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Posts posted by miragesmack

  1. Rockmom says "I think you're selling the schools short. I also think that until you've been in the environment, you don't understand."


    This about sums up the debate I think. It's hard to explain sometimes.


    Hey Rockmom, I live two blocks from Assumption, on Hoock. My girl goes to Mercy! :rolleyes: Something happened in 7th grade, when she changed from AHS to Mercy. She said she couldn't explain it to me, it just felt right. I guess we catholics grab that phrase early, and use it often! :lol:

  2. So all students must take a placement test, then apply for aid, and can only be awarded up to 50%. So there is no one attending T or X for free? I will admit that I did not know that. I assumed that there were full aid students.


    This is one of the top misconceptions of private schools. That, and we are all millionaires. :rolleyes:


    Anyway, to expound on a few points already made. Most already know what they are finacially getting into when they take the placement test. What they don't know, is if they will get any scholarships or aid. They do know it is capped at 50% if they do. My daughter got my brains :D so she received a scholarship based on her test score, but it only last for one year. Currently, I am receiving emails from school about other scholarship oportunities for next year. I just rec'd this link from school if you would like to check it out. These are not affiliated with the archdiocese at all, or are not targeted to athletes.


    http://www.cflouisville.org/ click tabs on left for specific areas



    In addition to aid, there are work study programs available to reduce tuition. I did that at X and it was the hardest work i've ever done, akin to torture I thought. "Move that 10 foot dirtpile over there", then a month later you moved it back. :creepy: Nowadays, it's just cleaning rooms, but we hand shoveled the dirtpile for the baseball field, cut the grass, even did some roofing on the old weight room, etc.

  3. My question is to both you and All Tell. Now that you have both shown your school's missions, do the spread of these values go out to special ed students? Do your schools take behavior disorders that have been expelled from other arenas to introduce them to the environment that your schools obviously provide? Really what I am asking, is the goal to try and expose this high educational and religeous environment to everyone, or is it to take the academically and athletically elite in for these services. Once again not to be insulting, but to ask a serious question about the goals of the institutions.



    Both schools have special ed programs as stated. Though I am an X guy, it is my understanding the Trinity pogram is better. Maybe they should make a championship for that, so X will raise their game. ;)


    I do know one kid (the mom actually) who is receiving a rather substantial amount of financial aid for her son to attend the Trinity special ed program. She stated to me, without it, he absolutely would not have attended Trinity, where he is a Soph or Junior right now. I can guarantee he doesn't / can't play sports due to his disabilities. That is really all I know about special ed programs.


    I assume there is added expense involved in these programs, which is why public schools can afford to handle them more readily than privates (tax dollars). I also assume the gov't helps with these expenses. When my daughter attended public grade school for 2 years, her school also accepted special ed students, specifically those in wheelchairs since the school was very accessible. So I have seen the concessions needed, and sometimes they are daunting.

  4. Now Now Now, I never said they shouldn't be allowed to play more then one sport...

    Read my post again... if you are satisfied with being medicore or less then average, then so be it....


    Every sport is a different type of conditioning. Basketball is a training at high intervals because you run non-stop. Football you sprint and stop, sprint and stop. Totally two different types of conditioning. How many basketball players do you see "bulked up"?

    They can't have all that bulk that you get from pumping iron. How many basketball players max out each week with squats, bench and clean?


    IMO, focusing on just one sport when you are capable of playing more is the worst thing you can do to a kid. Do they focus on just math in school for 6 hours? Kids need to experience more in life, and a teen is too young to focus on one thing that early in life.


    Look at Brian Brohm. He went to state in three sports his senior year alone, but we all know where his bread was buttered. Did it hurt him? Or Bobby Curtis at X, who only joined cross country to get in shape for wrestling. Just happens to be the greatest runner EVER at X, and top 10 in the state's history. He just broke the 4 minute mile last year in college. Or my daughter, who joined lacrosse to get in shape for summer field hockey, and has scored all but 1 of our teams goals this (young) season. :ylsuper:


    These kids that focus so hard on just one sport, and then fail for one reason or another, are set back in many ways.


    Also, I see a lot of talk about this happening at small schools, but it happens very often at large schools as well.

  5. From saintx.com


    No athletic mission statement, only one for the school, which includes athletics.






    Saint Xavier, a Catholic secondary school sponsored by the Xaverian Brothers

    since 1864, seeks to provide an unparalleled range of academic, spiritual,

    athletic, and extracurricular programs in a college preparatory environment.




    To build the best Catholic High School in America.




    Saint Xavier High School, in keeping with the teachings of the Roman Catholic

    Church and its own traditions, strives for the developmental formation of the

    individual, which looks toward a person’s final end and contribution to the

    common good of society. Saint Xavier believes that the Gospel ideal of love of

    God and love of neighbor is the basis of human society and seeks, therefore, to

    provide for each student’s spiritual, moral, intellectual, aesthetic, physical,

    emotional and social growth. Saint Xavier provides students the opportunity to

    practice a responsible use of freedom, and to embrace and model the values

    and attitudes which serve as the foundation of a committed Christian in a

    global society.


    As an educational institution, Saint Xavier is dedicated to providing a strong

    liberal arts curriculum which supports the development of the complete

    person. Structured as college preparatory, Saint Xavier admits students of

    varying abilities who seek the benefits of Catholic education. Saint Xavier’s

    program of studies challenges the intellectual ability of its students, provides

    for individual learning styles, promotes educational development through the

    creative use of one’s talents, enhances critical thinking skills, and encourages

    a commitment of service to the interdependent community.

  6. I'll take a stab at this.


    For our students to continue to be able to participate in a meaningful state playoff system in ALL sports. That can't happen if public and private schools are split because the simple truth is that there are not enough private schools to make it a meaningful playoff system.


    I've said this before, there are two sports that Trinity has never won a state championship in, baseball and basketball. If they ever do win championships in those sports I want them to be against the best competition, public and private.


    Sadly, if they do ever win in one of those two sports, they will be called cheaters. :mad:

  7. Nice finds bluegrass, thats good info. A lot of my "data" is merely how I, my friends and my family live our lives. I go over the river much more often than I go to Bullitt or Oldham county for example. Usually for dining, shopping etc. Tip of the day - > It's much nicer having lunch, sitting on the Indiana side, and looking at the Louisville skyline, than it is the other way around. There's not much to look at on the Indiana side right now.


    FYI, they are currently renovating an old CSX train bridge on the river, that will become a walkway to connect both states, with small park areas at each end. This will make us even more a part of each others lives.

  8. What is comical is how many of these post are way off base. Mr. Euton has already accepted a job and it's not with Toyota, Mr. Euton's employer (Woolpert) is closing at the end of this year, Mrs. Jackson has custody of her son and has since he was born. She does not work with either Euton, the Jacksons have never lived in Ironton, and Dakotah never transfered to Rose Hill unless 3rd graders transfer but shortly he will transfer from Rose Hill.



    So other than that, you're saying all this is true? ;)

  9. I just heard that ND is recruiting Mr. Phillips. He does very well in school, is a great kid and has proven that he can play. I think people will be surprised about the number and quality of offers he will have to play D1.


    Not sure that is true, but would be great for him if it is. They are recruiting Deuce, but he is still a ways downs their list. They are loaded at RB (yes, believe it or not, but their OL stinks which is why the lousy results) and look to take only 2 this year. Deuce is receiving material, was at Jr day, etc.

  10. Lets look at the reasons they are "scared".


    All Male students. Public schools should go single sex as well.


    They haver kids from 20 surrounding counties plus out of state. Publics should open enrollment to all counties, giving students a say in their own education.


    Private money can go directly to the football program. Public schools have to share. Publics set bizarre rules preventing themselves from upgrading their own facilities, like spreading out large contributions to all schools.


    Look at their home fields. See above. All tax dollar free BTW. You're welcome. Didn't Redman want to donate $$$ to Male's program, and was thwarted? And Shaun Alexander?


    Their coaches are known to look around at younger kids. I don't even know what to say about that one?!? :confused:


    Look at the amount of numbers of assistant coaches they have compared to pubs. Mostly volunteers. Publics need more parental and graduate involvement, not to mention middle school teams.


    Most public schools have kids go both ways, the X/Rocks have over 100 kids for the varsity alone. Agree, but I see teams playing players both ways, when there are plenty of players on the bench not playing. Is an exhausted start better than a well rest sub? I don't know. Besides, if you fix all the other issues above, you would have more turnout for football.



    See blue above for my response. Well that was easy to fix! :D

  11. I agree it wasn't very impressive. If I remember correctly it is the T and X Alumns that say that the attendance isn't very large for that game because of weather and distances for out of state fans not expecting a T-X matchup. There wasn't a enough going on like during the regular season meeting.



    The regular season game is another thing all together. The date is known in advance, and it's certain they will be there. The weather is always better, and not so close to the holidays. Families plan vacations around that date. There was a time when that game drew more than UofL games, back when they stunk.


    A few years ago, our little survey counted folks from over 30 states and 3 countries, including Iraq. A father took his military leave to co-incide with the big game. How cool is that?


    Nonetheless, the attendance was still much greater than other games this year. It's all relative.

  12. A lot of focus is spent here regarding cities on our borders, but the same could apply to other towns in the middle of the state as well. They could, and should I believe, be allowed to open their districts. So 94camel, your school could take kids from surrounding counties, just like privates do in Louisville. I don't care about tax dollar implications, which have nothing to do with providing kids the best education. Tax rules are only meant to generate funds.

  13. I am not.


    And with all of the attacks on KY schools and the CATS testing and the supposed inability of KY schools to prepare students for college, why in the world would a student out of state want to send their kid to a KY school if it wasn't for athletics?


    Please tell me the name of a nationally recognized private HS school in Southern Indiana. :sleep: That is why kids from that area take a 10-15 minute car ride to school in KY. You only hear about the ones who play sports, but there are 10 non athletes for every athlete who make the same trip.


    I can't speak for the rest of the state, but southern Indiana is just an extension of Louisville. They watch our TV stations, and hear our radio reports. We hear theirs too. Theres even a chance that they will be getting city water - from Lousiville!!! - in the not too distant future. We eat lunch in each others states. 25% of all Louisville workers do not even reside in our county, most of which come from IN. That grinds my gears that they are taking OUR money back to THEIR counties. :rolleyes:


    Is this what it gets down to? It seems petty to me. A kid should be able to go wherever he/she wants to get an education they are happy with. It makes the whole United States of America "thing" seem a little comical to me. There is nothing "United" about us at all.

  14. So you don't think that a kid who averaged 20 ppg as a sophomore at a public school wouldn't be recruited by a private school that was openly allowed to recruit?


    I personally don't think that senario happens as often to begin with, unless I have just not been paying attn. But your point is actually irrelevant to what point I was trying to make. It may or may not happen, I don't know. I was just saying there are roughly 20 as many kids that go from private to public HS, vs the other way around. That is why I believe all the proposals put out in the past few years will only make the divide between the two even larger. These proposals will apply to publics just the same as privates, effecting a lot of those parochial school athletes.

  15. Why not seperate everyone who has ever won a title from everyone who has not? There are some schools no matter how you define the classes (public/private, size, open/closed enrollment, etc) will never win anything. This would just give all those who whine and have never won anything a chance to be a winner (for once). :jump:




    Eventually one of those league would disappear! :D Every time someone wins the title, they would have to move to the other class with all the pvs winners.

  16. Lots of good points, especially Guru and LBBC about the differences between the different sports. Once huge issue I have with publics is that I don't think they provide enough opportunity for kids to join sports, especially girls sports. Sure they hit the big ones, but take no initiative to expand the olympic sports programs.


    Lacrosse (boys and girls) and field hockey are a few examples. Lacrosse I'm just learning, but I learned a lot out field hockey last season. Our state tournament consisted of all Louisville teams. Our tourney was the exact same teams we played all season?!? That's ridiculous, and unfair to many girls out in the state who aren't given enough opportunity to play sports. Face it, a certain type of girl (size and strength wise) usually plays BBall, VBall or Softball. Hockey on the other hand provides the smaller girls a chance to compete. One of the best in state this season was a Ballard girl, who had many D1 offers, and she was only 4'11". Mercy just had 6 hockey players get D1 schollies this year, and that team lost in the first round at State! That's 6 opportunities for girls to pay for college.


    It also helps with title IX issues, since you are fielding a team using 11 players, just like football.


    Why don't publics get out in the forefront of some of these lesser known sports? Is it just money? I understand there will be growing pains, which are even evident in Louisville at some schools. But you have to crawl before you can walk. If schools get in while the sports are just starting to develop, they won't be behind the curve 30 years from now when they complain that privates are too strong.


    Just my rant, not trying to derail a pretty good post.

  17. No, I meant expensive. Those boats can't be cheap and rowing them in the Ohio River has to be hard on them.



    We go to watch the girls row sometimes, if getting up at 5 am is your thing of course. They don't get too close to the falls, usually staying between the island (Towhead I think) and the mainland. They store their boats is a ratty looking facility and the girls drive themselves to practice. The river is free. I can't see where this sport is costing too much to UofL.


    Assumption HS has a rowing team, and I hope Mercy and others add one as well. My kid is perfect for the one at the front of boat -- she has a little body and BIG lungs!! :p

  18. I assume KY will begin allowing out of

    state citizens access to the KY government entitlement programs.


    Are you saying publics school is an entitlement program? Like welfare?



    Why don't everyone just go to school where they live? If you don't like your school--just work harder to make it better (as the privates like to tell us about our athletic programs).


    We tried that. But I had a problem with the whole God being off limits thing, among other issues. :fire:


    As far as sports, they don't do enough to be inclusive, which is important since I have a daughter. How many have field hockey and girls lacrosse teams? I'll tell you, virtually none, especialy outside the city of Louisville. The field hockey STATE tourney consisted of teams ALL from Louisville. I question the judgements of a school system who won't even provide oppotunities for my daughter, unless she is a basketball player of course. ;) Start a lacrosse team, or a field hockey team. Get in on the ground floor of lacrosse, or just wait 40 years when you do have a program, then cry because it is dominated by the privates. KCD especially.

  19. Just so you know that those kids are going to be coming from public schools.



    FYI LBBC, I believe you are repeating an erroneous stereotype. More kids actually go from catholic parochial to public HS than the other way around, although the public side thinks we raid their coffers. :lol: This is for Louisville only of course. In the 2006-07 year, the stats showed about 49% of the 14,000 parochial kids went to public HS. Many go on to stellar athletic and academic careers. Male and Manual would practically cease to exist athletically without these kids. Our parish is a pipeline for those 2 schools.

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