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Everything posted by thegooch

  1. If Israel does decide to strike Iran, we need to stay out of it all together.
  2. PM with your name if you want Jim...
  3. No, No you misunderstand. What I am saying it that people distort the word of God, as you call it, for profit all the time. Just look at a lot of the Health and Wealth Christian Self Help books. My believing has no affect on my observation...
  4. It's called organized religion...and it's a billion dollar a year industry.
  5. The Man without a face James Spader Maggie Gyllenhaal
  6. That's like saying "Do you want a living legend on your team?" If not for his talent then for his knowledge he could pass on.
  7. Now name some people...I like this game..
  8. I had to edit it, but they are up there
  9. Forever Young Jake Gyllenhaal Drew Barrymore
  10. I think what Ace is suggesting is that hell is not the fire and brimstone place that cartoons make it out to be.
  11. I am not so sure on this one...would waivers make a difference?
  12. Maybe the grounds people got tired of washing spit off of concrete and other places.
  13. I actually said that I would be for making anything after first trimester illegal. I said that because I felt that at some point a compromise would have to be made, and that compromise would be acceptable to me.
  14. They aren't different, thats the basis of my argument. The mother has a right to do to the same to the cells in her womb, as she would cells anywhere else in her body. Once those cells leave her body, then she no longer has a right to terminate their function.
  15. IMHO, both our opinions carry truth and value;because they are both based on our individual value system.
  16. I just do not believe that a group of cells inside a womb have the same value as a fully birthed human. I cant really explain why I believe this way, it just makes the most sense to me. As I am sure your opinion makes the most sense to you and your value system. I am proud of that, in reference to your last add on.
  17. I am for anything that will cause less damage to the environment than we are currently doing. IMO, it doesn't matter how cheaply we can run are cars if we cant breathe.
  18. Its not a contradiction. I have stated that I don't consider a fetus or embryo to be of the same worth or even to be put into the same class as a human who is outside the womb. Just because you don't like my opinion, does not mean I am arguing in circles. :thumb::bunny:
  19. I really don't see a problem with this....
  20. Am I and by extent my New Testament professor not correct in the fact; that the twelve disciples felt that you first had to become a Jew and follow to law to become a Christian. Was it not Paul who propagated the belief that you did not have to follow the law to become a Christian.
  21. Again I dont have a anything goes, anything is permissible viewpoint. Just because I believe in strong personal freedom,does not make me a anything goes guy.
  22. Texas isn't a woman. The murderer isn't attached by an umbilical cord to Woman Texas...so no they dont have that right IMO.
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