would like to see Boyd County's Jeff Frazier and LC's Eddie Dixon come to Greenup...


    Greenup County will make the right decision whomever that person maybe, I have faith in Matt, Chris and the site base council and Dr. Hughes's final approval. We will get a good disciplinarian..



    TJ hasn't said no yet...

  14. Keep dreamin' Alice, wonderland is just a head................... Coupon21 has a better chance of growing past 6 foot than either boy playing football at GC. :lol:


    Dustin is playing and so is Hampton, write it down. As for Trey, I am in complete agreement, he won't play football but the other two are going to...

  15. The bottomline is that many at GC always blamed the downfall of the football program on the success of the basketball program under the leadership of Ward. The reality is that its been more about a lack of discipline and leadership. Some of the best talent on the gridiron was spoiled under the leadership of Bill Baldridge at GC, who never seemed to be able to control his troops. The inmates all too often ruled the assylum that was GC football. However when Gary McPeek took over and then TJ Maynard, more discipline equalled more wins (Three straight District Titles). Don't blame the success of one for the downfall of another. GC basketball is in goodhands, now hope that the same can be said for the Football program soon.


    General, I believe that it will be... :thumb:

  16. Football players were always punished under Ward. I dont know why anyone thought they wouldnt be under a Ward assistant.


    Coach Fraley will not punish any kid for playing a different sport, it's not going to happen, he will play the best kids that he thinks will win the game for him, that is a ridiculous comment Coupon 21, sorry bro but I know better on this one..


    Coach told me yesterday to speak to a couple of his players and try and get them to play football too and we are talking about a couple of his better players, he wants to see the school excel at all levels so if he was doing what you are saying he was doing back then, he is not doing it now, I know that to be a fact.

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