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Posts posted by miragesmack

  1. Leatherneck, St X "appears" to be getting better players the last few years, if Freshman and JV results mean anything. I know they always don't. We should start taking a few of those championships T has been getting the last 6 years. I think T had an advantage for a few years due to their new stadium. Now X has the latest and greatest (except for that darn track), and should swing the pendulum back to X. X has a few awesome RB's this year. I pray to the Lord they don't live out of county. :p

  2. One of the best movies for your purposes would be "Amistad". Nothing too offensive, and very powerful, plus it is modern enough to keep their attentions. You probably know, but it covers the slave trade, early American politics, abolition, and a strong dose of ethics related to politics.


    The best movie I saw was in religion class, about relationships with family and friends was "The Great Santini". Don't know if that fits into your classes or not. Thats a good era of movie, because again it's modern enough to relate too, and old enough to pass the censors.

  3. Well, I hope all of the above teams decide to play. I think it is a great idea!


    Is Louisville Presentation an all girls school? If so, my guess is that they are not considered class A. Class A numbers usually includes male and female students. Schools of the same gender are classified accordingly.



    Pres is all girls. The above enrollment number is wrong though, unless you are doubling for being all girls. They were at 334 in 05-06, should be about the same this year. Pres has a pretty solid team after dealing with coaching turmoil a few years ago. Mercy is at 444 FYI, all girls of course.


    See link



  4. In fairness to that stat, it is misleading. How many rural counties would it take to match the population of Jefferson County. St. X or Trinity or Manual or whomever can draw just from within Jefferson County and be able to field one of the best teams in the state.


    So, while that at first glance sounds great, it is not as great as it first appears.



    Which brings up the point about KY's small county size and large county number. I'm not sure why they did it that way, and it will never change now, but there are simply too many counties.

  5. I knew they could do it, because they were the hardest hitting team that St X played this year. Not ONE of the hardest. THE hardest hitters.


    You know it's a cinderella story when, and this is my fav part of the story, Central had not even used their mascot all season. Don't know why, maybe they hadn't in years. In fact, they still weren't several games into the playoffs. Then a few games back, they figured they better find the mascot uni (it was sitting in the coaches office) dust her off and put her to use. Thats classic!!


    Congrats Jackets. St X fan everywhere is proud of you!

  6. It is difficult to say no to changing the name without sounding insensitive.


    I have heard it called Kamikaze's and Lakers. Not sure where Lakers comes from.


    Oddly enough when I was younger, I had a race team called "Kamikaze Racing", meant to imply I would do anything on a track, including hit you to win.


    Then I met a WWII vet who watched me race and he showed me the error of my ways. Had my dad been alive, he would have felt the same as he was stationed in the Pacific as well.


    Sometimes we don't realize we are being insensitive.

  7. Lost in those number Bluegrass put up is another point I've always found interesting.


    Briefly - In Louisville ONLY



    Parochial enrollment - est 12,505 (12,305 + est 200 for new school St Mary)


    Catholic HS enrollment - 6,014



    Where did the other 6,491 students go? Unlikely to another private, which cost more. Very likely to a public, which cost nothing. My friends who have done this call it "found money"


    Anyway, this is why any proposals that have been put forward actually HURT public schools more than help. These 6,491 will be penalized, (sit out for a year) which will diminish the public programs even further. I don't think people realize the numbers involved here.


    This obviously applies more to Louisville than a rural school which is a whole different ballgame.

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