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Posts posted by retropop

  1. Retropop I agree, Marion has to win tonight and keep winning. But if I am a betting man I bet on Marion. Anderson is good, Simon Kenton will give them all they want, look at last year. I saw Marion play at Lex Cath over Christmas and told my buddy who was with me that they maybe the best high school team I have ever saw. Its gonna take a bad night for them to get beat and that upsets people when thats said and I understand. I would not want my team to have to play them and Ill leave it at that.



    I agree with you in that I feel that it is Marion's to lose, just like I have said that the 8th region is Anderson's to lose. It's just that in the one-and-done reality of tournament time, bad breaks, bad landings, a twist or turn here or there can make the whole thing turn out different than planned because of players not being healthy enough to maintain what they've been doing all year. And since there is little time for making adjustments to go along with the tougher competition when a player goes out, the upset bug can sometimes jump up and bite the favorite.

  2. Retropop I agree, Marion has to win tonight and keep winning. But if I am a betting man I bet on Marion. Anderson is good, Simon Kenton will give them all they want, look at last year. I saw Marion play at Lex Cath over Christmas and told my buddy who was with me that they maybe the best high school team I have ever saw. Its gonna take a bad night for them to get beat and that upsets people when thats said and I understand. I would not want my team to have to play them and Ill leave it at that.



    I agree with you in that I feel that it is Marion's to lose, just like I have said all year that the 8th region is Anderson's to lose. It's just that in the one-and-done reality of tournament time, bad breaks, bad landings, a twist or turn here or there can make the whole thing turn out different than planned because of players not being healthy enough to maintain what they've been doing all year. And since there is little time for making adjustments to go along with the tougher competition when a player goes out, the upset bug can sometimes jump up and bite the favorite - and it can happen at any time. I'm neither a Marion Co. fan nor a hater, but the sound of "having an undefeated state champion" kinda/sorta has a special ring to it.

  3. Anderson might make it to the final 4. Then you will see what happens. 30. And I like Anderson, lets be real. Marion would have to not show up and Anderson would have to be on fire to stay close. Look at what happened to Etown in the second half.....went from up 1 to almost down 30 in 13 minutes. Etown has at least 4 players that will play D1 ball........So dont get to excited.....


    This certainly is not to wish anything bad upon anyone or any team. But "twists" of fate happen - injuries, illnesses, etc. To presume that the state final is a done deal, even though there definitely is a prohibitive favorite, is jumping the gun, IMO.

  4. In all the games I have been to this year, this was the worst officiated. Ref even got into it with fan after game. What a shame for both teams to have it end this way.


    I'm being redundant, as I made this same point on another thread. For referees there is no accountability when they are calling post-season games out-of-region. The most effective referees manage game situations by being proactive and preventative in ther approach to calling games. This incident could have been - and should have been - avoided in the waning seconds of a tense game.

    When a coach is instictively/spontaneously standing up to address his/her instruct his team at the end of a big-time game, is this the really "right" call to make in a knee-jerk response? Sure, the rules state that the coach must sit down after receiving a technical, but any close observer of basketball games knows that discretionary application of the rules, i.e. judgement calls, are the true nature of the day. This outcome of suspension for multiple games, IMO, plainly stinks, and most likely would not have happened if in-region officials were used. IF justice is to be served, then the long-range implications of this poor call should be able to be successfuly appealed. But unfortunately, the KHSAA does not have a tradtion of overturning poor officiating decisions such as this, and I predict that the powers that be will most likely follow the "code" and stand behind the stripes and whistle yet another time - even when wrong. (However, I sincerely hope that my prediction is wrong.)

  5. In all the games I have been to this year, this was the worst officiated. Ref even got into it with fan after game. What a shame for both teams to have it end this way.


    I'm being redundant, as I made this same point on another thread. For referees, there is no accountability when they are calling post-season games out-of-region. The most effective referees manage game situations by being proactive and preventative in ther approach to calling games. This incident could have been - and should have been - avoided in the waning seconds of a tense game.

    When a coach is instictively/spontaneously standing up to address his/her instruct his team at the end of a big-time game, is this the really "right" call to make in a knee-jerk response? Sure, the rules state that the coach must sit down after receiving a technical, but any close observer of basketball games knows that discretionary application of the rules, i.e. judgement calls, are the true nature of the day. This outcome of suspension for multiple games, IMO, plainly stinks, and most likely would not have happened if in-region officials were used. IF justice is to be served, then the long-range implications of this poor call should be able to be successfuly appealed. But unfortunately, the KHSAA does not have a tradtion of overturning poor officiating decisions such as this, and I predict that the powers that be will most likely follow the "code" and stand behind the stripes and whistle yet another time - even when wrong. (However, I sincerely hope that my prediction is wrong.)

  6. I was at the game and the refs were not very good admittedly. But it was not lopsided in "badness." The game was sloppy, the reffing was sloppy, and the outcome was sloppy. But neither team was given an overall advantage by the refs. Ask the Collins fans what they thought of the refs....they will tell you they think they got screwed as well. I sat on the South side up by the band and still heard them voicing their displeasure repeatedly. Teams that are meant to advance take care of their business in tourney time.......ask Oldham County!!!


    Derby, you hit the nail squarely on the head.

  7. Officials should stay in their region IMO and I really do not feel sorry for the 6th region teams. They don't have these terrible refs right now and now is when it really counts. I do agree that there is no accountability when they switch regions- perhpas that is something that needs to be done.


    "No accountablity" is the key point. Out-of-region officials are able to ride into town like hired gunslingers in an old John Wayne western. They do what they want, however they want, to whomever they want and then ride back out of town -- with a check for their "services" - all with zero accountability to those they are working with. These officials to not have to face those coaches again (unless they face the same coach/team from an outside region, in which case there is still no accountability), they are not rated by those coaches, nor can they be scratched by those coaches.


    Hiring out-of-region officials, to the best of my knowledge, is a way of taking care of referees who might not be able to officiate in the region tourneys due to scratches or being from the hometown/county of the participating schools. Granted, when staying in-region there are some highly-rated officials who might be excluded due to these restrictions, which makes for lesser quality persons calling the games. Plus there are quite a few coaches who welcome the fresh faces in stripes, but not all are for the swap-outs.


    No easy solutions exist, really, for the KHSAA - kind of a catch-22 situation. Still, there needs to be some tweaking of this to make it better - and having the officials be responsible and accountable to the coaches' ratings or scratches is something that needs to be addressed, in my opinion. As it now stands, the "good ol' boy/girl" arrangement is not in the best interest of the people who spend the better part of a year working on the team - players and coaches - but is benefitting the officials at the others' expense.

  8. When I saw the refs, i knew it was not going to be a good night. How does South keep getting that particular lady ref from the 6th? They were awful. But I always say, the refs should never decide the game. Both teams made very bad plays in the end and South had chances to win but turned over the ball. Collins found a way to finish. Congrats!


    Sportslady, the question really should not be how does South keep getting this particular referee, but instead how does this particular ref keep getting post-season assignments? The ref to whom you refer is the same one who played the key role in South's controversial loss to Shelby Co. in the 8th region tourney at Simon Kenton a few years ago. She also was a controversial figure in Rockcastle County's the near-riotous loss in the Sweet-16 one week afterward. I feel confident that it's not an anti-South thing, it's just a lack of ability and good judgement on the pressure-packed stage of a post-season basketball game.

  9. Absolutely HORRIBLE officiating entire game! It is a shame that you get to the regional tournament and have this. All three were BAD BAD BAD !! 6th region needs to stay in Lousiville.


    Now I was not in the house tonight, so I cannot critique what went on tonight in Goshen. However I do have a pretty good feel for the last few 8th region tourneys. Other than last year, when the 9th region sent their crews to the 8th, there have been several recent years in which the 7th/6th region folks have called the 8th region tourney. As best as I can recall, they have not faired very well in any instance.


    I wonder how the swap-outs are received around the state. For my money, it's an attempt by the KHSAA to take care of officials that doesn't help the girls' basketball scene.

  10. You take the kids that should be going else where and see what that gets them.


    Hmmmmm ... this seems to be a recurring theme year and year out. I wonder why this WV stigma keep on lingering??? It can't be sour grapes over and over, especially this year, or can it??? I just can't help from relating this to the old duck analogy: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it's probably a duck, right?

  11. China Dow (7th region POY) put up 51 points and pulled down 15 rebounds in the 7th region quarterfinal against Sacred Heart. DaiiJa Ruffin responded with 35 points and 21 rebounds held at Bellarmine University. SHA came out on top 77-67 in an exciting game to close out the first round of the 7th region tourney.


    Coach Moir came out with a defensive game plan to stop the other CAL players from scoring, conceding the fact that China would get her points. SHA had CAL down by 20+ points only to have CAL make a ferocious come back in the forth quarter with a barage of three pointers. SHA held on for a well earned win. SHA will take on Manual on Friday evening in the semi-finals.



    The supporting casts were the difference in this game, as SHA was the deeper and more versatile team overall. China Dow went out with a bang, though. What an absolutely fantastic performance she gave in her final high school game!

  12. February 27th - March 5th at North Oldham


    Wednesday February 27th

    6:00 PM - South Oldham (15-14) vs. Collins (15-14)

    7:30 PM - Simon Kenton (26-5) vs. Owen County (18-10)


    Thursday February 28th

    6:00 PM - Gallatin County (27-5) vs. Oldham County (15-12)

    7:30 PM - Anderson County (29-1) vs. Grant County (16-11)


    Monday March 4th

    6:00 PM - South Oldham/Collins vs. Simon Kenton/Owen County

    7:30 PM - Gallatin County/Oldham County vs. Anderson County/Grant County


    Tuesday March 5th

    7:00 PM - Championship




    As I stated earlier in the year, it is Anderson's to lose.

  13. Actually it was not a good game. Anderson's starters could pretty much keep Collins from scoring period. However Anderson obviously wanted to play a lot of players for reasons unknown to me. I thought this kept everyone out of sync and not much flow in the game and they did not play real hard.


    If and when the game is in hand, the wise coach may follow his/her gut and choose to spread around PT to: 1) prevent injuries to front line players; 2) allow reserves and younger players some valuable experience for a future time. "Out of sync" maybe something to work through - on the game floor. Why risk wasting a key player to injury when not neccessary? It's about getting to Diddle, not running up a score in the district.

  14. Wow!!! As the old saying goes: "The king is is dead, long live the king." The only certainty is that a different team will begin a new reign as 8th region champion shortly. WV has had a very good run the last few years and represented the region well. But all good things come to an end.


    I'm not a WV local and have not even seen them play this year. But sometimes, more so with girls than with boys, seniors mentally and emotionally divest themselves from their senior year and simply "move on" beyond the season and high school. I'm not saying that I know this is now the case, but it has been the case in several instances that I've witnessed in past years.

  15. I love the SHA pick in the 7th, but the 7th is a crap shoot this year. I think it is wide open.

    It's really tough to make predictions until distrcits are over and we see where they line up in the region. Match ups are the name of the game. Some teams match up good against some teams and bad against others. I can't pick until the regional brackets are set.


    Agreed, the 7th is w i d e open. The 7th region is the most strongest and competitive in the state.

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