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Plant (FL) 22 Alonzo (FL) 12


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I post this here because thenamerobdigity and I attended the game last night. It was digity's first Hillsborough County, if not Florida high school game. The game was at Alonzo, which is about 15 minutes from my home.


I'm used to the way they do things down here, but a couple of observations by digity that he thought was little odd or different ...


1. The bands play while their team is on defense, constantly. Even while the ball is in play.


2. At the end of the first play after the clock has crossed the 6 minute mark of a quarter, play is halted for a mandatory water break.


3. Visiting fans are physically separated from the home fans right at the gate. When you come to the entrance of the stadium, you are asked if you are there to see the home or visiting team and you are directed to different gates, depending upon your answer. There is a chain link fence that starts at the entrance and proceeds to and around the visiting stands which is intended to prevent opposing fans from intermingling.


As for the game itself, Plant was clearly the better team, but stepped on it's own foot a couple of times in the second half and almost allowed Alonzo to make a run at them.

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I watched Deland and Sandalwood on ESPN2 last night. Completely different environment than the one you mention .


Good football.


I've found that predominantly black high school and college bands do what you mention in #1.

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Since recently moving to FL the water breaks during the quarters are killing me. I understand why they have them, it's FL it's hot, but it just kills the flow of the game. I took in Armwood/Hillsborough game last night...Hillsborugh is neat looking school. One of, if not the oldest school in the Tampa area.


The bands playing during game action was a little odd to me at first, but now that I've had a chance to get used to it, it's pretty neat.


Another observation that I've had.... there is bad football every where.

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Since recently moving to FL the water breaks during the quarters are killing me. I understand why they have them, it's FL it's hot, but it just kills the flow of the game. I took in Armwood/Hillsborough game last night...Hillsborugh is neat looking school. One of, if not the oldest school in the Tampa area.


The bands playing during game action was a little odd to me at first, but now that I've had a chance to get used to it, it's pretty neat.


Another observation that I've had.... there is bad football every where.


Too bad you couldn't go inside the school. In the lobby leading out to the court yard is a memorial dedicated to Lt. Baldomero Lopez, a Medel of Honor recipient (awarded posthumously) from the Korean War, and Hillsborough High alum. I helped the local KWVA chapter with creating the memorial case. The continuous video that plays in it was my contribution.

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