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Posts posted by kypride

  1. I have heard him for years use the term 'we' didn't or 'we' did, ... but I don't hear him blaming individual players in public for losses. I do hear him go to bat for the kids and I have talked to several players, ... before they started winning that absolutely LOVE the man. I know for a fact that he refused to pull a scholarship offer from a kid who had verballed to him then blew his knee in high school only to have Brooks tell him 'when other bigtime schools came knocking, you honored your commitment to us and we are going to honor our commitment to you'.


    As far as hiring and defending 2 bad coordinators, ... it wasn't like they were wandering the streets panhandling because noone else would hire them. LSU hired Archer as their HC and NC State hired him away from UK. The Steelers hired him as their LB's coach and seemed to like him pretty well! He gave them every opportunity to succeed and they did not, so they were replaced. The defense was getting better under Archer by the end of last season with a lot of very young players, but the move to Brown has seemed to get the defense to continue their progress. As far as Hudson, ... he is Brooks' friend and Brooks went to bat for him, ... nearly lost his job because of it, ... and Hudson fell on the sword as many friends have been known to do. I do think he kept Hudson too long, but he did promote Joker and that has worked out pretty well so far (40 pts in 4 straight games for the first time in school history).


    Brooks is a class act who has the respect of the players and did it the right way. I suppose you would rather have Mumme who couldn't win without breaking the rules?


    Here are the reasons I think most want him to stay.


    1. Class act

    2. Turned a horrible situation into a good one

    3. Stood tall and took the slings and arrows from UK fans (and others) and deserves to realize some of the fruits of his labors

    4. Recruiting is better with his staff and NO VIOLATIONS!!!

    5. Players love and respect him



    And no, ... I am not a johnny come lately. I have defended Brooks from the get go and as someone who has been a devoted UK fan since I was a child, .. it is good to see someone come along and do it the RIGHT way!


    Hey, mountain thunder, I don't care. My opinion, I wish him gone. Period. Nothing you said changes my mind. MR.EXCUSES. Had to be told by the Pesident and A.D. to stop saying PROBATION! And that is only 1 example. I heard him throw players under the bus. Just because you didn't doesn't mean it didn't happen. Still hired and defended 2 of the worst co-ordinators in U.K. history. Your excuses for them are as bad as Brooks' excuses for them. You aren't changing my mind. Please retire Rich.

  2. Its quite obvious you don't give a crap about the Dunbar program on whether they win or lose, you just care about seeing the old days of Chip Franklin throwing the ball on every down. I'm sure you would be pumped if Dunbar was 0-4 right now but was in shotgun throwing every down. If you think Dunbar should go shotgun and throw the ball every play you need to call your old buddie Jim Franklin and he will fix your ideas.


    And by the way Dunbar lost to Corbin and Scott County because they are the two best teams they have played so far. Tates Creek and Bryan Station would get whacked by Corbin.


    But go ahead and say it again "Clean House at Dunbar what do those stupid rednecks know about football" :rolleyes:


    I personally love it when people show such disdain for the forward pass and then wonder why they aren't winning championships.:laugh:

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