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Posts posted by howwelookin

  1. Past decade? You are correct.

    The best ever to play in the region? I guess we will never know, seeing how he used Rose Hill as a stepping stone to further his fame, fortune and popularity. Does he ever mention Rose Hill? He never cared about Rose Hill only himself as do some that are currently playing. At least at Ashland our players hold the Tomcat tradition in high esteem and love to come back and support the best sports school in the state of Kentucky. No other school compares to us, just walk through the front lobby! I have to go and get ready for the game. It will be a dandy.

    Now, there's a great retort and some solid support that Mayo was overrated.

  2. Seems that young Knipp gets the majority of the love from the Elliott staff and some media outlets. Ferguson gets lost somewhat in the shuffle. Of course that is my opinion only and I may be totally off base. I'm sure some of the Elliott posters will say otherwise. Sounds like the honeymoon is over in Sandy Hook. Great time to have discord, perhaps things can iron out before the games really start to count.

  3. In the late 50"s and through the 60's and 70's players ran offensive sets but were allowed freedom in the process. I have watched Boys Basketball in this area for more than 50 years! During the last half of the 80's this area began to change in coaching styles and the game was slowed down to a coaches game. 35-40 years ago it was not unusal to see high scoring games in 90's and 100's. What has changed? Coaching has changed. When good players are not allowed to create in a set that becomes a jail cell. It would be like telling Harold Sargent (Ashland Tomcat Legend) not to shoot the ball because he is supposed to make this pass here that pass there. That is my point. These teams today have great players but not wise enough coaching to let their players play. Coach Jeff Hall was wise enough not to over coach when he was at Rose Hill with O.J. Mayo. You could make the statement that he had all the talent, well so did the Ashland 1961 team. For what it is worth, I am Ashalnd all the way and cant stand Rose Hill Athletics but I do think Jeff Hall was a great coach and O.J. a very good over rated player.

    Wow, your true colors and basketball IQ are no secret any longer. Mr. Mayo was the #1 player in his class. Not only that, you could wrap up each and every player you've had at Ashland for the past decade and what would pop out would still pale in comparison to Mayo. I have no idea how you have theorized that Mayo was a "very good over rated player". Again, I say WOW! Hope Ashland can come up with a properly rated player tonight to combat Mr. Selby. Good luck!

  4. Must say I am shocked by this one. Fairview must have a better team then expected. Rose Hill will need players other then Jackson and Euton to step up if their going to be considered some peoples favorite for the 16th (I still like Elliott).

    Hey ref, I don't know the guy's name, but the grey haired tall guy (resembles a bald eagle) who was on Joe Billman's crew tonight was brutal. Someone told me that Bobby Hall was supposed to be on this crew. Bobby, where in the world were you? Uncle Sam struggles, both ends.


    Was truly impressed with how good a player that Cameron Hall was. He's a player. Rose Hill missed 15 layups. Some were no-calls, some were not.

  5. Well this year Russell is actually playing with players that are actually supposed to be at Russell and not from transfer schools.


    And where were the others supposed to be? It's like kids are preordained to be in one spot and one spot only. Heaven forbid that a kid change schools because he has a better opportunity for himself. No rules were broken. I wonder where I'm supposed to be?! Are there any kids at the school you support that aren't supposed to be there?

  6. Obviously I dont have a dog in this fight,but dont understand this post...Can u explain?


    I am on the Greenup Co side, and much like the rest of us from Greenup, we see no problem in what the score was. Greenup was pressing and playing uptempo to get practice. They knew they could not win this game at this point in the season, so might as well work on what you need for next game.


    Our muskies will be more prepared and more ready next time.:thumb:


    I'd be glad to explain. I feel like even if Elliott goes and plays an undefeated #1 Mason Co. later in the season, regardless of outcome, they will have a "weak" schedule according to some of the basketball pseudogurus that love to interject in these type of threads. Perhaps Elliott should have forfeited against Greenup Co. and they could have avoided artificially inflating their confidence.:rolleyes:


    And I think that the Greenup posters have been nothing but respectful and congratulatory towards Elliott. That's not the problem. And I am glad that the tone this season is that your coach has a plan and he's playing it out on the floor so that your team can change it's direction and attitude and be better prepared for when the postseason occurs. Stark contrast when compared to last season's drama.

  7. I don't know whether you choose not to read other posts or just ignore the facts. Elliott will play 3-4 Top 25 teams this year. There schedule was not as strong last year and yet they made a good run at the State, advancing to the quarterfinals with a very young team. And again, if you had a clue as to how the Greenup game was played, you would know the score was decided by Greenup's choice to speed up the game.


    Sir, thou doest assume too much!

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