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James Graham

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  1. "Fully funded" FCS programs can give 63 scholarships and be "broken up" compared to FBS, which is a head count sport so its strictly 85 (or one per person). I say fully funded because these lower level programs like FCS, D2 and NAIA don't have to use the number allotted... they can choose to go with a lower number. Its really up to the school and budget. FYI... Patriot League has 60 full athletic scholarships for football now (that can be broken up). This started a few years ago given the cost to attend these schools. Which brings me to the Pioneer League... this is good football... no doubt. It is D1 and if a team is good enough they can qualify for the FCS playoffs. The Pioneer League came about because a lot of the schools in the 80's Dayton, Butler, etc. had d1 basketball programs but lower level football programs. The NCAA mandated that all their programs be in one level. I know there are outliers to this, hockey/lacrosse, etc.), but that is the reason the Pioneer League was founded. I can see a time coming where Pioneer League starts offering athletic money as the cost of attendance is VERY high at most of those schools.
  2. My only point in saying that he is underrecruited is that I would expect a lot of offers like TMU or Georgetown to come his way... but I guess those schools offer much later in the cycle now due to Portal and other factors. Recruiting has completely changed.
  3. Kaleb Cole is in the conversation for most underrecruited kid in NKY. He hits like a freight train because he's built like a freight train.
  4. Oh, I agree... I get the star deal not equaling the actual football player because of size... See: Moore, Rondale (three or four star receiver depending on publication) and entering year four in the NFL.
  5. Not sure on the stars, but if there is a better "all around" (offense/defense/special teams) football player in Kentucky then I would like to meet them.
  6. Transient is an excellent term. Give the teacher an entire year with a lower income student and watch how their state testing scores improve. Have the same student move to three different school districts in a year and the same state testing scores plummet.
  7. This is spot on. I think you have to really know the Boone County Public Schools situation to understand it. Its really hard for someone not familiar with the area to understand how the County school system covers the numbers you quote above all the way up to Triple Crown. It's literally night and day. Then add on top of all of it, the history and tradition of BCHS up until a decade or decade and a half ago. It gives you a different appreciation for this situation.
  8. Daggone Noah Johnson… have a night !! This kid needs to be starting if CCH is gonna win the 9th !!
  9. Good question. So what Boone requested during the last reclassification year was to be reclassed into a lower class instead of 5A. Say Boone was in NKY's 4A district. They beat Holmes 31-0, so there is one win. And, that score was similar to the scores that other NKY 4A teams (Harrison County, Mason County and Grant County) beat them by. So, again, no guarantees, but it seems like those games would have been competitive as opposed to getting stomped in 5A including two 5A schools in their own county.
  10. Are you serious with this ?? Really ?? Hey, sorry kid you are screwed because of where you live... deal with it. First, you act like some of these folks have a "choice." Second, this is America the land of opportunity and EQUAL ACCESS. This is not equal. BCPS created it and they need to fix it. Third, that's precisely what Kentucky law allows school districts to do. The Board has wide latitude (meaning a Court will not overturn) in determining boundaries. The Board does not have to send a kid to the school closest to them. Finally, I am not ignoring a thing. You apparently do not grasp the concept of a County School System that has more than one high school. The whole premise of that is to make the high schools as equal as possible because all citizens of the County are paying into the school system. Now... how will Boone County get a coach nearly as good as Bryson ???
  11. So now that it has been clearly established that BCHS is an outlier in a County system where all taxpayers pay the same rate... who takes this job and why ?? Owen Hauck ain't walking through that door.
  12. Let me make this as simple as possible. BCPS is a county system. It is not an independent school district nor a private school district. It has four high schools funded by property owners all at the same tax rate. It is up to the school district, therefore, to ensure all of its residents have the same access to a free and public education that produces similar outcomes. No one is "labeling" kids, but for the past 15 years, Boone County has not produced similar outcomes to the other high schools. So, we can wait for "Joe Clark" from Lean on Me to walk into Boone County, or you can change the system to even the playing field. Sure, Bryson mentioned family in his resignation, and while that is true, talk to him and find out how the deck was stacked.
  13. Completely misses the point. Boone County Public Schools are not "statewide" and quite frankly what does it matter. Boone County High School parents pay the same tax rates every other Boone County parent does, so why the disparity? You will never get the exact same percentage, but twice as much ?? These are all FACTS. No conjecture.
  14. There are no great alternatives. Open Enrollment would hurt both Boone and Conner. So, I think you have one or two options that again aren't great. First, re-district and it will be painful. But, I have no idea how you can get away with one of your four high schools having twice the free and reduced lunch as others in a county wide system. Second, close Boone, build a new high school out in the County and spread the Boone County High School population amongst Conner, Cooper, Ryle and New HS. Admittedly, this is the fantasy option as BCPS has pumped millions into BCHS the past three years.
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