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Posts posted by miragesmack

  1. It was amazing to some parents that the kids could be rivals on the field and after the game would hang around with each other. To me the greatest tribute came when my son made an outstanding tackle in the NCC game. One of the NCC players said “great hit” and congratulate my son. The NCC coach said “He’s your enemy don’t congratulate him.” The kid said “No he is my friend.”



    This in a nutshell is the Trinity - St X rivalry. They tailgate together, they sit together and even drive to the game in the same cars. :dancingpa Many families have fans for both teams under the same roof.


    Maybe this comraderie is a key element in any strong rivalry, just like the Highlands - NCC!

  2. My observation is that basketball is the most anti about sharing athletes with other sports. Seems football-baseball do it well since the seasons don't overlap. Football-wrestling are a natural combo. The basketball programs tend to want the kids year-round. Anyone else see this trend? Also, do any of you see football coaches in your school who feel they should not lower themselves to asking kids to come out, that the kids should want to do this on their own, or that indicates they don't have the commitment level?



    At our school, Mercy Academy, many of the BBall players play other sports. Field Hockey and Golf are more likely than volleyball due to the strong club programs for VBall. It's just about year round.


    For guys, look at Brian Brohm, who starred in FB, BB and Baseball. He went to state in all 3 sports. Don't know whether it's frowned upon in catholic schools, but playing multiple sports seems to happen a lot.

  3. They will hit you I have no doubt about that, I have seen both teams on film, and if you look at my post I think this one will be a pretty decent game, but Belfry will outhit Central.

    St X was not one of the games I seen, I know it was 14-7 at half, but at what point did the X-Men Runningback go down, I know they scored most of their second half points by air, I'm just curious on that?



    No dog in this fight, but my 0.02 .....


    I saw about half the St X games, and at least heard the others on air. Central was the most physical team X played all year, very hard hitting. They were stuffing Deuce on a regular basis until he got hurt. They just wore down at the end. Don't know a thing about Belfry though, and 14 - 0 is nothin to sneeze at. I'm pulling for Central, but good luck to both.

  4. If you want to call out that official then how about the one that DIDN'T flag Anderson for grabbing the ball after the measurement as he should have been. WOuld have been a whole lot less nerve wracking on us had the ball been spotted on the 17 rather then the 2.


    Hey, just a friendly little jab I said. :cool: Only a few folks know whether he did or not anyway, those in the pile. It was a heckuva tackle either way. Good luck Saturday. I like your position better as the underdog, just like last time. Hopefully for me the game plays like chalk this year.

  5. someone posted the bylaw that was broken......may the wrath of KHSAA not have mercy on them



    Since they did not tape because they were asked not too, they really didn't break the rules, did they? Would that still be a violation?


    Maybe they didn't know. Case in point:


    I, as a parent and not a coach, taped a game of a field hockey team and they were not playing my daughters team at the time. I mainly focused on one position, and specifically one girl. I did this because the girl I was taping is spectacular, is very small like my daughter. I wanted my daughter to see the moves she uses against bigger and stronger defenders.


    Did I do anything wrong?

  6. There is a difference between saying "The KHSAA set this up so X and T could pay and play for the final, and they got what they wanted" AND


    If I give a post game interview and I make a statement that "X had 100 guys, and we couldn't overcome it," it may just very well be me saying that one of the reasons I lost was because of superior numbers, not platooning players, and eschelons of fresh reserves. What private school supporters HEAR is "this public school is accusing us of recruiting and cheating to get the numbers we have." Its arrogant.


    I don't understand how thinking that (if we do what you say) is arrogant. We're not bragging because because we are accused of these things, it just goes with the territory. I have not had a single conversation this YEAR on this subject where the words "recruiting" or "cheating" did not come up. I expect it, but I am not arrogant because I do.


    On the original topic, I don't really see problem with what he said, though I don't agree that the KHSAA did it for the money. Maybe they did what all our tourney should do, and set it up where the strongest two teams have a chance to make the finals. The NCAA seeds the BBall tourney for a reason, so you don't have all the number 1's in the same bracket.


    On a side note, they sure didn't try to do the same for field hockey this year(daughter plays) as all Catholic schools and the top public school were in one half of bracket. Those teams beat all the teams in the other side of bracket. It was pretty much a chalk tournament.

  7. CR you are correct I don't even think we should show up. I just don't see how we can beat the best D X has by some accounts ever had. We have never scored more than 28pts on X and have not seen that many since 2000 during Bob's first year. The Trinity D has not stopped the run all year when we are playing a balanced team this is going to be a major problem in this game. Hety it is like MG said to his LB's before the regular season game " Their Two are better then our Three". He must have been right as we got beat. :scared:



    Coach Redman, is that you?!? :lol:

  8. Several of your points have addressed many times on here.


    Okay, I know you start every post with this remark, but I (and probably other newbies) have spent contless hours reading this forum. We can't remember every single thought presented here in the past 2 years. Plus, we would like to comment on something that was brought up a year ago...maybe.



    1. Just because public schools can have open enrollment guarantees they can entice students from outside the district. While, yes, it helps urban schools level the playing field, it does nothing for rural public schools.


    Rural schools will always be an anomaly that CANNOT be fixed when compared to huge cities. Bigger counties can help themselves though, and stop building so many schools. In Louisville, in my life of 42 years, there has NOT been one single NEW catholic school started, other than those created when consolidating and closing other schools. Consolidation is a huge factor at the parochial level also. Publics really should look at consolidation which is done in other states.


    3. It was an issue long before then, it was just that no one was listening to the publics when they brought it up.


    I disagree here, this is a recent phenomenon, unless talk was amongst coaches only and not the general public. I've been around this my whole life, had a cousin coach the Flaget Braves to a state title, and there wasn't a lot of talk back then for sure. There was not the sense of entitlemnt in the country like there is now.



    5. Many schools in this state have issues with the level playing field and it is nothing about T and X. T and X supporters just like to think it is all about them. Seriously, for the XX number of schools in 6A football it might be T and X. But Prop 20 received over 190 votes.


    Saddam Hussein received 100% of the vote in his last election, but apparently that isn't really how the people felt now, is it? Many (not the majority) votes were "pressured". I know a Louisville public HS coach who refuses to play Manual in a particular sport because of recruiting. But that coach is silenced by their own AD because they don't want a public on public "squabble", to quote the AD.


    Not trying to destroy anyone. Simply create a system, LIKE THE CLASS SYSTEMS IN FOOTBALL that puts schools competing against like schools.



    See bolded comments above.


    I honestly admit I know nothing about the situation outside of Louisville, even though I am from Bardstown. Maybe it shouldhave stayed the way it was years ago when counties and city had seperate championships. Sometimes, you must be careful what you wish for.

  9. Chrisitan Academy has decent field hockey, but not football. They have great facilites, with a seperate field for football, field hockey AND soccer. Three fields!! Plus the school is immense, so they have room to grow.


    That part of town is booming, and is very affluent, so maybe in time they become a power. ALthough KCD never did, and they have been out that way for awhile.

  10. I believe that type of sponsorship is against the rules. If not, it should be. I also doubt that it happens very often, if ever. It's a funny thing. You hear stories, but you never hear of anyone who was offered aid, turned it down and reported the offeror. Do you ever wonder why that is? Maybe because it just doesn't happen.



    I agree. Colleges get caught cheating, pros get caught cheating, but apparently X and T have figured out a way to do it and not get caught. Everyone has stories with no proof. This aint Beverly Hills folks, these are mostly middle class families at these schools. I can't wait till my daughters school (Mercy) starts winning stuff so we can be cheaters too! :D

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